Boost JavaScript debugging skills using console tricks

Here is a translation of an article from the Better Programming Blog on The author, Indrek Lasn , talks about the code debugging tools that JavaScript provides.

The usual debugging of JavaScript code is to output the results using the console.log method. However, although this method works, it can hardly be called optimal. Why not make debugging more convenient?

The console object provides access to the browser debugging console. It can be used only if the JavaScript code is launched in the browser (i.e., this is the code of the client part, and not the server part). The console implementation may differ from browser to browser, but, as a rule, there is always some basic functionality. The best thing about debugging operators is their ability to work with all libraries and frameworks (due to the fact that they are sewn into the core of the language).

The simplest example of using console.log is code output. For example, take the following code:

 function sayHello(name) { console.log(name) } sayHello('Indrek') 

It displays the name that is passed to the sayHello function.

Output the name passed to the function

And if we want to know how many times the sayHello function was called? Nothing complicated. We use console.count() for this.


The count() function displays the number of calls with the specified label parameter. If no label is specified, then the number of calls with the default parameter is displayed.

 function sayHello(name) { console.count() console.log(name) } sayHello("Indrek") sayHello("William") sayHello("Kelly") 

The code above displays the following:

Counting sayHello function calls

Thus we can find out the total number of function calls. And if you need to know the number of function calls with the same name? It's simple - just pass the name argument to the count method.

 function sayHello(name) { console.count(name) } sayHello("Indrek") sayHello("William") sayHello("Kelly") sayHello("Indrek") 

Voila! This function keeps track of how many times we called a function with one name or another.

Counting the number of mentions of each name


This method displays a warning in the console - useful when using the API or development tools. console.warn can always show that something is going wrong: an argument is missing, an API version is outdated, etc.

 function sayHello(name) { if(!name) { console.warn("No name given") } } sayHello() 

This code checks to see if the name argument has been passed to the function. If this does not happen, a warning is displayed in the console.

A warning that the name is not transferred


When working with arrays and objects, when it comes to displaying data, the console.table method is very useful. Thanks to it, a separate row is allocated for each element in the table.

Let's look at the operation of this method with an example of an array of fruits. If we pass the array to console.table , we will see the following:

 const fruits = ["kiwi", "banana", "strawberry"] console.table(fruits) 

And if we look at the console, we will see a table describing our array.

Array presented in the form of a table

Imagine how useful this is if you have to work with arrays of hundreds or even thousands of values. Let's look at another example - now more values ​​will be enclosed in our array.

 const fruits = [ "Apple", "Watermelon", "Orange", "Pear", "Cherry", "Strawberry", "Nectarine", "Grape", "Mango", "Blueberry", "Pomegranate", "Carambola", "Plum", "Banana", "Raspberry", "Mandarin", "Jackfruit", "Papaya", "Kiwi", "Pineapple", "Lime", "Lemon", "Apricot", "Grapefruit", "Melon", "Coconut", "Avocado", "Peach" ]; console.table(fruits); 

By calling console.table , we will see the following table:

All fruits are displayed in a table.

Working with arrays is easy. But what if, instead of arrays, objects?

 const pets = { name: "Simon", type: "cat" }; console.table(pets); 

So, instead of an array, we now have an object that contains two keys: name (name) and type (type) of the pet.

Previously, the table only displayed values, but now it contains values ​​and keys. And if you take another object and try to add it to the table?

 const pets = { name: "Simon", type: "cat" }; const person = { firstName: "Indrek", lastName: "Lasn" } console.table(pets, person); 

As expected, two separate objects appear in two different tables.

Two objects

Since we need to combine them in one table, we put both objects in an array.

 const pets = { name: "Simon", type: "cat" }; const person = { firstName: "Indrek", lastName: "Lasn" } console.table([pets, person]); 

Now group the objects inside the table.

Group objects by placing them in an array

When working with sets or related data, you can use nested groups. This is convenient because it allows you to display visually related messages to the console. To create a new nested group, you need to call .

 console.log("This is the first level");; console.log("Level 2");; console.log("Level 3"); console.warn("More of level 3"); console.groupEnd(); console.log("Back to level 2"); console.groupEnd(); console.log("Back to the first level"); 

This code displays embedded blocks with information in the console. This can be useful when working with data presented in tabular form.

The console.groupCollapsed() method works similarly, but the new block is collapsed by default. To read it, you need to click on the deploy button.


Use all the tools that this or that programming language provides. If that makes sense - just try it! And a little note: I dedicated a separate article to the internal JavaScript debugger, which can be read here .

If you are new to JavaScript and want to learn this language, I recommend starting with reading books and writing small programs in parallel. The “A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript” tutorial will be very useful, but here is a list of ideas for writing fun apps.

Thanks for reading!


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