Chaos Constructions 2019 is Coming ...

Chaos Constructions 2019

On August 24-25, traditionally during the last weekend of summer, the computer festival Chaos Constructions 2019 will be held in St. Petersburg. At the conference, within the framework of the festival, more than 60 reports will be presented to your attention. Initially, the festival was dedicated to the demoscene, and those computers that are now retro were the most modern. It all started in 1995 with the ENLiGHT festival, which was organized by Peter Sobolev (frog). In those years, there was really no system administration or the Internet, the first programmers created code that displayed sounds and animations. Pioneers gathered once a year under one roof to show their work and share the code, which is now available for viewing and studying on , where you can see the work for all these years. From the demopati ENLiGHT grew computer festival Chaos Constructions. In 1999, the event was held for the first time under a new name, gradually an exhibition from the collections of enthusiasts appeared at the festival. Now this exhibition is known as the RTS association, you can attend it in different cities of Russia and at major festivals and small events.

Chaos Constructions is part of the global demo scene - , most of the events are held in Europe, in Russia similar gatherings of like-minded people are closed one by one due to the lack of commercial background. Unfortunately, this summer the last DiHalt party in Nizhny Novgorod took place. In Kazan, a group of enthusiasts decided to revive the demo party Cafe , which has not been held for more than a dozen years.

Now for the festival you can apply for contests for programming graphics, music and animation for different platforms: , see the works at the festival, vote for the best and participate in the award ceremony. Do not forget to take part in the Yandex hackathon, where you need to come up with game skills for Alice’s voice assistant - you can participate both as a team and individually. The organizers will choose the 7 best from the proposed skills and invite their authors to the hackathon. Applications are accepted until noon on August 22. To take part in the hackathon, you need to develop a game skill for Alice in advance and apply . You can write a quiz, quest, simulator, game for children and not only card, intellectual, multiplayer or any other game. It must be published in Alice’s Skills Catalog or, if the skill is private, send a link to his page in the developer 's personal account .

This year, children from the Open Laboratory for Ideas of Methods and Practices ( OLIMP ) will join the exhibition area of ​​our festival. Enthusiasts in the fields from instrument making, programming and optics to design and pedagogy will demonstrate their developments. An exhibition of retrocomputers, as well as a retro television studio from the nineties, will immerse you in technological innovations from the 90s. And most importantly - listen to the reports - the conference program is rich, a complete list with the schedule can be found on the website: .


HackZone is a traditional cozy corner for security reports, software and hardware. Alexander Chemeris, a wireless specialist, will talk about transmitting radio signals without using antennas using software-defined radio technologies. The highlight will be the conversation about the history of hacking in the post-Soviet space with the participation of magazine. Here are the topics that the speakers plan to address:

LockPick from the Moscow community DC7495 : We train mechanical thinking, having fun breaking locks. You will find an introduction to the basic principles and, of course, an entertaining practice! All quests are prepared by professionals.


Organizers of the GameDev zone at the Chaos Constructions festival: “ Indicator ” is a non-profit training and support program for Indie developers. HSE - Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

GameDev-zone - two days of lectures from industry professionals, a round table "Uneducated game dev" - about education in the gaming industry with teachers and students. Novelties in game mechanics and technologies, showing games from indie developers. Competition of gaming skills "Yandex.Alice" ( ). Reports are prepared for you:

We ️ Metrics

The big monitoring meeting, from the creators of the Big Monitoring Meetup ( ) with the participation of the Metrics Church ( will be held on Saturday of the festival.


St. Petersburg IT communities represent the basis of the conference. Let's talk about a lot: infrastructure, code analysis, security, data. The reports were prepared for you: the oldest IT community in St. Petersburg - SPbLUG , the community, SPb Reliability Meetup , Atlassian User Group SPb and others.

You can find the majority of speakers, chat and ask questions in the chat:


The technical reports will be diluted by the developers themselves, as well as motivational speakers and professional psychologists who increase empathy and motivation. You can play the game "Empathium", and here are the reports:

Blockchain meetup

Blockchain Meetup will please unusual participants. You will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the evangelist of TON Labs, learn how to use bitcoins in gubernatorial elections, get acquainted with the NEO blockchain platform, take a master class where you will be told how to use smart contacts. With the participation and support of the SPb BlockChain Community.

Master classes of the NEO platform will be held on August 24 and 25, from 12 to 14 hours, we will be glad to see you!
The list of topics:

Embedded & DIY & IoT

No technology can do without a soldering iron and programming controllers; meet a big meeting of developers of embedded systems, DIY and ancient technology lovers:

Network and System Administration

The community of network engineers and administrators linkmeup and ru_sysadmins , with the support of channels # Zatelekom and Escher II, will talk about pressing problems and solutions:

On behalf of the community, we are grateful to our partners and sponsors: the NEO blockchain platform, airborne hosting, partners from the Indicator non-profit association, OLIMP non-profit association, RetroTech Squad non-profit association, Yandex Museum for the exhibition and competition with the participation of the electronic Alice’s assistants, the Laser Center for excellent figurine awards, TS Solution and Linxdatacenter for prompt assistance and support. A complete list of our partners, co-organizers, communities, their sites and chats is on the page

Program schedule and free tickets at . You can support the festival by likes and reposts on our social networks and by subscribing to the YouTube channel, buying tickets with stickers.


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