How do you like your boss? What do you think of him? Dushka and honey? Petty tyrant? The real leader? Is nerd over? Moron hand-to-hand? Oh god, what kind of man?
I counted here - I had twenty bosses in my life. Among them were department heads, deputy directors, general directors, business owners. To each, of course, one can choose some definition, not always censored. Some went uphill, someone rolled down. Someone may be in prison.
Of these twenty people, I am sincerely grateful not to everyone. Only thirteen. Because they are Goats. That's right, with a capital letter.
A goat is a boss who does not let you get bored. Constantly sets new goals, increases plans, makes you move, does not let you relax. The goat is constantly increasing pressure. And you, under this pressure, get stronger.
There were not goats, but great guys. I counted seven of them. Such bosses as Brezhnev. Under their rule, you have complete stagnation. You do not develop, you do not reach the heights, you do not move up the career ladder, you do not increase your income.
Working with necosals is like a dream. He came to the factory, left after a couple of years - and as if he didn’t work at all. The qualification did not jump, there were no interesting projects, I did not even quarrel with anyone. As Makarevich sang, "and his life is like fruit kefir."
Determining whether your boss is a goat or not is very simple. If you do not grow in any measurable indicators, then he is not a goat. If you constantly increase production, sales, the number or speed of project implementation, position, salary, influence, then your boss is a goat.
With goats an interesting story. While you are working with a goat, you hate it, because it interferes with your homeostasis, i.e. desire for peace. Came in the morning, poured coffee, and got ready to program quietly, and here - bam, this Kozlin comes running and poses some hellish task. Just think - well, a goat!
And when you leave the goat, especially to another company, you understand how this person helped you. Especially if you came under the command of some darling. You understand how great it was to strive for something, to run, to fall, to get up and run again. The goat crushed, but you did not break, and became stronger.
For example, under the pressure of one goat, I alone transferred the plant from 1C 7.7 to SCP in two months. Under the pressure of another goat, in the first year of work in the franchise I passed 5 certifications 1C: Specialist, and 1C: Project Manager for dessert. Certifications were full-time, visiting, and I did not miss a single one, because the goat wanted so much. There was a goat that made me write an incredibly cool production planning system for a week, and with its predecessor, not a goat, I was mistaken for six months. The most powerful goats forced me to clean up the warehouse, procurement and accounting.
If you are lucky, then you will meet in the life of MegaKozla. I had such one boss.
An ordinary goat sets a goal and requires its achievement. MegaKozel adds a condition - to achieve a goal in a certain way, using specific methods. For example, not just execute a project, but do it according to Scrum. To establish relations between the two departments, but not with regulations and automation, but with methods of boundary management (border management).
Of course, it is impossible to use a technique that you do not know. I have to study. Moreover, in the end, you know it better than MegaKozla himself - he only read the book, but did not apply it in practice. But MegaKozel - it is MegaKozel. When the goal is achieved, and you decide to relax, it calls you up and makes you systematize the experience, talk about the practice of applying the methods, hold some kind of seminar, write an article on the corporate portal, etc.
MegaKozel makes you constantly learn. He literally, literally literally, gave a book or lectures, and then conducted an exam in the form of a personal interview. It has been several years, and I can still recall what SSGR, CGR, NPV are, how many Goleman leadership models, who Eric Trist is, why Taylor is better than Mayo, where is this fucking gorilla and why nobody saw her, I’ll name the types personalities according to Belbin, I will explain the secret of Morning Star's success and why, in fact, the Diesel Gate happened in Volkswagen.
MegaKozel, of course, is better than the Goat. But MegaKozlov is not enough. I've only met one in my life. And, yes, when I was the head of programmers at the plant, I was also MegaKozl for them. I brought books, demanded reading, then I interviewed. He made me analyze my own work, explain successes and failures in terms of management techniques, and not "damn it, well, it turned out, what else is needed."
So if your boss is a goat, rejoice. Than it is goat, the faster and more qualitatively you develop. Well, do not be discouraged if your darling leads you.
In this case, there is a workaround - the Goat from the side, at least in a professional way. Sometimes these people are called coaches or mentors, but that’s not it - they won’t tell you the truth, so they won’t create the necessary pressure. And without pressure, you will not begin to resist.
For example, if you are a programmer, then find another programmer who will scoop up your code. In person, he will tell you that you are a hand-assed govnokoder. You won’t say it to yourself, and the client doesn’t cut it, even the project manager will not delve into it. The goat will not be shy.
Let the goat constantly annoys you, keeps you in good shape, does not let you relax. The more varied the topics on which the Goat can skillfully water you with shit, the better. Your position and experience do not matter at all. MegaKozel, mentioned above, a very wealthy person, did not even try to take the slop-bucket from me on its own head. Therefore, it constantly changed, developed and moved forward.
