Netrology Open Day: New Professions in Data Science and Analytics

Hello! On Friday, October 11, in the Netology Campus, we will hold an open day "New Professions in Data Science and Analytics." Let's talk about how to enter Data Science, which development paths of a specialist are possible and which competencies are important for professional growth. Beginners will understand complex terms and get a step-by-step guide. Each open house participant will receive a discount on Data Science Netology courses .

Beginning - October 11 at 18.30, admission by prior registration . For those who can not attend in person, we will conduct an online broadcast.


18:30 - 19:00 - Collection of guests and welcome coffee
18:50 - 19:00 - Registration of participants
19:10 - 19:30 - Elena Gerasimova , Head of the Department of Analytics and Data Science of Netology, “Career paths and training in analytics and Data Science: presentation of new training programs”
19:30 - 21:10 - Alexey Kuzmin , Director of Development and Data Scientist DomKlik, “Just about the complex: analytics, Data Science, Big Data and machine learning for everyone”
21:10 - 21:30 - Communication with the Netology team, consultation and answers to questions from participants

Registration and venue

Sign up for a mitap or subscribe to the broadcast here .
Address: Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya 35, p. 59 (“Gastroform”, entrance from the yard), 3rd floor, of. 303


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