Microsoft's New Python Course [in English]

Probably the biggest obstacle to learning any new programming language is just knowing where to start. What is important? What you need to know to become a pro? It is difficult to examine documents when you are not even sure that you are reading what you need.

Perhaps you are eyeing Python. Maybe you are attracted because of its popularity. Maybe you like its flexibility. After all, with the help of Python you can create solutions of any shape and size, you can immerse yourself in web development, simplify your life with the help of automation or, possibly, create the future with the help of machine learning.

Choosing a new language is a common situation for modern developers. The days of a career entirely focused on one language are long gone.

Fortunately, concepts usually do not change when switching from one programming language to another. Of course, the syntax may be different, but the if statement is still an if statement , even if it is written using {} or End If . Therefore, you do not need to learn how to program, you need to learn how to program in a new language .

Our colleagues Susan and Chris have created a Python tutorial series for beginners! You can know how to write code, for example, in JavaScript, Java or C # (or in COBOL, or in Bash, or ... it really doesn't matter). You may have been in college, online, or read a book, and you do not need to learn what the if expression is. You rather need to understand what the if statement looks like in Python.

Susan and Chris recalled their first classes in Python, and what they wanted to learn at that time. They also studied various short guides, for example, using the Face API , and learned from people what they need to know in order to successfully learn such a guide. And after that they created a course.

Although the course will not cover everything you need to know about Python, colleagues are convinced that they will talk about the most important principles of programming in Python, starting with the usual everyday coding and scripting. After completing the course, you will be able to study independently, following the documents, study guides, books, etc. We promise that we will act quickly and accurately so that you can immerse yourself in the areas that interest you the most (or embarrass!).

Join now! By the way, you can always find Susan and Chris on Twitter: @hockeygeekgirl and @geektrainer .


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