The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 314 developer (on September 2 - 8)
This collection includes (not) a real uprising of cars on Google Play, pure Swift and real components, the new Android 10 and the old game dev, user-friendly interfaces and dubious marketing for indie games.
Exactly a year ago, a friend and I decided to quickly make a game for iOS. What came of this, and how much we managed to earn, I will tell under the cut.
It was August 2019. The application lived its life in the market, receiving about 2k installs per day and delighted users, when suddenly one day a letter arrived ...
This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And daily news we publish in Telegram channel . iOS•
(+8) Workers of Clean Swift architecture•
(+3) Reactive Data Display Manager. Introduction•
iPhone has become the most popular phone among senior citizens•
Guide for creating a nail recognition application on iOS•
Integration of the function of recording video from two cameras in the iOS application•
My conclusions from working with SwiftUI•
Modality changes in iOS 13•
How to embed AR Quick Look in your application•
Your first iOS and SwiftUI app•
Weather Forecast iOS Application Using Flask API and AI•
Implementation of the Notification / Observer template in iOS•
How to make an ad blocker for iOS on Swift•
Tutorial “First iOS app on SwiftUI”•
Cyborg: VectorDrawable for iOS•
DWAlertController: display in UIAlertController any descendant of UIViewController•
Loady: iOS buttons with download indicators•
5 popular iOS libraries to use in your project•
ShowSomeProgress: Progress and Activity Animation Android•
(+35) From copy-paste to components: we reuse the code in different applications•
(+15) Change of leader: now exploits for Android cost more than for iOS•
(+11) Writing a snake for Android in Kivy, Python•
(+10) Project Mainline in Android 10•
(+8) Android API level, backward and forward compatibility•
(+7) How I made a custom Okhttp breaker through Kotlin's coroutines•
(+5) Clean Decomposition•
(+1) Recipes TeamCity. Report Yandex.Taxi•
Google Assistant got Ambient Mode•
Google began deploying Android 10•
Why gesture navigation in Android 10 is a failure and how to live with it•
List of libraries for improving the performance of an Android application•
Kotlin Multiplatform Project: code styling for iOS and Android•
Make your Android app SOLID•
Add a list to Android AlertDialog•
Create a Twitter clone with editable tweets•
How to make a smooth interface for Android Development•
(+52) Russian game dev, senseless and merciless•
(+30) Map of the development of a mobile developer•
(+29) ABBYY Mobile Web Capture: High-quality photos of documents directly in the smartphone’s browser•
(+4) Modern environment for React Native applications•
Podlodka # 127: Domain Driven Design•
Motivation of developers and other people of creative professions - a guide for companies•
10 interesting open REST APIs for your next project•
How to make a convenient interface for everyday tool•
How I made the Piligram Travel App•
What I did not know when starting a business: Alexey Moiseenkov, co-founder of Prisma and Capture Technologies•
Last2Ticket - creating a new experience for electronic tickets•
You need only 20% to become an effective developer•
5 UI and UX bugs that destroy interfaces•
Design Guide: Warnings•
Flutter for Web Deploy on Github•
Create a new Uber Freight app as a list of modular, reusable components•
CoTripper - Learn UX•
Applying Gamification Techniques and Behavioral Design Principles - UX Example•
What makes code bad?•
Tetris randomizer story•
10 things every developer should learn•
How to write less code and get more Analytics, marketing and monetization•
Getaround: peer-to-peer car sharing•
AppLovin invested in Belka Games•
“Advertising in applications in the first half of 2019” - Smaato report•
Zhihu: Chinese unicorn questions and answers•
Marketing an indie game - stupid lesson•
To hear, you need to see: Rocket10 case and the “Sounds of Words” Project•
myTracker started showing user outflow data•
Baze: blood tests and personal vitamins•
Netflix is preparing a documentary about Bill Gates•
Related applications - what is it and why is everyone talking about it? AI, Devices, IoT•
(+29) Multilingual speech synthesis with cloning•
(+13) Virtual reality, open source games and electric cars: what John Carmack said on the podcast Joe Rogan•
(+10) ShIoTiny and the surrounding world: connecting sensors to binary inputs, contact bounce and other issues•
(+9) ShIoTiny and the surrounding world: analog sensors or ADCs for the smallest•
Loog again raises money for children's guitars•
AR / VR technologies in retail marketing• Group launches MADE Big Data Academy<
Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the
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