Firefox (already fixed) and Chrome allow Alt-Svc header to scan intranet ports

UPDATE : in the current Firefox 68, the vulnerability has already been fixed (thanks to Dukat ).

Trishita Tiwari and Ari Trachtenberg of Boston University published a paper showing a new attack method for scanning ports on hosts on a user's internal network or on a local host ( CVE-2019-11728 ). The attack is carried out using the Alt-Svc HTTP header, introduced in RFC-7838 HTTP Alternate Services (approved in 2016).

The Alt-Svc HTTP header allows you to redirect a request to a new host and port. This is used to balance the load. For example:

Alt-Svc: http/1.1="";ma=200;persist=1

instructs the browser to connect to the host on port 443 to receive the requested page using HTTP / 1.1. The "ma" parameter sets the maximum duration of the redirection. In addition to HTTP / 1.1, the HTTP / 2-over-TLS (h2), HTTP / 2-over plain text (h2c), SPDY (spdy) and QUIC (quic) protocols using UDP are supported.

typical use of alt-svc

The attacking host can sequentially sort through the internal network addresses and network ports, using the delay between repeated requests as a sign: if the redirected resource is unavailable, the browser instantly receives an RST packet in response and immediately marks the alternative service unavailable and resets the redirection lifetime specified in the request. If the network port is open, then it takes more time to complete the connection (an attempt will be made to establish a connection with the appropriate packet exchange) and the browser will not respond instantly.

This also allows you to bypass restrictions on connections to ports that browsers consider unsafe for connections ( Firefox , Chrome ), for example, ports on mail and DNS services.

Possible attack methods other than port scanning:

Alt-Svc DDOS Boost Attack

At-svc user tracking

Alt-Svc ISP ISP Level User Tracking

For Firefox, Alt-Svc processing can be disabled as follows: about: config -> network.http.altsvc.enabled: false (thanks for the tip to Anonymous with opennet).


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