1. Overview of Extreme Enterprise Layer Switches


Good afternoon friends! I was surprised to notice that there are not many articles on Habré devoted to the products of such a vendor as Extreme Networks . To fix this and introduce you closer to the Extreme product line, I plan to write a short series of several articles and want to start with switches for Enterprise.

The cycle will include the following articles:

I invite you to read the series of articles of all those who are interested in this vendor, and just network engineers and network administrators who are faced with the choice or configuration of these switches.

About company

To begin with, I want to introduce you to the company and its history more closely:
Extreme Networks is a telecommunications company founded in 1996 to promote advanced Ethernet technology solutions and the development of the Ethernet standard. Many Ethernet standards for network scaling, QoS, and fast recovery are open patents of Extreme Networks. The headquarters is located in the city of San Jose (California), USA. At the moment, Extreme Networks is a public company focused specifically on the development of Ethernet.

As of December 2015, the number of employees was 1300 people.

Extreme Networks offers wired and wireless network solutions that meet the requirements of the modern mobile world with the constant movement of users and devices, as well as the migration of virtual machines both inside the data center and beyond - to the cloud. Using a single ExtremeXOS operating system allows you to create advanced solutions for both telecom operators, data center networks, and local / campus networks.

Company partners in the CIS

Well, we met, and now let's see what of the switches this vendor can offer us for our Enterprise network.

And he can offer us the following:

The figure above shows the models of switches depending on the type of operating system that controls the switches and the technologies supported by the ports (vertical arrow on the left):

Let's look at Extreme switches in more detail and start with the V400 series.

V400 Series Switches

These are switches using Virtual Port Extending technology (based on the IEE 802.1BR specification). The switches themselves are called Virual Port Extenders.

The essence of this technology is that all the control and dataplane functionality is taken out from the switch to the aggregating switches - Controller Bridges / CB.

As the Controller Bridge of the switch, only model switches can be used:

Before describing typical switching schemes for these switches, I will describe their specifications:

As can be seen from the table above, depending on the number of GE access ports 24 or 48, the switches have 2 or 4 10GE SFP + uplink ports.

There are also switches with PoE ports for connecting and powering PoE devices using 802.3af (up to 15 W per port) and 802.3at (up to 30 W per port) technologies.

Below are 4 typical wiring diagrams for the V400 and CB switches:

Benefits of Virtual Port Extending Technology:

Technology limitation - up to 48 Port Extenders of V400 switches (2300 access ports) are supported.

X210 and X220 Series Switches

The E200 family of switches has a fixed number of 10/100/1000 BASE-T ports, operates at L2 / L3 levels, and is intended for use as Enterprise access switches. Depending on the model, the switches have:

Below I will give a table with the configuration and some features of the X200 series switches

As can be seen from the table, the E210 and E220 series switches are intended for use as access switches. Thanks to the presence of 10 GE SFP + ports, the X220 series switches can support stacking - up to 4 units per stack, with a stack bandwidth of 40 Gb.

The switches are controlled by the EOS operating system.

ERS Series Switches

The switches in this series are more powerful than the switches in the younger E200 series.

First of all, it is worth noting:

I propose to begin a more detailed discussion of the ERS switch family with the younger line - ERS3600.

ERS3600 Series

The switches in this series are represented by the following configurations:

As can be seen from the table, the ERS 3600 switches can be used as access switches, have a larger stack capacity, a larger PoE budget and a wider range of L3 functions, although of course they are limited only by RIP v1 / v2 dynamic routing protocols, as well as the number of interfaces and routes involved in him.

The picture below shows the front and rear views of the 50-port switch series ERS3600:

ERS4900 Series

The configuration and functionality of the ERS4900 series switches can be briefly described in the following table:

As we can see, these switches implement dynamic routing protocols, such as RIPv1 / 2 and OSPF, there is a gateway reservation protocol - VRRP, and also supports IPv6 protocol.

