Welcome to JavaScript Meetup SuperJob October 10th

On October 10, a meeting of JavaScript developers will be held at the SuperJob office.

SuperJob specialists will share their experience optimizing applications on React / Redux, using static types with Flow, and working with Node.js.
Traditionally, the program includes burgers and informal communication.

Date and time : October 10 from 19:00 to 21:30
Address : Moscow, Malaya Dmitrovka, house 20
Registration : superjob-meetup.timepad.ru/event/1063170/



1. Alexander Kukhta , lead developer of SuperJob with the theme “Experience with JSON: API on the client” :

2. Peter Solopov , head of the SuperJob development team with the topic “How do we use flow. Pros, Cons, Comparison with TypeScript " :

3. Alexander Savin , SuperJob frontend development manager with the theme “Creating a JSON server: API on Node.js and PostgreSQL” :

Admission is free , but so that you probably have enough space, please register .

On the day of the event, please remember to bring your passport or driver’s license. This is necessary for access to our business center.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/467223/

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