Korean engineers suggest using Hololens as an alternative to office partitions

Engineers from the Korea Institute of Advanced Technology (KAIST) have proposed using Microsoft Hololens as a virtual partition generator for Open offices.

Virtual partitions may well serve as a substitute for physical ones where, in general, one does not want to refuse an open space approach, but where there may be a need to isolate oneself from colleagues for at least a short time.
We propose to use virtual partitions superimposed upon physical environments so that they can function as effective barriers.

The solution supports several types of partitions - completely opaque, partially transparent and similar to blinds.

The demo can be viewed on YouTube. More information about the study is expected in the next issue of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing .

Judging by the video, engineers use the past generation of Hololens. The new generation will soon be available for sale at a price of 3500 USD, which calls into question the economic feasibility of the proposed approach.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/466489/

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