Here I have to make an important note - * additional functionality of L2 and L3 (OSPF, VRRP, ECMP, PIM-SM, PIMSSM / PIM-SSM, IPv6 Routing) is activated by purchasing an additional license - Advanced Software License.

The front and rear views of the 26 port switch of the ERS4900 series and the option of stacking them are shown in the pictures below:

As can be seen from the pictures, the switches of the ERS4900 series have dedicated ports for stacking - Cascade UP / Cascade Down, and they can also be equipped with redundant power supplies.

ERS5900 Series

The latest and oldest models in the ERS series are the ERS5900 switches.

From the interesting:

The configuration and functionality of the series switches are best described by the following table:

* 5928GTS-uPWR and 5928MTS-uPWR switches support the so-called Four-Pair PoE initiative (aka Universal PoE - uPoE) - the ability to power devices with consumption up to 60 W, for example, some types of video communication systems, thin VDI clients with monitors, small PoE powered switches or routers, and even some IoT systems (such as intelligent lighting control systems).
** PoE budget of 1440 W is achieved by installing 2 power supplies. When you install 1 power supply in the switch, the PoE budget will be - 1200 watts.
*** PoE budget of 2880 W is achieved when installing 4 power supplies. When you install 1 power supply in the switch, the PoE budget will be - 1200 watts. When installing 2 power supplies in the switch, the PoE budget will be 2580 watts.

Additional functionality of L2 and L3 as in the case of the ERS4900 series is provided by the purchase and activation of the corresponding switch licenses:

The pictures below show the front and rear views of the 100-port switch of the ERS5900 series and the option of stacking 28 and 52 port switches:

** All switches in the series are managed by the ERS operating system. **

Friends, as you probably noticed, at the end of the description of the series I indicate which operating system they are running, and so - I do it for a reason. As many have already guessed, the fact is that managing a particular operating system means an individual set of syntactic commands and settings blocks for each operating system.

As fans of Avaya switches have probably noticed, in the description of the L2 functionality of the ERS series switches, there is the line MLT / LACP Groups characterizing the maximum possible number of groups for combining interfaces in them (aggregation and reservation of communication links). The MLT designation is typical for link aggregation in Avaya Holding switches, where it is used directly in the command syntax when configuring link aggregation.

The thing is that ExtremeNetworks, in accordance with its development strategy, bought Avaya Holdings in 2017-2018, which at that time had a line of its switches. Thus, the ERS series is essentially a continuation of the Avaya switch line.

EXOS Series Switches

The EXOS series is considered the flagship Extreme series. In the switches of this line, the most powerful functionality is implemented - both the set of standard protocols and the set of “own” Extreme protocols, which I will try to describe in the future.

In it you can find switches for every taste:

Before starting the review of this series with the youngest line - X440, I would like to explain the licensing policy of the EXOS operating system.

EXOS licensing (since version 22.1)

EXOS has 3 main types of licenses - Edge License, Advanced Edge License, Core License.
The table below describes the license usage options depending on the line of EXOS series switches:

The functionality of each type of license and its support on various platforms of the series can be found in the tables below.