Well, if you are completely lucky, you will become a Self-Goat, and will cease to depend on the presence of external pressure. You will set goals for yourself, do not let yourself relax, you will customize yourself. Even if the external environment, even the goat, you are completely satisfied.
SamKozel knows how to enrage even the Kozlov, who lead him. Because it’s never enough for him forever. Not pay, but pressure. He literally comes to his Goat, and says - let me take this one more, and I need a higher plan, and in general, you, some Goat, are not a Goat. Come on, horns on the floor and push me
If you are the boss, then think whether you are a goat or not. It is very easy and simple to be a darling, I know, I tried. Everyone treats you well, they respect you, they may even love you, you are not demanding, you will always help, find a solution, save you from difficulties, support in word and deed, forgive for mistakes and protect from higher Kozlov.
But, to be honest and heart-to-heart, you do this not for people, but for yourself. You want comfort for yourself. It’s convenient for you when you are loved, everything is so smooth, calm, without crises. Enjoying life.
The trouble is that your people do not develop while you are darling. You understand that, but you close your eyes. Like, who wants to develop, he will do it. And I will help if he asks. Only he will not ask, because there is no reason. There is no pressure. There is no goat. Sit together, in warm fruit kefir, and disperse, without any increase in development.
The reason for the desire for peace is one and the same - homeostasis. This is the ability of the system to self-regulate, maintain internal stability, by performing simple actions. This is the desire to stay in the comfort zone, to spend less energy.
Moreover, both the employee and the manager have this desire. He has many manifestations and names. For example, do not rock the boat, do not drive the wave, outweigh the tasks on three nails, lower the brakes, etc.
The nasty thing is that homeostasis is laid down in man by nature, both physiologically and in terms of the development of knowledge, skills, achievement of goals, etc. Maintaining the current state of affairs is usually easier than getting up and moving somewhere.
This is where Kozlin helps. The man himself, an employee, cannot and does not want to overcome the threshold beyond which development begins. And external influence helps him in this, makes, motivates.
From here follows a simple formula: it is necessary to make it so that it is more comfortable to develop than to sit on your ass.
Roughly speaking, shift the center, the goal of homeostasis. Let the natural mechanism maintain a state of motion, not a state of rest. Let peace become uncomfortable. As in the beautiful song of the Soviet era - “tiredness is forgotten, the child is swaying, and again the hooves are like a heartbeat, and we have no peace, burn, but live ...”.
Checking the effect of “homeostasis movement” is easy. Let me give you a couple of examples.
If you have ever been involved in any kind of sports or fitness on a regular basis, then probably confirm that as soon as you miss a workout, you feel uncomfortable. Especially if you practiced every day.
If you accustom yourself to regularly read books, and then temporarily stop, you feel as if you are missing out on something important.
If you decide that you will not watch TV at all, then quickly wean from it. Then, by chance, or during the holidays, you look once, you do not have time to leave on time, it will drag out, and after a couple of hours you feel uncomfortable, as if doing something out of the ordinary.
The comfort zone just shifts. Homeostasis - he’s stupid, it doesn’t matter to him what state to keep. If you lie comfortably on the couch, he will do everything so that you are there. If it is comfortable to do 100 push-ups every day - homeostasis will help not to quit.
Efforts are needed only to shift the comfort zone. Of course, it’s better and easier to do a little, without jumping from the couch to Everest right away - there will not be enough willpower to overcome the threshold. Willpower needs to be saved, it is not so much, and it is not capable of large jumps.
In the case of the Goat, everything is simpler, because to move the comfort zone of the team, only him, the goat’s willpower, is enough. The rest you only need to obey and wiggle wilderly to where this one jumps with horns and a beard. For employees, the comfort zone shifts free of charge, without the cost of self-motivation, goal-setting, and coaxing themselves. The whole burden of overcoming the threshold of homeostasis rests on the goat's shoulders.
And the head-darling, alas, is more like a spineless rag. Above all, he values his own homeostasis, his comfort zone, while sacrificing the development opportunities of all employees. Although, he has an ironic excuse: he who wants to will develop himself. True, it is not clear why hell is he needed then?
Yes, in the end I’ll say - do not confuse Kozlov with morons. The goat crushes goals, objectives, plans. The moron just crushes. Screaming, humiliating, inducing feelings of guilt, substituting, offending. It asserts itself at your expense, in short.
A goat can also act like a moron if he is still young. Little kid. With experience it goes. But even the Little Kid will set you a goal. And the moron just shit in the soul and, joyful, will go to the next victim.
Find a Goat. Love the Goat. Become a Goat yourself.