On a single federal information resource containing population information

The government introduced a bill to the State Duma on the creation of a single information resource with information about the population of the Russian Federation. The base of this resource will contain passport data of Russian citizens, details of the records of civil status acts on birth and death, SNILS and TIN, as well as information on marital status, family ties and other information. On September 12, the State Duma Committee on Information Policy recommended the lower house of parliament to adopt the draft on first reading, and on September 17 the draft was approved. Hello, however.

Read the text of the bill .

As stated in the explanatory note to the draft: “The draft federal law“ On the Unified Federal Information Resource Containing Information on the Population of the Russian Federation ”has been developed with the aim of creating a system for recording population information that ensures its reliability and consistency.”

The same explanatory note states that at present we do not have a single centralized information resource containing basic information about the population of the Russian Federation, as well as providing the opportunity, through information interaction with other information resources, to obtain complete and reliable information about an individual necessary for implementation, including the control function of tax authorities.

The project provides for the creation of a unified federal information resource, which will contain information about the population. That is, a state database will appear in which information about citizens of the Russian Federation and other persons defined by the draft federal law contained in the state and municipal information resources of state authorities, local governments, government bodies of extra-budgetary funds will be entered.

In the project, the operator of this information system is indicated by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. In accordance with the project, a federal resource on the population is formed and maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia by “forming and changing records of the federal resource on the population containing information about individuals”.

The project assumes that basic and additional information about an individual is included in the federal resource on the population.

The basic ones include:

Additional information includes:

The federal resource on the population is formed and maintained on the basis of information about individuals submitted to the authorized body by relevant bodies and organizations in electronic form through the use of a single system of interagency electronic interaction.

Under the phrase "relevant authorities" are hidden:

Information about one individual, included in the federal resource on the population, forms one record of the federal resource on the population, which is signed by the UKEC of the authorized body. The protection of the information resource and information in it is assigned to the operator, i.e. FTS.

The authority of the government is proposed to include the definition of rules and procedures for filling the resource. In the explanatory note, they are listed as follows:

According to the initiators of this bill, the creation of such a resource will allow:

There is a feeling that all the latest projects related to the Digital Economy are aimed at creating a “single base for something there.” Well, let's remember, “digital profile”, “biometric data base”, “citizen’s electronic passport” ... It seems that the second stage is prepared in advance - “modernization of the Digital Economy”, i.e. the unification of "single databases" in the "Unified Megabase";)

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/467769/

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