Last stage alcoholism

Comment of the moderator. This article was in the Sandbox and was declined for pre-moderation. But today an important and difficult question was raised in the article . And this post reveals the signs of the collapse of the personality and can be useful to those who, as the author of the article mentioned, a meter from the waterfall. Therefore, it was decided to release it.
Hello dear readers!

I am writing to you in a state of deep binge (more than 3 months), from which I can not get out. Doses - about 1 - 1.5 liters per day. strong alcohol and one or two bottles of dry wine. He lay in a psychiatric clinic about a month ago - he did not suffer the breakup of his family, he broke down. Did the so-called "Coding" by injection. After entering the medicine, alcohol cannot be sniffed - it is not processed. Distinctive feature, sorry - the smell of urine. Sharp as vinegar. Disgusting.

That's why I write - I ask for no help and no condolences. I want to tell you what a changed consciousness is. I read a couple of articles on this topic, including and on Habré, in my opinion, somewhere was, but it, probably, is individual.

So, on points:

  1. The loss of self. You become some kind of a universal person, a member of society, with philosophical ideas, but you can’t hit a finger on a finger to really do anything.
  2. Pathological craving for comfort. You need to be warm all the time, you look very much so that you don't even get a little dirty your body, if possible your clothes.
  3. Loss of some senses of perception and aggravation of others. In my example, the sense of smell abruptly (almost absolutely) disappears, vision deteriorates greatly, but hearing is very dramatically improved - but I have not heard very well before. Now in this altered state you hear, and clearly, in words, talking on the playground in the yard 200 meters from the house.
  4. The trick is, as I know, the problem of all alcoholics. But at this stage it reaches such an extent that ... somehow, to explain ... a person who does not know you (without feeling a terrible smell from you) cannot distinguish you from a sober one. Feeling the slightest danger, you immediately turn into a very cunning type. Your tongue is not tangled, your gait is even, you can maintain a reasonable conversation on banal topics. But! An interesting point is any stupid, but non-standard question leads you into a long stupor. It is immediately noticeable that something is wrong with you ...
  5. The main condition - "drank - lay down." At the same time, you hope that no one will call you uncomfortable. But there are also moments of hyperactivity - you can imagine playing soccer in the yard, running or boxing.
  6. You make typical template actions without any problems, but any simple non-standard task puts you in a dead end, before which you weakly retreat.
  7. Very frequent, almost every couple of hours - terrible tachycardia.
  8. There is no gag reflex. Cognac you can drink kefir, eat a couple of cucumbers - nothing ...
  9. It’s impossible to drink strong alcohol without drinking any wine, even with dry wine.
  10. Insomnia. The concept of "dream" in its usual sense does not exist. There are some blackouts for an hour and a half (this is still not bad), usually for 30-40 minutes. What by day, what by night. If you managed to take a nap for four hours - how was born again. For two minutes. Since the first thing I did was drink it right away. There is no willpower to break this chain.

Why am I writing? Maybe, after all, medicine will come in handy. Although, as far as I know, the third stage associated with the collapse of the personality is irreversible.

If the topic is interesting, I will write more.


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