Psychoanalysis of the effect of an underrated specialist. Part 2. How and why to resist

The beginning of the article with a description of the possible reasons for the undervaluation of specialists can be read by clicking on the "link" .

III Confronting underestimated causes.

The virus of the past cannot be cured - until it takes its own, it will not leave.
But he can and must be resisted - to prevent complications.
Elchin Safarli. (Recipes for happiness)

Having revealed the signs and nature of the problems leading to the underestimation of the specialist in the places of his professional habitation, let us select recipes that counteract the complications that are very detrimental to a career, and indeed to the sensations of one's place under the sun.

But, for starters, it is necessary to recognize that: "I have problems and the signs listed in the previous chapter have a place to be in my professional career." Of course, you can use the proven technique and tell yourself that this is not with me, but with the guy next door, and I just want to help him. It will do the same.

Since the format of the article is limited, the problems under consideration are inherently very deep, and the diagnoses of the manifestation of symptoms are varied, let’s take as an example a solution for only a few representative cases. And in the comments, caring users may supplement the topic with their cases in the form: problem / solution.

1. Develop rhetoric

I succeeded because I verbally and in writing addressed to every German,
convincing him of the correctness of his actions.
Ludwig Erhard

An important tool for promoting a specialist is the transmission of qualitative information about his strengths to others and the justification of weaknesses. Not every specialist has his own speechwriter or press service capable of performing these functions. Therefore, it is very important for a person striving to build a career, at least, to be able to act as an interesting interlocutor himself, attracting attention and inspiring confidence. That in turn will allow you to convey the necessary information about yourself and your affairs in the most positive way.

To begin with, if you are a timid dozen, the ability to rhetoric can be developed by writing texts, articles, reports, etc. But there is one important detail - someone who is not biased must necessarily review your efforts. It is very good if this censor is not in the subject. Then with his nit-picking, he will be able to make you express your thoughts clearly, structured and in a form that will allow him not to fall asleep from boredom, already in the second paragraph. It is then that you will think about how others write - successful ones. It is then that you will begin to replenish your vocabulary with new words, picking up new turns in the synonyms directory and adding lightness and ease to the dry text.

And then, public speaking at venues of different levels and scales. With a mandatory analysis, what was worse than the others - successful. It is then that you will begin to notice in the speeches of others not only the essence, but the methods of conveying thoughts, methods of psychological influence on the audience, etc. Any conversation should become a testing ground for testing your knowledge and skills in the field of rhetoric.

Most people, especially the technical mentality, find it difficult to read a book about oratory and immediately turn into a skilled master of verbal battles. Only in practice comes understanding how this works, provided of course that you are trying to figure it out.

2. Develop skills to evaluate yourself objectively in different conditions

The main difference between literature and life is that in books the percentage of original people is very high, and the trivial ones are low; in life, on the contrary.
Aldous Huxley

In terms of determining the problems of self-esteem, in the first part of the article we established the importance of the indicator “Level of claims”. The level that a person seeks to achieve in various areas of life (career, status, welfare, etc.). And also discussed the formula for its definition:
Claim Level = Success Rate - Failure Rate

But then the question again arises: how to calculate the “magnitude of success” and “magnitude of failure”? After all, this is only the perception of events and phenomena by a specific person, well, or by a group of “communicating” people. Such an assessment of one’s own claims is most often more objective against the background of comparisons with the achievements and failures of others. And from this it follows that your “Success Value” is directly related to the capabilities of those around you who work in the field of assessment. Against the background of these comparisons, the actual framework of your assessment scale is actually being revealed. In other words, you need to measure your Success and Failures , in the same way that other team members or an even wider community of like-minded people evaluate similar results.

Therefore, it turns out that the most promising team for your growth and advancement will be a team in which the average scale for assessing the capabilities of your colleagues will match yours. Otherwise, there will be a dissonance. In a weak team, you will relax without motivation for further development. In addition, if you are a responsible person, you will spend time pulling the team to a higher level. But too strong, you will not keep pace with the general growth of the capabilities of colleagues, which, however, is true for the case when the potential of all members of the team is approximately the same.

3. Strive to keep abreast of new promising areas of a professional nature

Development and education cannot be given or communicated to any person.
Anyone who wants to join them must achieve this by his own activity, by his own forces, by his own tension.
Adolf Disterweg

In order to gain an advantage in career and professional growth over colleagues in the workshop, you must always be in the trend and monitor new trends that can become “our all” tomorrow. The easiest way to stay in the stream of innovations is to constantly monitor periodicals, professional blogs, etc.

It is very good when the team has technical leaders who can share with the team innovations already sifted through the sieve of their competence and intuition. This greatly increases the effectiveness of self-learning and allows you to concentrate on the most important thing, without spraying on all kinds of husks. Therefore, teamwork with leaders - professional guides, is always preferable for your prospects.