Edge license
ExtremeXOS Software FeatureSupported Platforms
EdpAll platforms.
Extreme Network Virtualization (XNV)All platforms.
Identity managementAll platforms.
LLDP 802.1abAll platforms.
LLDP-MED extensionsAll platforms.
VLANs — Port based and tagged trunksAll platforms.
VLANs — MAC basedAll platforms.
VLANs — Protocol basedAll platforms.
VLANs — Private VLANsAll platforms.
VLANs — VLAN translationAll platforms.
VMANs — Q-in-Q tunneling (IEEE 802.1ad VMAN tunneling standard)All platforms.
VMANs — Egress queue selection based on 802.1p value in S ‑ tagAll platforms.
VMANs — Egress queue selection based on 802.1p value in C ‑ tagAll platforms.
VMANs — Secondary ethertype supportAll platforms.
VMAN Customer Edge Port (CEP — also known as Selective Q-in-Q)All platforms.
VMAN Customer Edge Port CVID Egress Filtering / CVID TranslationAll platforms.
VMAN — CNP portAll platforms.
VMAN — CNP port, double tag supportAll platforms.
VMAN — CNP port, double tag with egress filteringAll platforms.
L2 Ping / Traceroute 802.1agAll platforms.
Jumbo frames (including all related items, MTU disc. IP frag.)All platforms.
QoS — egress port rate shaping / limitingAll platforms.
QoS — egress queue rate shaping / limitingAll platforms.
Link Aggregation Groups (LAG), static 802.3adAll platforms.
LAG dynamic (802.3ad LACP) edge, to servers only!All platforms.
LAG (802.3ad LACP) core, between switchesAll platforms.
Port loopback detection and shutdown (ELRP CLI)All platforms.
Software redundant portAll platforms.
STP 802.1DAll platforms.
STP EMISTP + PVST + Compatibility mode (1 domain per port)All platforms.
STP EMISTP, PVST + Full (multi-domain support)All platforms.
STP 802.1sAll platforms.
STP 802.1wAll platforms.
ERPS (4 max rings with matching ring ports)All platforms.
ESRP awareAll platforms.
EAPS edge (4 max domains with matching ring ports)
Note: You can increase the number of domains by upgrading to the Advanced Edge license (see Advanced Edge License)
All platforms.
Link Fault Signaling (LFS)All platforms.
ELSM (Extreme Link Status Monitoring)All platforms.
ACLs applied on ingress ports
  • IPv4
  • Static

All platforms.
ACLs applied on ingress ports
  • IPv6
  • Dynamic

All platforms.
ACLs applied on egress portsAll platforms.
ACLs, ingress metersAll platforms.
ACLs, egress metersAll platforms.
  • Layer-2 protocol tunneling
  • Byte counters

All platforms.
Convergence End Point (CEP) detectionAll platforms.
CPU DoS protectAll platforms.
CPU MonitoringAll platforms.
Direct Attach — based on the IEEE version of VEPA, eliminates the virtual switch layer, simplifying the network and improving performance. Direct Attach enables data center simplification by reducing network tiers from four or five tiers to just two or three tiers, depending on the size of the data center.All platforms
SNMPv3All platforms.
Ssh2 serverAll platforms.
SSH2 clientAll platforms.
SCP / SFTP clientAll platforms.
SCP / SFTP serverAll platforms.
RADIUS and TACACS + per command authenticationAll platforms.
Network login
  • Web based method
  • 802.1X method
  • MAC-based method
  • Local database for MAC / web-based methods
  • Integration with Microsoft NAP
  • Multiple supplicants - same VLAN
  • HTTPS / SSL for web-based method

All platforms.
Network login — Multiple supplicants - multiple VLANsAll platforms.
Trusted OUIAll platforms.
MAC security
  • Lockdown
  • Limit

All platforms.
IP security — DHCP Option 82 — L2 modeAll platforms.
IP security — DHCP Option 82 — L2 mode VLAN IDAll platforms.
IP security — DHCP IP lockdownAll platforms.
IP security — Trusted DHCP server portsAll platforms.
Static IGMP membership, IGMP filtersAll platforms.
IPv4 unicast L2 switchingAll platforms.
IPv4 multicast L2 switchingAll platforms.
IPv4 directed broadcastAll platforms.
  • Fast-direct broadcast
  • Ignore broadcast

