Unexpected vulnerability in Apple products. Totally unexpected

Surely everyone knows jokes about the relationship with sexual orientation and Apple products. And recently, they have ceased to be jokes (or have reached a fundamentally new level). Apple is accused of bringing homosexuality.

Someone Razumilov D.E. A few years ago, I installed an application for conducting operations with cryptocurrencies on my iPhone. Recently, unknown propagandists listed 69 GayCoins with a message that you shouldn’t blame him without trying (“Don't blame until you do that”).

Admittedly, the reception is quite cheap. Judging by the exchange rate, propaganda cost a little more than one US dollar. However, the effect has been achieved.

The victim thought about the message and actually decided to try it. As a result, he was "mired" in same-sex relationships, which had a very negative effect on his life and mental health. According to incomprehensible logic, the victim of gay propaganda blames Apple for the moral suffering that he suffered.

As a first step in this fight, a lawsuit was filed against Apple Rus LLC (photo from Moscow Says) . Most surprisingly, this is not a fake.

It is not clear whether this is a large-scale joke or all in all seriousness. It is impossible to exclude even a variant with PR (black or what color). However, the fact remains - Apple is accused of bringing homosexuality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/469923/

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