Andrei Belyaev about reflection in Java at the meeting

Last Thursday, September 26, 2019, at the meeting of the CROC company at a meeting of the Moscow community of Java developers , Andrey Belyaev made a report “Reducing the amount of reflection in the code”.

About Speaker

Andrey is currently working on developer advocate at Haulmont , taking part in the development of the CUBA Platform . He represented the company at the Oracle Code One conference, including this year .

Andrey's reports and his participation in the podcast:

More links: GitHub , Twitter , Habr .

About the report

Andrey Kogun opens the meeting, recalling the upcoming conferences (the very closest is Joker 2019 ) and introducing the meeting's speaker, another Andrey.

The report was devoted to the topic of reflection in the Java programming language . The features of reflection calls in the JVM , alternatives to their use, the use of the LambdaMetafactory mechanism, and code generation examples were considered. Microbenchmarks of various approaches were presented, the code is on GitHub .

The report mentioned the features of two web frameworks - Micronaut and Quarkus . Quarkus is a very young Red Hat framework. Inspired by his mention, the next day added an example of its use in a set to the rest , written for a recent article .

At the end of the report, results were assessed with an assessment of various approaches in terms of criteria such as sustainability, speed, the possibility of using AOT , and the complexity of implementation.

Traditionally, for such meetings there was the opportunity to ask questions on the topic of the report, to communicate with colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere, reinforcing their strength in the break with buns with tea and coffee.

Presentation of the report: on Speaker Deck , the video will appear soon (see links below).

Links for :

On October 25-26, 2019, a conference for Java developers of Joker 2019 will be held in St. Petersburg , for which it is cheaper to buy tickets for the last days until October 1.


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