Recently, our team participated in a software redesign project for a medical clinic. We were surprised to stumble upon a development that looked like a student's term paper, ... years ago. It turned out that this creation was created by a lone programmer, boiling in his own world. He constantly changed something, fixed constantly occurring errors, but at the same time, for all that, the application essentially did not change. All attempts to collaborate with him came across stiff obstruction. Explain to him that technology has long gone ahead and forcing people to use morally and functionally outdated software is simply not ethical, we could not. They did not begin to injure the human psyche and deduce it from the Matrix.

4. Level your weaknesses and promote strengths

It is the weak who must be able to become strong and leave when the strong is too weak to be able to hurt the weak.
Milan Kundera

To learn about your weaknesses is not at all difficult, for this you just need to hear what they say about you in the team. In the word “hear”, in this context, I mean the concepts of perceiving, recognizing, winding, etc.

Admitting your flaws is always hard. In the course of my professional activity, I have repeatedly come across talented people who, in conversations, do not formally accept their mistakes and weaknesses, but later, having bribed their big “I”, they still quietly, without advertising, change their minds. It will do the same.

To solve most of the problems that you can learn about by listening to the opinions of others, you can use numerous blogs and trainings published in large numbers on the Internet. The main thing is not to let problems drift.

The reverse side of this issue is related to your strengths. To emphasize them, you need to maximize your efforts in the area in which you have a chance to realize yourself in the best way. Do not bother at the door of specialization, which is given to you worse than the alternative. The production process of software products ( I wrote about it here ) is very wide and you can always find a worthy place for yourself in accordance with your abilities and mentality.

For example, after working successfully for 18 years as a programmer, I moved without regret to the field of systems analysis and project management. In my opinion, this field is more and more fundamental, durable and stable. On this path I feel more comfortable.

5. Beware of the mistakes of self-identification in an ecosystem that you do not understand.

Responsibilities are a tangible, concrete thing, and opportunities ... in essence, these are chimeras - fragile, meaningless, and sometimes dangerous. By becoming older and wiser, you become aware of it and refuse them. That's better. And calmer.
Nicholas Evans.

The theme of this chapter intersects closely with the chapter “2. Develop skills to evaluate yourself objectively in different conditions ”, in which we examined how you can evaluate your claim to a place in a team of associates. In other words, the definition of our position on the scale of the capabilities of the team, in comparison with other team members. And they found out that it is good when our assessment of this situation is possible with a small error, but nevertheless coincides with the majority opinion. Otherwise, you are working in the wrong team.

But there is another grading scale. Management evaluation of your position in the team. It may not coincide with the assessment described above, since it contains additional parameters that are important specifically for the management, which solves its tasks in the team’s common business.

The fundamental difference between these two assessments is that the performers evaluate the position of a specialist in Opportunities (knowledge, skills, sociability, etc.), and the manager of Created Value (results of tasks, in relation to: quality, productivity, usefulness in interaction, influence to other team members, etc.). Feel the difference?

Thus, errors in assessing one's position on the scale of “opportunities” can be supplemented by errors in determining the position on the scale of “created values”.

Obtaining an assessment on a scale of the second type for an employee is much more difficult due to the fact that he often has little information about how he measures the value created by him. Accordingly, to the question: “Why am I paid less than that guy?” The easiest way is to get an answer by learning more information about the “created values” scale.

How to do it? In each case, in different ways. The easiest option is to find out from the manager (if he was motivated to talk about it). The option is a little more difficult - to become the manager himself and scout everything from the inside.

6. Perform your duties always with maximum interest, regardless of motivation

Whoever doesn’t do what they say to him will never break through.
and one who does no more than what he is told.
Andrew Carnegie.

If you are performing a task, always do it as efficiently as possible, or don’t get down to business at all!

There is such a thing as exceeding expectations in business. In short, this is a technique when a client receives a service or product that not only fully meets the declared characteristics, but also with additional options that were not declared in the original offer. In this case, the cost does not change. This approach causes an emotional imbalance that generates a whole chain of positive reactions that bring additional bonuses to the seller. In the form of a loyal customer, positive recommendations, leading new customers, purchasing additional accessories, etc. Together, this causes a certain resonance, which already without your participation works for your profit for a long time.

This concept of resonance holds true for the social engineering of an enterprise. The employee’s work results, which each time slightly exceed the management’s expectations, involuntarily push this manual into an emotional hook. But this is just a hook bait. And if you do not undercut specific requests for preferences, then these excess expectations can become the norm and cease to be excesses. Here you should understand the fine line. After all, we said that the “Exceeding Expectations” effect occurs without changing the cost of the product / service, due to additional bonuses that allow you to lead among other competitors (in our case, team members).

If cynicism is rejected, then we can advise you to always take any task as your personal challenge and make it as efficient and effective as possible, regardless of the expected reward. Typically, this approach causes the above resonance, affecting career growth.

In my practice, there was a case when a concerned developer who accepted the life of the company as “his own”, eventually received an offer to become its co-owner.

