Production Readiness Checklist

The translation of the article was prepared especially for students of the DevOps Practices and Tools course, which starts today!

Have you ever released a new service in production? Or maybe engaged in the maintenance of such services? If so, what did you follow? What is good for production and what is bad? How do you train new team members to release or maintain existing services.

Most companies in terms of industrial exploitation practices eventually come to the approaches of the “Wild West.” Each team, through trial and error, independently determines the tools and best practices. But this often affects not only the success of projects, but also engineers.

The trial and error method creates an environment in which the search for perpetrators and the transfer of responsibility is common. With this behavior, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn from mistakes and not to repeat them again.

Successful organizations:

Preparation for production includes a review process. A review can be in the form of a checklist or a set of questions. A review can be done manually, automatically, or both. Instead of static requirements lists, checklist templates can be made that can be adapted to specific needs. In this way, engineers can be given a way to inherit knowledge and sufficient flexibility when required.

When to check the service for readiness for production?

It is useful to conduct a readiness check for production not only immediately prior to release, but also when transferring it to another operating team or new employee.

Check when:

Production Readiness Checklist

Some time ago, as an example, I published a checklist for checking readiness for production. Although this list appeared while working with Google Cloud clients, it will be useful and applicable outside of Google Cloud.

Design and development

Configuration management

Release management

Suitability for monitoring (Observability)

Protection and safety

Capacity planning

That's all. See you in the classroom!


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