Where to start learning Python: books for beginners


Friends, bookmark a selection of 17 Python books.

A selection will help you learn a programming language from scratch or with minimal knowledge.
Ready to start learning Python?

Then let's start!

Getting Started with Learning Python

If you do not switch to Python from another programming language, but start from scratch, first understand the basic concepts of development. To read technical literature in English, pull up the language level. Books will help with this:

"Computer Programming for Beginners: Fundamentals of Programming Terms and Concepts", Nathan Clark

Beginners can easily drown in professional terms. This book will help you understand the terminology: what are functions, functional and object-oriented programming, how to structure and deploy a program, how to store, manage and share data.

English for Information Technology, Pearson Longman

Even if you are fluent in English, professional terminology can lead to a dead end - spend time googling. This tutorial with an audiobook and interactive dictionaries will help to increase the level of grammar and replenish the vocabulary with technical terms.

Basic English for Computing, Oxford

A training course that will help improve grammar skills, replenish vocabulary with technical terms. The chip of the book - it contains texts and diagrams for a better understanding of the material, a dictionary of modern computational terms, abbreviations and symbols.

Get to know python

Start to learn a programming language with a theoretical foundation - understand the terms and principles of the language. To do this, study the books:

“Hello World. Fun Programming ”, Carter Sand, Warren Sand

A simple book for introduction to Python - the author explains the basic terms, features of the language in an accessible language. The publication is mainly theoretical, from practice - guidelines for creating several elementary programs.

“Programming Python,” Michael Dawson

An experienced developer and teacher talks about the basic principles of development using examples of creating simple games. After each chapter, the author offers a draft of the game, a summary of the material covered and the tasks for fixing. After reading, you will learn basic Python development skills and learn how to put them into practice.

Let's move on to practice

When you understand the theoretical foundations, go to books with practice - real code examples, tasks, guides for developing the first simple projects:

Learning Python by Marz Lutz

The author describes the main types of objects in Python, the order of their creation and further work with them, talks about the main procedural element of the language - functions. After each chapter he gives control questions for fixing the material, and after each part - practical exercises.

"Python Programming," Mark Lutz

A guide to using Python in various areas - system administration, creating web applications and graphical interfaces. The author tells how to work with databases, program network interactions, create interfaces for scripts and other tasks.

"Python - to the heights of excellence", Luciano Ramallo

The book of the developer Luciano Ramallo for those who have already learned to write in Python, but still do not use all its features. The author talks about the basic tools and libraries of the language and gives illustrative examples of how to make the code shorter, more understandable, and faster.

Python Programming: A Step By Step Guide For Beginners, Brian Jenkins

A step-by-step guide for beginners who want to learn a programming language from scratch. The author explains the basic syntax, teaches you how to work with data types and variables, classes and objects, handle files and exceptions.

“Python Programming: The Basic, Blackhat, Intermediary and Advanced Guide to Python Programming,” Richard Ozer

This book is a complete four-part Python tutorial. Beginners should study the first part of the book. The author simply and clearly talks about the working mechanisms of Python, how to understand the basics of the language and write your first program.

“Python Programming Illustrated For Beginners & Intermediates:“ Learn By Doing ”Approach-Step By Step Ultimate Guide To Mastering Python: The Future Is Here!”, William Sullivan

A step-by-step guide to help you learn the Python language and put it into practice. The author tells how to run the first program, describes variables, data types, identifiers and shares other useful information.

"Python in practice," Mark Summerfield

A book for beginners who have already mastered the Python language and want to program better. The author tells how to use programming patterns to improve the code, parallelize and compile programs, explains the principles of high-level network programming and graphics.

Continuing Learning: Python Books by Directions

Python can be used to solve many problems - working with sites, web applications, machine learning. Decide in which direction you want to develop, and start with specialized literature:

“GIS Applications - Developing Geo-Applications in Python,” Eric Vestra

The author explains in detail how to write geo-applications. You will learn how to access and visualize geodata, read and write data in vector and raster format, store and access, perform geospatial calculations in Python.

“Website Scraping - Website Scraping Using Python,” Ryan Mitchell

A guide on how to apply Python scripts and web APIs to collect and process data from thousands of sites. It will be interesting for programmers and web administrators who want to study the work of web scrapers, master the analysis of raw data and interface testing.

“Introduction to machine learning with Python. A Guide for Data Professionals ”, Andreas Muller, Sarah Guido

Book for beginners. Authors understandably tell how to build machine learning systems, explain in detail the stages of work using Python and scikit-learn, NumPy and matplotlib libraries.

"Django. A Detailed Guide ”, Adrian Golovaty, Jacob Kaplan-Moss

A book about Django, a framework for developing web applications in Python. The authors talk about the components of the framework and methods of working with it, provide examples of application in different projects.

"Developing Web Applications Using Flask in Python," Miguel Greenberg

The author teaches you to work with the popular Flask framework, provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a social blogging application. Learn the capabilities of the framework, learn how to expand applications with additional technologies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/464597/

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