Course "Fundamentals of Effective Work with Wolfram Technologies": more than 13 hours of video lectures, theory and problems

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I read this course a couple of years ago for a fairly large audience. It contains a lot of information about how Mathematica , Wolfram Cloud and Wolfram Language work .

However, of course, time does not stand still and in recent times a lot of new things have appeared: from advanced capabilities of working with neural networks to all kinds of web operations ; now there is the Wolfram Engine , which can be installed on your server and accessed like Python; you can build all sorts of geographical visualizations or chemical ; there are huge repositories of all kinds of data, including machine learning ; You can connect to all kinds of databases; solve complex mathematical problems, etc.

It’s hard to list all the features of Wolfram technology in a couple of paragraphs or a few minutes.
All this prompted me to take a new course, which is now registering .
I’m sure that when you discover the possibilities of the Wolfram Language, you will begin to use it more and more often, solving your tasks quickly and effectively in a variety of areas: from science to design automation or website parsing, from neural networks to illustration processing, from molecule visualization to construction powerful interactions.

1 | Wolfram Mathematica and Wolfram Cloud Systems Overview

Lesson content
What is Wolfram Mathematica?
- Creator - Stephen Wolfram
—— Some recent articles by Stephen Wolfram translated into Russian
- List of built-in functions and symbols
—— Number of built-in functions depending on version
—— Hard disk space
- More on Mathematica in general
- All Wolfram Research Products
New and Updated Features
- The code for receiving these lists
New in the front end
New geometric language
- Basic geometric objects
- Functions for geometric calculations
—— Area measure
—— Distance to the area
—— Work with areas
- Functions for defining areas
- Work with grids
- Full integration with other features
Analytical and numerical solution of differential equations
- WhenEvent for analytic tasks
- Analytical solution of remote control with delay
- Finite Element Method
Machine Learning - Machine Learning
- Classify
- Predict
- Example
Entity Language” - a new database language + A huge number of new databases
New language for working with geographic information
What are other news?
- Extension of the base language
—— Association - indexed arrays
—— Dataset - embedded database format
- PlotTheme
- Time related calculations
- Analysis of random processes
- Time series
- Integration with Wolfram Cloud
- Integration with devices
- Advanced HTML document templates
Wolfram programming cloud

2.1 | Introduction to the language, its features. The main difficulties of novice users. Work with the Mathematica interface and its capabilities - a predictive interface, free form input, etc.

Lesson content
Wolfram language
Wolfram Language Principles
What is important to remember when working with Wolfram Language?
Getting started at Mathematica
Important keyboard shortcuts
- Shift + Enter or Enter on the numeric keypad
- Ctrl + Shift + Enter
- F1
- F2
Retrieving Character Information
-? - Definition function
- ?? - Information function
- Press F1
- Predictive interface
Work with palettes
- Basic Math Assistant
- Classroom Assistant
- Writing Assistant
- Chart Element Schemes
- Color Schemes
- Special Characters
- Work with graphs and drawings
—— Drawing Tools
—— Get Coordinates
—— Primary image processing
- Work with graphs
Wolfram Language & System | Documentation Center
Predictive Interface - Predictive Interface
- Context-sensitive auto-completion of input commands
—— Working with built-in functions and syntax templates
—— Working with user variables
- Calculated predictive interface - a panel for suggesting further actions
Integration with Wolfram | Alpha
- Wolfram | Alpha Website
- Integration between Wolfram | Alpha and Mathematica
—— Search for representations in closed decimal fractions
—— Blood pressure information
—— Step-by-step solution of the matrix equation by the Gauss method

2.2 | Defining functions, working with lists, template expressions and associations

Lesson content
- The list {...} and the List function [...]
- "Natural" display of lists
- Ways to generate lists
- Indexing elements and some numerical characteristics of the list. Length and Depth Functions
- Separation of elements that occupy certain places in the list using the Part function ([[...]])
- Renaming list items
- Generating a list using the Table function
- Generating a list of numbers using the Range function
- Assignment of the association and work with it
- Dataset - database format in Wolfram Language
Template Expressions
- Introduction to Templates
- Basic object templates: Blank (_), BlankSequence (__), BlankNullSequence (___)
- What can be done using templates? Cases function
- Determining the type of expression in the template
- The imposition of restrictions on patterns using the functions Condition (/;), PatternTest (?), Except , as well as the application of test functions
- Creating templates with alternative choices using the Alternatives (|) function
- Applying deferred assignment SetDelayed (: =)
- Application of absolute assignment Set (=)
- Defining a function that remembers the values ​​that it has already found and a recursive function
- Attributes of functions and functions of Attributes , SetAttributes , ClearAttributes , Protect , Unprotect for working with them
Pure functions
- Application of Function Function (&)
- Where are pure functions used?

