Cool the wine quickly! Russian invention

Under the cut, perhaps the fastest in the world and convenient way to cool the wine to the desired temperature in the home.

“Morel, the batman, brought a pot of warm water and put a bottle of red wine in it.”
L.N. Tolstoy, “War and Peace”
At the beginning, in accordance with the dictates of the time, the disclaimer: all the wine mentioned in the article is, of course, non-alcoholic, and the other, as it were, does not exist.

Any decent wine should be consumed heated to the right temperature, as Pierre Bezukhov did, or chilled to the right temperature, as is usually the case today.

What is the fastest way to cool a bottle? Common sense and the law of thermal conductivity Fourier suggests that the greater the temperature difference, the faster the cooling. So I want to put the bottle in the freezer. A wine thermometer with Bluetooth is sold on Amazon, which allows you to monitor the temperature of a bottle remotely inside the refrigerator (by the way, a British invention).

But in the freezer, this thing does not work, because the thermometer shows what the hell. The temperature difference between the wine inside the bottle and the outer surface of the bottle located in the freezer is too large. All because glass is a relatively poor conductor of heat. But if you approach the problem from a slightly different perspective and use the mentioned property of glass with benefit, you can cool red wine in the freezer in about 15-20 minutes instead of an hour in the refrigerator, and white wine in about 30-40 minutes instead of two hours.

The idea is to put a thermally insulated chamber on the neck of a bottle horizontally placed in the freezer (and it probably won't fit vertically). Inside this thermally insulated chamber is a non-contact IR temperature sensor that senses the temperature of the neck of the bottle. The effect of cold air on the freezer is minimal. The freezer cold, of course, “gets” to the sensor through the glass section of the neck of the bottle. But the contact area of ​​the neck with the wine inside the bottle is much larger than the cross-sectional area of ​​the neck glass, and the sensor measures the temperature of the wine correctly even in the freezer.

It is better to put the bottle in the freezer on some thick napkin or a foam polyethylene mat. Firstly, if you put a warm bottle directly on the dumplings, then they will stick together. And secondly, a rug or napkin will increase the accuracy of temperature measurement, because the wine will be cooled from above. Cold wine is denser, it goes down, displacing warm wine, and the wine in the bottle will mix naturally. In the middle of the bottle lying in height, where there is a neck and a temperature sensor, the temperature of the wine will be average for the bottle.

Next is a matter of technology. The temperature sensor is non-contact to work with bottlenecks of different diameters (By the way, who knows a worthy analogue of the MLX90614 / MLX90615 IR sensor?). The sensor readings are taken by a microprocessor with a bluetooth module, which transmits them to a smartphone. Thermal insulation is provided by foamed polyethylene and a brush seal around the neck of the bottle. Inside also 2 rings from a brush seal. In fact, the thermometer "hangs" on the neck due to bristles and is not in contact with the bottle anywhere else, otherwise cold bridges and testimony bumps arise. Power - 2 AAA batteries. The thermometer is put on the neck of any bottle, up to 750 ml champagne, like a cap.

On the smartphone in the attached program, you can set the desired temperature, and when this temperature is reached, an alert will sound: It's time to drink wine! The program is still primitive (but functional), and if everything goes well, it will improve. For example, we’ll immediately set the target temperature value from the barcode photo.

In order to speed up the process a little more (and sometimes to speed it up much, for example, at the time of defrosting the freezer), it is better to attach a previously frozen plastic cold storage battery to the Velcro strap before placing the wine in the freezer.

There is a new case, prettier, but the filling has not yet been fit there.

I would be grateful for the views expressed, questions and comments. Thank you for attention.

PS As promised, he conducted a wet towel cooling experiment. Published article .

PSS In the concept of "cool wine quickly" all the words are important. Wine is also a key word because the temperature of its serving is sometimes important.
If you just need a cold wine, then you just need to store the supply of bottles in the refrigerator and drink for your pleasure.
If you need wine at a temperature of 17 ° C for good meat and welcome guests, then the thermometer from this article, which is put on the neck, will provide you with the right temperature while you fry the meat. There are no other convenient options for measuring the temperature of a rapidly chilled wine. How you cool the bottle, you can and a freezing spray, it does not matter.


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