All platforms.
IPv6 unicast L2 switchingAll platforms.
IPv6 multicast L2 switchingAll platforms.
IPv6 netTools — Ping, traceroute, BOOTP relay, DHCP, DNS, and SNTP.All platforms.
IPv4 netTools — Ping, traceroute, BOOTP relay, DHCP, DNS, NTP, and SNTP.All platforms.
IGMP v1 / v2 snoopingAll platforms.
IGMP v3 snoopingAll platforms.
Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR)All platforms.
Static MLD membership, MLD filtersAll platforms.
MLD v1 snoopingAll platforms.
MLD v2 snoopingAll platforms.
sFlow accountingAll platforms.
CLI scriptingAll platforms.
Web-based device managementAll platforms.
Web based management — HTTPS / SSL supportAll platforms.
XML APIs (for partner integration)All platforms.
MIBs - Entity, for inventoryAll platforms.
Connectivity Fault Management (CFM)All platforms.
Remote mirroringAll platforms.
Progress mirroringAll platforms.
Y.1731 compliant frame delay and delay variance measurementAll platforms.
MVRP - VLAN Topology ManagementAll platforms.
EFM OAM - Unidirectional Link Fault ManagementAll platforms.
ClearflowAll platforms.
System virtual routers (VRs)All platforms.
  • DHCPv4 server
  • DHCv4 client
  • DHCPv4 relay
  • DHCPv4 smart relay
  • DHCPv6 remote ID

All platforms.
  • DHCPv6 relay
  • DHCPv6 prefix delegation snooping
  • DHCPv6 client
  • DHCPv6 smart relay

All platforms.
User-created Virtual Routers (VRs)
Virtual Router and Forwarding (VRF)
Summit X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X870, X690
VLAN aggregationAll platforms.
Multinetting for forwardingAll platforms.
UDP Forwarding
All platforms.
UDP BootP relay forwardingAll platforms.
IPv4 unicast routing, including static routesAll platforms.
IPv4 multicast routing, including static routes
Note: This feature has limitations in the Edge and Advaned Edge licenses. See details in User Guide for different EXOS versions.
All platforms.
IPv4 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)All platforms.
IPv6 unicast routing, including static routesAll platforms.
IPv6 interworking — IPv6-to-IPv4 and IPv6-in-IPv4 configured tunnelsAll platforms, except X620 and X440-G2.
IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) without CLI managementAll platforms.
IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) with CLI managementAll platforms.
IP security:
  • DHCP Option 82 — L3 mode
  • DHCP Option 82 — L3 mode VLAN ID
  • Disable ARP learning
  • Gratuitous arp protection
  • DHCP secured ARP / ARP validation
  • Source ip lockdown

All platforms.
IP address security:
  • DHCP snooping
  • Trusted DHCP server
  • Source ip lockdown
  • ARP validation

All platforms.
IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)Summit X460-G2.
Multi-Switch Link Aggregation Group (MLAG)All platforms.
ONEPolicyAll platforms.
Policy based routing (PBR) for IPv4All platforms.
Policy based routing (PBR) for IPv6All platforms.
Pim snooping
Note: This feature has limitations in the Edge and Advaned Edge licenses. See details in User Guide for different EXOS versions.
All platforms.
Protocol-based VLANsAll platforms.
Rip v1 / v2All platforms.
RipngAll platforms.
Routing access policiesAll platforms.
Route mapsAll platforms.
Universal Port — VoIP auto configurationAll platforms.
Universal Port — Dynamic user-based security policiesAll platforms.
Universal Port — Time-of-day policiesAll platforms.
SummitStack (switch stacking using native or dedicated ports)Summit X460-G2 with X460-G2-VIM-2SS optional card, and X450-G2.
SummitStack-V (switch stacking using dual purpose data ports)All platforms. See the specific models listed in the "Support for Alternate Stacking Ports" section of the User Guide.
SyncESummit X460-G2.
Python scriptingAll platforms.

Advanced Edge License
ExtremeXOS Software FeatureSupported Platforms
EAPS Advanced Edge — multiple physical rings, and “common links”, also known as “shared port”.All platforms.
ERPS-more domains (allows 32 rings with matching ring ports) and multi-ring supportAll platforms.
ESRP-FullAll platforms.
ESRP-Virtual MACAll platforms.
OSPFv2-Edge (limited to max of 4 active interfaces)All platforms that support the Advanced Edge or Core licenses
OSPFv3-Edge (limited to max of 4 active interfaces)All platforms that support the Advanced Edge or Core licenses
PIM-SM-Edge (limited to max of 4 active interfaces)All platforms that support the Advanced Edge or Core licenses
VRRPAll platforms that support the Advanced Edge or Core licenses
VXLANSummit X770, X670-G2, and ExtremeSwitching X870, X690.
OvsdbSummit X770, X670-G2, and ExtremeSwitching X870, X690.
PstagSummit X460-G2, X670-G2, X770, and ExtremeSwitching X870, X690 series switches.