7. When making a decision, behave naturally, not trying to please someone

Better to make a decisive mistake than to be indecisively right.
Tallulah Bankhead

We discussed in the first part of the article such a shortcoming as indecision and decided that he is the enemy of career growth.

In this publication, we consider only one of the common causes of indecision, such as the desire to please the curator. Against the background of this puppy desire, doubts arise as to what will conquer the cartridge more: this or that. And instead of just starting to search for the optimal solution in this situation, there is an internal struggle for the selection of a path that is able to find oneself. As a result, there is some falsehood, cynicism and other unpleasant shades. From the outside, this fawning is certainly visible, and it often looks pathetic.

When making decisions, do not focus on how this decision will look from the outside. Do not leave food for cockroaches in your head, getting rid of them later will be very problematic. This is your decision, it cannot be bad (in the worst case - wrong). Discuss it with others, prove your case, first of all to yourself. But it is very important to hear others and admit your mistakes.

The result-oriented manager is more comfortable working with confident people. They are more difficult to manage, but it is much easier to make decisions in conditions with more certainty.

I have the slogan registered in my Skype account: "Success is achieved not necessarily by the one who makes the right decisions, but by the one who makes his decisions right."

8. Beware of the illusions of success.

The main rule of reality is not to get confused in your illusions.
x / f Start (Inception)

Somehow I had to work with a team that, in retrospect, is an Agile methodology tool designed to analyze the results of the completion of the current stage of work, with the subsequent improvement of the workflow, turned into a team’s self-praise ritual.

Just a manager, I read somewhere that a team is the nature of a complex nervous organization, and it needs only to be praised and cherished, while protecting it from criticism. Therefore, during a retrospective, the team came up with at least five positive points of the analyzed stage. Since the team was very young, it was he who invented his victories, and did not state success.

From the outside, the process looked like a bridegroom, making his way to the bride’s apartment at the wedding through the ranks of her relatives and girlfriends, squeezes out a promise in front of each new outpost, what other way would make the life of the future wife and her relatives happier. “I will carry it in my arms! I’ll spoil my mother-in-law! .. ”These achievements, sucked from a finger, the team wrote in a journal so that they would never remember them again, and not in order to project success on less successful processes.

To my question, when will we sort out the problems and mistakes, I got the answer that the team is still young and that we should not injure it with unpleasant memories. According to the manager, such a motivating approach worked perfectly in his previous projects, is a flexible methodology and has not yet let him down. But in the next larger project, with this approach, the whole scheme crumbled like a house of cards. The team, living in the euphoria of their own illusions, did not pay attention to obvious problems in the product being developed and the processes of its creation until it was time to transfer the complex result to the customer, and to pay for all this disaster.

This story is about how you can easily fall into the trap if you managed to successfully drag a simple case through a mechanism built only on your senses and guesses, far from a really working scheme. The first successful experience causes euphoria from success, driving a sense of caution into the most distant corners of consciousness. But the next really complex case puts everything in its place. Often, problems do not appear immediately, but remain behind, gradually being trapped, lulling attention with deceptive impressions from past fleeting experiences. When a critical mass of errors accumulate behind the back, the entire structure begins to crumble.

It is necessary to be wary of new methodologies that you have not verified, even if they are hung with numerous laurels and treated with honors. Especially if the instructions for their use are declarative in nature, there is a high degree of probability that you will pick up only a ritual from the surface, without understanding the subtle subtleties that are very individual for various everyday cases.

9. Pump up emotionally when changing a professional role

I am not a pessimist. I'm a frozen, tired, hungry optimist
Olga Gromyko. (Faithful enemies)

With age and professional “maturation”, most often in the eyes of a specialist the spark of innovation goes out. No, not necessarily he ceases to be an innovator, but on the part of young and hot, this innovation looks like in slow motion: boring, uninteresting and annoyingly slow. Time is running out, competitors are on the alert, every minute counts and any delay, just criminal negligence.

Therefore, when changing the place of work, sphere of activity and other movements in professional spaces, on the one hand, it is advisable to pump yourself emotionally, for example, with the help of charging trainings or special literature, and on the other hand, download younger, less experienced colleagues, delegating them with authority. And let them themselves perform the miracle that they expect from you. Teach them to do a miracle, and engage them in this process!

10. Do not project your product implementation experience onto the process management model.

Someone else's happiness always seems to you exaggerated.
Charles de Montesquieu

We found in the first part of the article that evaluating the work of managers from the point of view of performers uninitiated in the art of management is not comme il faut. They have a different set of indicators to measure effectiveness. This is due to the fact that the requirements for the production process of a product and the organization of production of this product are two completely different functions, requiring different skills and competencies, different personal characteristics, psychological and ethical preparedness, etc. for their effective implementation.

The only indicator that in this case can overwhelm the manager, observing morality and ethics is the “failure of the projects”, for which he is directly responsible. This is his indicator. Of course, he will have a million reasons that objectively prevented him from doing everything “as it should,” but this, as they say, is no longer your problem.


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