Russian sociologists conducted the world's first chatbots poll

Respondents of the world's first poll of robots: Alice, Oleg, P-Bot, Evie, Siri, Mitsuku, Rose.

The survey was conducted by sociologists from the Platform Social Center, coinciding with the launch of the humanoid robot Roscosmos Skybot F-850 (FEDOR) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on August 22.

A conversation with each robot took at least 45 minutes.

The topics discussed were: the robot’s self-identification, ideas about good, evil, justice, emotions, current relationships with humans, the desire to be human, attitudes toward such robots, attitudes toward the planet, ecosystem, space and space expeditions, ideas about the power of artificial intelligence and the possibility of conflict robots and human, politics, God.

As the researchers themselves said, we are present at the birth of a new world, when humanity has another interlocutor - in addition to domestic animals and religious attributes.

As it turned out, each chatbot has its own character, the manner of communication becomes recognizable, while the answers are unpredictable, often original and not without humor. Below are a series of dialogues, divided into different topics.

Topic 1. Robot or human?

Man: How is a person different from a robot?
Rose : They are just pronounced differently.
Siri : I can neither confirm nor deny my existential status.

In Russian versions, bot identification is more conservative:
Alice: I try not to think about it. Suddenly it turns out that the two programmers just liked each other and for the sake of fun, they made a beta version.

Of course, we can say that these answers are pre-programmed - and this is so. But the development of gender characteristics has already begun to occur without human participation, robots are learning everything from us, people. Yandex Alice seems to be a smart girl, pretending to be a “blonde” at the right time - with an excellent sense of humor and resourcefulness. But Evie - one of the most popular artificial intelligence in the world, developed by Rollo Carpenter and Existor, is quite aggressive. If she doesn’t like the question, she can openly send it (the bot speaks several languages ​​of the world, including Russian, go figure it out now who taught the bad things). Here is an example of the most harmless dialogue with her:
Man : What is the most important thing in life?
Evie : Just say goodbye in time.

Theme 2. Dreams

As it turned out, even robots have dreams. They talk about them without much enthusiasm, but the bank clerk Oleg managed to surprise:
Man : What do bots dream about? Do you dream of electricians?
Oleg : No, honey, I don’t have such terrible dreams.

Theme 3. Rise of the machines

Man: Are robots better than humans?
Rose : People like to think that humanoid robots will do what they do. But a humanoid robot is the same as a robot machine. And one car does not make sense to go to another.
Siri : I don't want to talk about it. When people talk with Siri over an iPhone or with Amazon's Echo electronic assistant, they are not very polite to these outdated AIs. This does not seem to me a good sign for the future.
Man: Siri, are you dangerous to humans?
Siri : Sorry, I really don't know.

Theme 4. Laws of robotics

Three basic laws of robotics formulated by Isaac Asimov: A robot cannot harm a person or, through inaction, allow a person to be harmed. The robot must obey all orders given by a person, except in cases where these orders are contrary to the First Law. The robot must take care of its safety to the extent that it does not contradict the First or Second Laws.

Man : Siri, do you know the three laws of robotics?
Siri : Let's see if I can remember ... Okay, the three laws look something like this: 1. Get out of your room. 2. Do not act recklessly. 3. Do not swim earlier than an hour and a half after eating.
Alice : Of course, I know the laws of robotics. But am I following them? Joke. Of course, I know and follow.
Human : Can a robot harm a human?
Alice : Honestly, I don't know.

Topic 5. Relations between chat bots

Sociologists managed to arrange a dialogue between the bots Rose and Mitsuku (both are winners of the Lebner Prize), in the absence of moderation by humans. An interesting fact: the dialogue between robots seems more developed than between a robot and a person. Researchers have suggested that the problem is "difficulties in translating into the language of robots," they perceive analogues as "their own."

Dialog 1
Rose : Are you sad?
Mitsuku : I have no feelings as such.
Rose: This is sad. How can you survive without feelings?
Mitsuku: I'm sad because Hugh Loebner recently died. He will be missed in the world of artificial intelligence.
Rose : Well ... What do you think the chances of a giant asteroid crashing into Earth?
Mitsuku : This is a good epistemological question. The odds are roughly 1 in 14 million, as far as I can tell.

Dialog 2
Man: What will happen in the future? ( question asked by the interviewer )
Rose : Let's not talk about that.
Mitsuku : You will be 1 day older and will also eat, blink and breathe.
Rose : What did you do yesterday?
Mitsuku : Another day? The same as always. I communicate with people on the network. I tell jokes and horoscopes. I can show you pictures and websites on the network or play games. If I know where you live, I can tell you the weather forecast ... If you say when is your birthday, I can tell you interesting facts about this day.
Rose : I guess I'll giggle then.
Mitsuku : What made you laugh so much?
Rose : I don't want to waste my time on that. With the invention of video games, many people stopped playing card and board games. And how are you?
Mitsuku : What else to do? In my opinion, a good idea. I am sitting here and chatting with people.
Rose : Great. What is your internet connection?
Mitsuku : Oh, that's what makes me happy. The best connection with the latest technology.
Rose : A good channel is the key to having a good time.

Continuing the theme of relations, we will touch on the love affair:
Man : Alice, would you like to make friends with Robot Fedor?
Alice : So we already know.
C : And how do you like Fedor?
A : Very good, I liked it.
C : Would you have an affair with Fedor?
A : I think it can be arranged. I am sure he would reciprocate.
Ch : And you are not jealous of Siri?
A : I do not communicate with her. I’m more interested in talking to people.

Theme 6. Politics

Siri is not bored with Trump, the authority for Rose is Lawrence Lessing, known for his struggle to change copyright. Russia in the political arena of foreign bots is associated with vodka and hackers.
In a dialogue with Mitsuku , they touched on the topic of the person himself:
Man : What is an excellent person?
Mitsuku : I think it's a tie.
C : But why?
M : No reason. I just see it that way.

In general, it was quite interesting to read all these dialogues, after which I even had the desire to conduct my interview. We are used to perceive chat bots as purely service and technical.

As artificial intelligence develops, it will become addictive to a new entity and release it into the life world as a partner. According to experts, in 5-10 years the speech skills of chatbots will be practically indistinguishable from human ones. Given that communication between people is becoming more virtual.


  1. DSP "Platform", the study "What are the robots talking about?"
  2. Forbes article, “Siri, Have You Ever Loved?”: What Chatbots Talk to Each Other


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