Reverse interview: what questions to ask the company?

This text is a translation of the viraptor repository. You can offer your questions in English, in the original repository , or in Russian - in my fork , and I will try to translate them and transfer them to the author

Reverse Interview

This is a list of questions that may be of interest to the job seeker. The items are not streamlined and may not apply to a specific position or type of work. At first it was just a list of questions, but over time it began to include those things that I would like to see more, and the “red flags”, that is, things that I want to avoid. I also noticed that many of the people I interviewed did not ask these questions, and, I think, these were missed opportunities.

If you asked questions that are not on this list, please send a pull request!

How to use the list

It’s definitely not worth asking all the questions on the list.

Remember that many things are very flexible, and reorganizations happen quite often.
The presence of a bug tracker alone does not make work on bugs effective, and the presence of a CI / CD does not mean that the execution and rolling time of features is reduced.






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