Superjob API FAQ (Job Posting)

I recently talked about the Headhunter API for posting jobs, mentioning Superjob. Now, having implemented the same functionality on the Superjob API, it will be fair to share your experience with you.


Working with the Superjob API

So, there is the task of publishing vacancies on Superjob, you will need:

Current API Version

Everything is expected here - versioning is present and passed in the URL: 

Application Registration

Also the simplest procedure is to create an account, create an application, get tokens. Without expectations registration and SMS .

redirect_uri , passed in the parameters, apparently, is not associated at all with the Callback URL specified in the application settings. It (Callback URL) can not even be specified, everything will work.

As well as

Specify required parameters

Responsibilities, requirements and conditions are optional parameters of the vacancy, but the name of the company and a description of its activities must be transferred to each vacancy.

Last time (on HeadHunter) there was an attempt to publish the link inside the vacancy, here the url parameter was found, however, it was not possible to understand where it appears in the vacancy.

Request a link to a created vacancy

Instead of the expected superjob / vacancies / id, the link is formed as vacancy-name-id.html, but only the vacancy id comes in the response. The Russian text is transliterated by an unknown algorithm (or according to one of N GOSTs), which makes it impossible to form a link on its side. You have to make a separate request for the api route from where the full link is already returned.

Choose between work schedule and type of employment

Superjob combines these two fields, offering from the list, for example, part-time or part-time. This is inconvenient when there are party timers, fixed-term contracts and other scenarios.


About formatting and tasks without analytics

Last time, I mentioned that vacancies at HeadHunter support HTML and a WYSIWYG editor is screwed on the site for this. In addition to the task of publishing links in vacancies (which slightly failed), the task of fastening WYSIWYG for them in our application also arrived. The vacancy text along with formatting is saved in the database, so in the same way it flew to Superjob, which HTML does not support. In principle, it is expected, but the main fakap is that after looking at the same vacancy on HeadHunter, it turned out that it also does not support sent formatting! Tags are simply deleted and the bare text remains in the output. As a result, WYSIWYG will be cut out, and all recorded vacancies with HTML will need to be parsed and cleaned in three databases in some way.

I would like to write a lot of bad words about working on outsourcing, but some other time.

About convenience

If we compare HeadHunter and Superjob, it is obvious that with the latter, everything is much simpler. Integration was built very quickly - the error texts were not confusing, everything was tested on several environments due to the optional Callback URL.

What upset me was the lack of a Superjob API on Github, but there I had a fun “simple client” in PHP with fifteen hundred lines. There is a feedback for communicating with technical support, however, in the form of an appeal there is no category of API questions. Well, that.


In general, it can hardly be said unequivocally that someone is better, someone is worse. Superjob has something to complain about, but in the end, the service provides a normal API that completely solves our problems.


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