Overview of AngularConnect 2019. Part 2

In this article, we continue to share our impressions of a trip to London at AngularConnect 2019. Today we will tell you how everything happened, about the reports of the second day and that we brought home useful things (and no, these are not stickers!). And here is the first part of the article .

Before moving on to the reports, we will tell a little about the conference itself. Not every day we visit London!


The event was held at the Elizabeth II Conference Center (QEII Center) in the heart of London. As written on the site, "in the shadow of Big Ben and Westminster Abbey." By the way, about Big Ben. Associated with it is our biggest disappointment of this trip - the famous tower is closed for restoration and looks like this:


Now even in RuNet they write a lot about the dangers of plastic and its negative impact on nature. And in London they pay special attention to this problem. So, instead of the usual plastic water bottles in the halls and halls of the conference center, there were glass jugs and glasses. Instead of plastic knives and forks, disposable wooden ones.

And on the morning of the second day, at the entrance to the conference center, we were met by a huge inflatable turtle, depicted on a plastic polluted inflatable ocean. And although the turtle was placed in support of the climate strike, and not our conference, it fit perfectly into the marine theme of AngularConnect design.

The format of presentations and presentation of material differed from Russian conferences.



Minko Gechev talks about the work of the Angular team on TC 39, improving developer experience and applying best practices. Once again repeats about the schematics. He ends his talk with a story about Bazel, the future Angular application builder.

If you watched ng-conf 2019 , then nothing new, except for the part about Bazel, you will not find out. In general, the opening of the second day turned out to be no less interesting than the first.

GitHub at scale: How Angular manages community contributions and repositories

One of the main thoughts of the Joey Perrott report is to automate working with Pull Request on GitHub. The extinction of PRs, CI monitoring, classification of created issue - all this Joey offers to delegate to bots.

The report will be of interest to those who are just starting to work with GitHub and have not previously plunged into the CI / CD theme. Honored Starter Label!

Performance optimizations in Angular

Mert Değirmenci gives many examples of how you can do it, but how it’s not worth it, while explaining why. A couple of tips seem crazy: abandoning ngFor in favor of for (const ...) and using directives instead of components. However, Mert cites graphs and specific numbers that confirm the increase in productivity and the reduction in page rendering time.

In my opinion, one of the most interesting reports of the second day. Probably the first deep-dive that I really liked. Be sure to look if you want to win an extra percentage of performance.

Creating a better culture in tech through diversity and inclusion

The words diversity and inclusion in the title can be misleading. This report is not about ethnic, gender and age diversity in a team. It is more about how to create a good atmosphere and conditions for the growth of employees. Tracy Lee and Rob Ocel talked about PAMStack, a three-pronged approach to work organization:

The report does not require technical knowledge and will be useful to both developers and managers.

Power in constraints

In his talk, Rado Kirov shows examples from TypeScript, Bazel, and Angular, in which tools and frameworks set constraints for a developer. This approach, according to the speaker, helps to create productive, safe and simple solutions. The last thing you can do in your code is “Put an any on it,” Rado says.

The report will be useful for developers who want to learn the strengths of typed programming languages. There are no ties to Angular - react developers, welcome!

How angular works

Kara Erickson talks about runtime Ivy. She illustrates how Ivy creates a function from a simple template that handles all user interactions. She devotes special attention to dividing the runtime into creating a component and updating it.

The first report with the label Intermediate, which, in my opinion, deserves a deep dive. It’s interesting to listen, examples are quite vital. However, the information is far from being for everyday development, so I advise those who want to thoroughly understand the work of the framework.

Building with Ivy: Rethinking Reactive Angular

Mike Ryan talks about how, in his opinion, you can get rid of Zone.js. Using a simple counter page as an example, it shows how to use the new Ivy API to get rid of subscriptions and changeDetection.

Our opinions on this report ranged from “wrote your bicycles” to “a good approach, there is something to think about.” If you are a fan of reactive approaches, you will like it.

Migrating breaking changes with TSLint and Schematics

Stanimira Vlaeva examines ESLint theory ( TSLint deprecated ) and creates a library import migration script in live coding mode using the TDD method console. The resulting rule wraps in Angular Schematics and shows how to configure execution with the ng update mylibrary command.

The report will be useful to developers who have long wanted to write their migration or rule for the linter, but were afraid to start. The first part is applicable for any framework, the second - the creation of a schematic diagram - was also considered in the report , however, at Stanimira the spelling of the schematic diagram was considered in more detail.


The second day of the conference ended with a panel discussion with the Angular team and poems about this framework. Angular developers answered questions and encouraged everyone to try Ivy soon to catch bugs in the new engine as early as possible. By the way, we have already tried.

Generally speaking, the technical level of practical reports turned out to be lower than we expected. However, this is a typical story for such events. However, the conference is not only material, in the end, the reports can also be viewed in the recording. The conference is a unique opportunity to ask your question directly to the creators of Angular. This could be done in writing during a panel discussion and orally during numerous breaks (we recommend learning English).

The reports on the Angular device seemed interesting to us from an engineering point of view. It’s useful for all developers to remember what can and should be thought outside the box, apply algorithms and low-level optimizations where necessary. A modern frontend is not about coloring buttons.

And the conference is great motivator. It is amazing to see so many Angular developers from different countries around who are faced with the tasks that we face.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/469445/

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