NX Bootcamp kicks off in October

We are launching a new project for IT students from St. Petersburg - NX Bootcamp!

Are you a 3-4 year student? Do you want to work in a large IT company, but do not have enough skills and experience? Then NX Bootcamp is for you! We know what market leaders want from Juniors, and have developed a program to prepare students for work in large projects.


Over the coming months, Nexign experts will:

Meetings will be held in our office at 4 Uralskaya metro station (Vasileostrovskaya metro station, Sportivnaya metro station) and at the sites of project partners.

The most active and talented is waiting for the closed NX Bootcamp course, where we will help everyone to reach their maximum potential.

Limited number of seats. Hurry up to register - https://job.nexign.com/bootcamp

See you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/467393/

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