The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 311 developer (on August 12 - 18)
In the new digest, we discuss the preparation of applications for iOS 13 and Android Q, the operation of the QUIC protocol, the lack of innovative applications on Google Play and in general its operation, the application store from Huawei and much more. Join now!
Since the release of iOS 13, countless reviews have been released that have already talked about new system features for users. Today we will not dwell on this in detail, but we’ll talk about what changes iOS 13 for an application developer.
It's not about a small infrastructure based in a conditional garage, but about Uber, which works almost all over the world. How did the company's engineers come to the decision to use QUIC in production, how they tested and what they saw after rolling into the production - under the cut.
This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . A daily news we send to Telegram channel . iOS•
(+35) Functional Swift•
(+26) iOS 13 under a magnifying glass•
(+15) Protecting iPhone backups•
(+8) Strength of generics in Swift. Part 2•
“Stories” appeared in the web version of the App Store•
App Report Status: Apple report release notifications•
Secrets of the MediaPlayer framework for iOS•
Making a stopwatch on SwiftUI•
9 Ways to Speed Up Your Swift Code•
How to make an onboarding screen on SwiftUI•
Working with Xcode configuration files•
Real Unit Testing in Swift•
Graphing with Shape API in SwiftUI Android•
(+136) Why there are few innovative applications on Google Play or why sometimes programming is magic•
(+20) Zen of isolated components in Android architecture•
(+20) Fantastic plugins, vol. 1. Theory•
(+12) Preparing the application for Android Q. Part 1•
(+10) # 18 Mosdroid Argon - report•
(+4) How easy it is to connect and start printing via a portable Bluetooth EPS / POS printer in the Xamarin Android application•
All new applications on Google Play will be considered 3 days•
How do I set a subscription price in a new country on Google Play?•
Sources of the Google I / O application 2019•
Huawei AppGallery app store: why do you need to deal with it now?•
Indexing apps on Google Play: meaning, not words?•
Gesture navigation in Android: appearance history•
Coil: Kotlin-library for downloading images on Android•
Android: full-screen UI with transparent status bar•
Android RecyclerView with beautiful animations•
Multi-platform library with Kotlin•
We work with Room: pre-filling the base with one method•
Android motion experiments•
Augmented reality in Android apps with ARCore•
10 tips for Android library developers•
Using Navigation Component in a modular world•
Midnight on Android Themes•
All my books in AR•
Java vs. Kotlin: Part 1 - Performance•
Video Droidcon Vietnam 2019•
Google I / O 2019 source code Development•
(+52) Reflection of a game designer: characters for a game that did not come out•
(+22) The second layer of development (mobile game), what, when and why•
(+17) Features of testing mobile MMO•
(+14) Seven books for those who want to become a game designer•
(+12) (Not very) hidden costs of the common code base of iOS and Android•
(+10) How to make applications for phones with disabilities•
(+10) Overview of cloud services for developing the backend of mobile applications•
(+10) Loyalty to your taste•
(+8) The mother’s son is jealous of her: how to win the Alice Award twice•
(+8) Smart music radio that does not require a permanent Internet connection +
Algorithm for selecting and rotating tracks•
(+4) Connect a mobile device to the database without writing server code•
AppsCast # 12: Mobile Developer Development Card•
Podlodka # 123: Education•
Visual sugar•
Huawei creates its cards•
Kids games on the App Store and Google Play: September is coming!•
Scary Beast Team Lead•
Shut up, impostor syndrome, I program very well•
What is wrong with context menus in iOS 13?•
Paged Out! - experimental magazine for developers: one page = one article•
Monads as a programming pattern•
5 bad habits of absolutely ineffective programmers•
8 rules for beautiful card design•
8 Tips for Creating Dark Themes•
UI whale release automation•
Configuring Firebase for Continuous Integration Assemblies•
How you can become 1,000,000,000 times better engineer•
How Money Transfer Works - UX Research•
How applications are created to manipulate you•
SOLID Template in Unity•
The maximum result from the minimum product•
GitHub will not pay your rent•
50 most influential programming languages in the last 50 years and their creators•
useAnimations: microanimation library Analytics, marketing and monetization•
AppMetrica estimates revenue in advertising analytics•
ShareChat: Indian chat for $ 100 million.•
myTarget mobile advertising in the first half of 2019: report•
Brolly: things insurance•
The worst mistake in game analytics•
How to build a smart gaming economy•
Dr. Mario World on Google Play: 30 Day Growth Analysis AI, Devices, IoT•
(+60) Natural Language Processing of online checks: a course of magic lessons for an ordinary cat and other problems•
(+53) Forest does not surrender to search technologies, but engineers strike back•
(+21) MQTT protocol: conceptual immersion•
(+16) This dangerous IoT: threats to business and ways to solve the problem•
(+15) Hostage photos. The first hacking of digital cameras via WiFi (PTP / IP protocol)•
(+11) ShIoTiny: nodes, links and events or features of drawing programs•
Google Assistant again won the IQ test of voice assistants•
Spark AR open to all•
Snap releases Spectacles 3•
Skyeng will release its tablet•
Exploring the React 360 VR Library←
Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the
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