Radio Viber - all radio stations in the messenger online

I will say right away - to complete the effect you need to use the mobile version.

The idea of ​​collecting media streams right in the messenger came right after long attempts to search for music that ended successfully, but not the first time. The link will be at the very end of the article


Why viber?

I agree with many that Telegram is better for building bots, and for me personally he was and will remain the standard in this regard.

But in connection with controversial events, telegrams remained as a means for reading channels and the method of correspondence is not very operational, I am sure that this is temporary.

Therefore, for Radio, the Viber messenger was chosen as the fastest (while telegrams are on break).

Problem number 2: the existing viberbot and aioviber libraries obviously do not use all possible methods and - therefore, Django2.2 and pure RestAPI viber were chosen for the radio bot.

It turned out to be a good player right inside the Viber application - as long as we have 24 radio stations, the list will change.

Very convenient, especially where there is no or weak FM broadcast.

Bluetouth, car, etc.

And this is how Viber-Radio looks on Android:


To run on a mobile phone, click on this link .

Or scan the QR CODE:


Have a good radio reception. No interference!


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