Core license
ExtremeXOS Software FeatureSupported Platforms
PIM DM "Full"Core license platforms
PIM SM “Full”Core license platforms
PIM SSM “Full”Core license platforms
OSPFv2 “Full” (not limited to 4 active interfaces)Core license platforms
OSPFv3 "Full" (not limited to 4 active interfaces)Core license platforms
BGP4 and MBGP (BGP4 +) for IPv4 ECMPCore license platforms
BGP4 and MBGP (BGP4 +) for IPv6Core license platforms
IS-IS for IPv4Core license platforms
IS-IS for IPv6Core license platforms
MSDPCore license platforms
Anycast rpCore license platforms
GRE tunnelingCore license platforms

To activate MPLS functionality, there are separate Feature Packs, which I will talk about below.

X440-G2 Series

I propose starting the discussion of EXOS switches with the switches of this series, which clearly describe the concept of "pay-as-you-grow" (pay as you grow), which is actively supported by ExtremeNetworks.

The main idea of ​​this concept is to gradually increase the productivity and functionality of purchased and installed equipment without the need to replace both the equipment itself and its parts.

For clarity, I will give an example:

, X440 ( ) «pay-as-you-grow». .


, X440 , , :

* X440-G2 SummitStack-V - X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2 and X770. — EXOS .
** . Edge License.

— redundant power input RPS .

X440-G2 :

X440 :


ExtremeNetworks Summit X450-G2 .

X450-G2 X440-G2 :

* SummitStack-V84 X450-G2.
** X440-G2 SummitStack-V - X440-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2 and X770. — EXOS .
*** . Edge License.

PoE — redundant power input RPS .

. .

X450-G2 :

X450-G2 :


X460-G2 QSFP+ . :


* , VIM-. .
** X440, X460, X460-G2 X480,
*** X440, X440-G2, X450, X450-G2, X460, X460-G2, X480, X670, X670V, X670-G2 X770 ,
**** X460-G2, X480, X670V, X670-G2 X770,

2- — front-to-back back-to-front, .

VIM- , X460-G2 :



X620-G2 10 GE . 2- — Edge License Advanced Edge License.

SummitStack-V - X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X670-G2 X770 2x10 GE SFP+ — Data/Stacking.

PoE+ 60W 802.3bt 4-Pair PoE++ — Type 3 PSE. .





X670-G2 1RU , Controller Bridge V400. 48 72 10 GE SFP+ 4 QSFP+ .

2- — Advanced Edge License ( ) Core License 4 — SummitStack-V, Summit-Stack-80, SummitStack-160, SummitStack-320.

- MPLS Feature Pack, LSR LER - L2VPN (VPLS/VPWS), BGP-based L3VPNS, LSP LDP, RSVP-TE, Static provisioning - VCCV, BFD CFM.

2- :

* — X440, X440-G2, X450, X450-G2, X460, X460-G2, X480, X670, X670V, and X770

— . :


2 :


1GE/10GE/25GE/40GE/50GE/100GE :

2- — SFP BASE-T 2- :

* X690 X870.

— . :




1GE/10GE/25GE/40GE/50GE/100GE X590 :

2- — SFP BASE-T 2- :

* X590 X870.
— . :




X870 100Gb Enterprise spine/leaf .

— Advanced, Core MPLS -.
x870-96x-8c-Base «pay-as-you-grow» — Upgrade ( 6 , 4- ).

2- 2- :

* X590 X690.
— . :


2- , :


, , , .

, ExtremeNetworks :

, .

— , Extreme SFP/SFP BASE-T/SFP+/QSFP/QSFP+ , (, , Cisco) — , .

. , «», :
TS Solution Blog

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/465407/

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