Good font

The fact that one is given easily and for nothing can be a real problem for others - every letter of the font “ Dobroshrift ”, which was developed for World cerebral palsy Day with the participation of children with this diagnosis, causes such thoughts. We decided to take part in this charity event and changed the site logo by the end of the day.

Our society is often non-inclusive and rejects people who are somewhat different from the created image of the norm. This is at least unfair and wrong. A few facts about cerebral palsy:

Read more on Wikipedia

According to various sources, from 2 to 6 out of 1000 newborns are born with cerebral palsy. There are users on Habré with this problem, for example, Ivan ibakaidov Bakaidov, the author of cool publications. Here are some of them:

Or Alexander Zenko, whom we once wrote about in our public.

The purpose of the action is to draw attention to the problem and raise funds for individual rehabilitation programs for children. You can make a donation on the Dobroshift website, buy products with a font, or download the font itself - all funds will go to the account of the Gift to the Angel charity foundation.

We invite everyone to take part in this charity event.


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