Implementing Animation in React Native

A translation of the article was prepared specifically for students of the ReactJS / React Native-Developer course.

It is difficult to imagine a mobile application in which there is no animation. On the web, animations are usually simple, if they exist at all (maximum - one page replaces another). Animations in mobile applications require a completely different attention.

CSS3 has a relatively simple API that allows you to make simple animations. But in React Native you do not have this tool. Yes, even if it was, then it would not be enough.

So, what do you need to know if you are working with React Native and you need to implement full-fledged animations?

React Native has a tool like Animated, but it looks intimidating ... at least at first.

So, there are three “groups of things” or “blocks” if you want, which you need to know about in order to work with animation.

Block 0: The Need for Change

Animations are a change from one state to another:

Think about what to show before and after the animation.
Think about transitions and what styles you need to change for this:

Block 1: A visual state known as Animated.Value

From a logical point of view, any component can either be shown or hidden - these are the meanings of “true” and “false”; there is no middle ground here. As a state, a display of whether the object is shown to be either true or false.

In a good user interface, objects do not hide suddenly and also do not appear suddenly. They appear gradually, helping the user to understand the interface.
Thus, it becomes clear that a visual state can be something between a true state and a false state.

How so?
We can introduce another variable to represent a range of visual states. We need this to be a number, because no matter what logical state we have, numbers help us represent intermediate values.

 this._shown = new Animated.Value(0); 

While a logical state can be binary (i.e. either true or false , 1 or 0), the visual state is a floating-point number.

Block 2: Transitions known as Animated.timing

Let's say some component is hidden: this means that the logical state of its visibility parameters will be false, and the visual state will also be 0.0. But what happens when we want to show a component? The logical state should immediately become true, while the visual state should gradually pass first at 0.1, 0.2, ... and finally completely at 1.0.

To do this, we need a way to tell the visual state the transition to 1.0.
And there are such ways. In fact, there are even a few.
The easiest way is basically:

 Animated.timing(this._shown, { toValue: 1, duration: 300, }).start(); 

Here, we say Animated to change _shown to 1.0 in the 300 ms interval.
There are other transitions and ways to organize multiple transitions, but now we can use Animated.timing .

Block 3: Pixels known as Animated.View and interpolate

Our _shown transitions between 0.0 and 1.0 mean nothing if we cannot see them. So how do we do this?

We need to somehow use _shown to set the transparency of the child component.

Suppose we had this code before starting work with animations:

 <View style={{ opacity: this.state.shown ? 1 : 0 }}> <SomeComponent /> </View> 

We set the transparency to 0 when we hide the component and to 1 when we show it.

Can we use the available Animated.Value and _shown to animate the transition from 0 to 1 ?

Style Animation

We can use any Animated.Value when we work with styles.
We just need to change the View to Animated.View , and now we have the following:

 const opacity = this._shown; // This is an Animated.Value <Animated.View style={{ opacity: opacity }}> <SomeComponent /> </Animated.View> 

Isn't this an article about animations? Why are there still no pictures?

One more thing: interpolation

This word sounds scary, but the idea itself is quite simple. Interpolation allows us to maintain a visual state in the framework of 0 and 1, but give the possibility of "comparison" to something else.

Say, instead of just creating an inherited component, we want our component to "drop out from above." And we can do this by placing the hidden component 40px higher and animating its movement to the desired position, when the state changes to visible.

We can “match” our values ​​from 0 to 1 with values ​​from -40 to 0 using the usual interpolate call:

 const top = this._shown.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [-40, 0], }); 

This will create a new Animated.Value , whose value will be from -40 to 0.
In other words, it will be -40 when _shown is 0 , -20 when _shown = 0.5 and 0 when _shown 1.0 .

Dark secret: with interpolate you can also change values ​​for colors and degrees.


Interpolation allows you to map one Animated.Value range to another, for example a range from 0 to 1 to a range from 5 to 25 or even to a range between black and green.


In this article, we became acquainted with the animation primitives in React Native and gained an understanding of the basic idea. Here you can find resources that will help you explore this topic more deeply:


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