Intel's Use NUC - Win NUC Contest. Results and winners

At the end of August, we announced the start of the competition for inventors and innovators (in the broadest sense of the word) “Use NUC - Win NUC”. This was the first time that a competition of this format was held on Intel's blog, so there were many concerns, and most important of them, that there simply wouldn’t be any participants in it. Fortunately, this did not happen, there were enough applications, and their level suited us perfectly. We only need to announce the winners and send them prizes.

First, again about the evaluation criteria. We did not strictly limit the format of the application, it could be an idea, a prototype, or a complete solution. But for itself, the jury decided this: the more the participant invested his work, the higher his work was rated. In our opinion, this is fair. The thorough and accurate execution of the application was also evaluated - this is how the participant showed his attitude to the competition.

By the totality of criteria, the following comrades became the winners of the competition.

The first place and Intel NUC PC are unanimously awarded to Vasily Yakovlev for the project of a workplace for a production operator in a protected version, thought out in detail and implemented with enviable skill.

Description of the project from the application for the competition
In modern factories, factories or factories often use the latest developments both to control processes that are directly related to the production process, and to control the auxiliary systems of buildings of the production building. Among these developments, I include sophisticated control systems that operate on servers and on local workstations of operators who manage these processes.

In order to ensure efficient management of these systems, the operator's workplace should be located somewhere nearby or directly on the site where you want to manage. Hence the need for a solution that would be suitable for use in fairly specific conditions (high humidity, the risk of dry components getting into the computer, high or vice versa low temperatures), and at the same time ensure the convenience of using such a system.

An economical and flexible solution would be to use familiar personal computers, but a compact form factor, while powerful and well protected from the external environment. Compactness and power can be achieved through the use of Intel NUC.

The second place goes to Yaroslav Litvinov , who created a consultant robot with a rich inner world and an impressive set of organs for interacting with the outside world. And even though at the moment the robot is in a disassembled form, the expended efforts and the result obtained impressed the jury.

Description of the project from the application for the competition
For three years now I have been collecting a consultant robot alone, I have tried many technological solutions and products of different companies in all the "limbs" of the robot. He stopped on Intel solutions.

Characteristics of the robot:

Computer - Intel NUC
Vision and navigation - RealSense D415, webcam
Suspension - BLDC 8 "brushless motors with feedback
Interactive part - 22 "touch monitor
Speech synthesis - but there are developments on Yandex, Google, Amazon, autonomously
Speech recognition - but there are developments on Yandex, Google, Amazon, offline
The case - an aluminum frame, fiberglass of its own molding and grinding, the manufacture of the case and the applied efforts can not be compared with the rest of the work
Dimensions - somewhere ~ 160 cm
Weight - 30 kg will be

But the third place we got two. And this is wonderful, because two are twice as many as one. They did not refuse anyone in the well-deserved minute of fame - both projects are worthy.

Alexander Dyrda uses the NUC for programming and in-circuit testing of electronic components. The device turned out to be complex and multifunctional, and Intel mini-PCs as a basis suited him as well as possible.

Description of the project from the application for the competition
It is necessary to implement an automated workstation (AWP) for programming and in-circuit testing of electronic components. AWP is intended for use in the production process of a company engaged in the development and serial production of electronic devices.

The cost of the solution should be minimal, all technological operations should be as automated as possible, plus the solution should be scalable to various products of the enterprise.

Initially, it was supposed to use any nettop as the control PC, as There are no special performance requirements. After analyzing the market and offers, it turned out that Intel NUC satisfies all tasks and has the most optimal price-performance ratio.

Nikolai Punko found a place for Intel NUC in a device for frame-by-frame animation of his own design - the use of a PC with multiple monitors will increase the number of participants in the creative process.

Description of the project from the application for the competition
Multnostok N. Punko includes control modules, shooting, processing and editing images.

The disadvantage of N. Punko’s Multistanka is that the control, shooting, processing and editing module is installed on the cover of the shooting module together with the monitor, and only those participants in the shooting process who are in front of the screen can control the shooting process, which limits the number of participants filming process.

Intel NUC mini-PCs are installed on the shooting module, with the possibility of installing two differently directed monitors on the shooting module itself and one large screen outside the shooting module.

So, the winners are named, the prizes are (so far virtually) distributed. Yes, keep in mind that if you need an Intel NUC - for a contest or just that - you can always buy it in the Citylink store .

And one more announcement. We invite everyone who is interested in what Intel is currently living with and the global IT industry as a whole at Intel Experience Day - the main Intel event in Russia, where we will talk about key IT trends, introduce the latest company products, and share experience in creating advanced technological solutions based on our technologies. Register on the site and come to us on October 29th - it will be interesting.

Now that's all. Thanks to everyone who responded to our contest call. We have gained invaluable experience, and now we know how to make the next contest even better. And you know how to make your applications even better. And this knowledge is surely still useful to us!


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