How to be a good programmer

It happens that it’s hard for beginners to understand where to go next, what to do. It happens that such problems arise not only for beginners.

Many people understand where to move, what to do, comes on a hunch. And it takes a lot of time. Time is the most important human resource that must be protected and not scattered by it. And so as not to lose this time, I want to share some thoughts, tips.
These tips seem to many to be "captain's" and obvious, especially to experienced programmers, but this should not negate their correctness.

Constructive criticism is welcome.

Be honest, don't be afraid to ask questions and look stupid.

You can read a bunch of books, do a thousand tasks, but without practice you can’t achieve good results.

Without communication, you are like a good book in a "dead" language. It is, but no use.
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Literature and references

The links provided are not necessarily read. What book, article, material to read, where you need to catch up - this is purely individual. Everyone must decide for himself.
The links below are rather some starting points from which you can start.


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