What is known about Pavel Durov? According to Forbes in 2018, this person had a fortune of $ 1.7 billion. He had a hand in the creation of the VK social network and the Telegram messenger, launched the Telegram Inc. cryptocurrency and in the summer of 2019 held an ICO. And Durov left the Russian Federation in 2014, saying that he was not going to return.

But did you know that a year earlier, Durov prudently prepared a “reserve airfield”, having obtained citizenship for money in the Caribbean - to be more precise in the country of Saint Kitts and Nevis, spending a quarter of a million dollars on this? For a number of reasons (mainly due to price competition), a similar service is now much cheaper. Why not give yourself a gift and prepare plan “B” like Durov’s? Moreover, the Caribbean passport gives a lot of advantages, although there are enough minuses.
Citizenship for Investment Saint Kitts and Nevis: Discount
In 2017, hurricanes Irma and Maria hit the Caribbean. Got and the country of St. Kitts and Nevis. Serious damage was inflicted on its transport infrastructure, schools, police stations and other important facilities. The total damage was estimated at approximately $ 150 million.
The country needed money to recover. Therefore, it was decided to issue economic citizenship at a discount. Whereas previously the entry threshold was $ 250,000 (that’s how much Durov gave in 2013), then in September 2017 there was an opportunity to obtain citizenship and a passport of Saint Kitts and Nevis by contributing only $ 150,000 to the specially created Hurricane Assistance Fund (HRF) )
It was originally planned that the discount will be available for 6 months, after which the HRF fund will close and prices will return to their previous level. But Saint Kitts and Nevis is not the only island country that extends citizenship as an investment and is trying to recover from the 2017 hurricane season with a similar financial instrument.
The launch of HRF in St. Kitts and the introduction of a discount forced other Caribbean countries issuing passports to investors to take similar measures. As a result, when the six-month period for the operation of the HRF fund expired, it was decided to create a permanent Fund for Sustainable Growth (SGF) without changing the minimum price tag.
Citizenship for investment St. Kitts and Nevis: pros and cons (risks)
The Saint Kitts and Nevis Investment Citizenship Program is the oldest in the Caribbean and in the whole world. It was founded in 1984 and has long been a popular choice for wealthy people. Today, the program still continues to be an excellent option for those who are looking for alternatives to their current citizenship. But before you apply, you need to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.
Citizenship for investment St. Kitts and Nevis: how much must you pay to get a Caribbean passport?
The program offers 2 ways to obtain citizenship and a passport: gratuitous subsidized donation or return investment in real estate in St. Kitts and Nevis, approved by the authorities.
As with most other investment citizenship programs, a mere subsidy or return on investment to get a passport will not be enough. You will also need to pay additional government fees.
Citizenship for Investment Saint Kitts and Nevis: Document Package and Phased Process
Saint Kitts and Nevis is one of the few countries where the procedure for obtaining economic citizenship is completed on time. When applying, your documentation should include, among other things, the following (a full list of forms and documents can be found here):
- Birth certificates for the applicant and each dependent;
- Certificate of no criminal record from the police (must not be older than three months);
- Bank statements;
- Confirmation of address;
- Photograph and certificate of signature;
- A medical certificate that covers the results of an HIV test for any person over 12 years of age (must not be older than three months);
- A completed application form for a desire to obtain citizenship status;
Please note that you cannot directly apply for citizenship to the authorities. This can only be done through an accredited immigration agent, paying the appropriate agency fees. The amount of agency fees by the state is not regulated / regulated and can vary widely, but as a rule they amount to about 20-30 thousand US dollars.
The step-by-step process of obtaining economic citizenship, carried out under the direction of the relevant department of the CBIU (Citizenship by Investment Unit), includes the following:
- Contacting a licensed agent;
- Preliminary verification of the applicant by the agent;
- Collection and submission of documents to CBIU;
- A proper check of the applicant and his dependents for reliability (including checking the data on the availability of sanctions lists, crimes and sources of funds), which usually takes 2-5 months (if you do not pay extra for APP);
- If the official check is completed successfully, and the candidates of the main investor and his dependents (if any) are approved, it will be possible to invest / make a grant and draw up passports.
It should be noted that currently Saint Kitts and Nevis does not accept applicants from the Republic of Iraq or the Republic of Yemen. It is possible that in the future the “black list” may be expanded.
Citizenship for Investment Saint Kitts and Nevis: Instead of Conclusion
In general, it can be said that Durov did not in vain choose Saint Kitts and Nevis for obtaining economic citizenship. The country has a high-quality program with established processes. It may not be the cheapest, but recently St. Kitts passport has been offered at a very reasonable price.
If you need visa-free access to Central and South America, Europe or even Russia, this is a great option. If you need a prestigious program of economic citizenship, remember that the scheme of St. Kitts and Nevis has the status of the oldest of the existing ones.
One way or another, the choice is yours. Before submitting an application, you need to weigh the pros and cons and, if possible, consult with experts. If you need help figuring out whether this option is right for you or not, feel free to ask questions in the comments!