2.3 | Create visualizations

Lesson content
Character graphic language
- Graphic primitives
—— One-dimensional
—— Two-dimensional
—— Three-dimensional
—— Auxiliary
- Graphics function
—— Syntax
——— The simplest example
——— Layers
——— Layer permutations
——— General and particular properties of layers
—— Graphics function options
——— AspectRatio
——— Axes
——— AxesLabel
——— AxesOrigin
——— AxesStyle
——— Ticks
——— TicksStyle
——— Background
——— ContentSelectable
——— CoordinatesToolOptions
——— Epilog
——— Prolog
——— Frame
——— FrameLabel
——— RotateLabel
——— FrameStyle
——— FrameTicks
——— FrameTicksStyle
——— GridLines
——— GridLinesStyle
——— ImageSize
——— PlotLabel
——— LabelStyle
——— PlotRange
——— PlotRangeClipping
——— PlotRangePadding
—— Style settings
——— Colors (named colors + colors from color spaces, say RGBColor ), transparency ( Opacity )
——— Line Thickness: Thick , Thin , Thickness , AbsoluteThickness
——— Point size: PointSize , AbsolutePointSize
——— The style of ending lines and break points: CapForm , JoinForm
——— Style function for adjusting the appearance of text
——— FaceForm and EdgeForm functions to control the appearance of the area and its border
—— Example
——— The approximate solution
——— The solution is accurate
——— Why is the exact solution very useful?
- Graphics3D function
—— Syntax
——— The simplest example
——— General and particular properties of graphic objects
—— Graphics3D function options
——— AxesEdge
——— Boxed
——— BoxRatios
——— BoxStyle
——— ClipPlanes
——— ClipPlanesStyle
——— FaceGrids
——— FaceGridsStyle
——— Lighting
——— SphericalRegion
——— ViewPoint , ViewVector , ViewVertical
—— Example: section of a cube
——— From a static three-dimensional object to an interactive
Built-in functions for creating visualizations
Basic 2D Features
- Plot
- ContourPlot
- RegionPlot
- ParametricPlot
- PolarPlot
- ListPlot
Basic 3D Features
- Plot3D
- ContourPlot3D
- RegionPlot3D
- ParametricPlot3D
- ListPlot3D
Relationship of functions for building visualizations and basic functions of Graphics and Graphics3D
- 2D
- 3D

2.4 | Creating interactive objects, working with controls, creating user interfaces

Lesson content
Character dynamic language
- Dynamic function
—— The simplest examples
——— Change parameter
——— Solution construction mapping
- Controls
—— Slider
——— The simplest example
—— Slider2D
——— The simplest example
—— IntervalSlider
——— The simplest example
—— Checkbox
——— The simplest example
—— CheckboxBar
—— Setter
—— SetterBar
—— RadioButton - special view of Setter
—— RadioButtonBar - a special view of SetterBar
—— Toggler
—— TogglerBar
—— Opener
—— ColorSlider
——— The simplest example
—— PopupMenu
——— The simplest example
—— InputField
——— The simplest example
—— Other objects ...
Manipulate Function
- Syntax
- Simplified control syntax
—— {x, a, b}
—— {x, a, b, dx}
—— {{x, x0}, a, b}, {{x, x0}, a, b, dx}
—— {{x, x0, label}, a, b}, {{x, x0, label}, a, b, dx}
—— {{x, initial, label}, ....}
—— {x, color}
—— {x, {val1, val2, ...}}
—— {x, {val1-lbl1, val2-> lbl2, ...}}
—— {x, {xmin, ymin}, {xmax, ymax}}
—— {x, {True, False}}
—— {x} and {{x, x0}}
—— {x, Locator}
—— {x, {xmin, ymin}, {xmax, ymax}, Locator}
—— {{x, {{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, ...}}, Locator} or
{{x, {{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, ...}}, {xmin, ymin}, {xmax, ymax}, Locator}
—— {{x, ...}, ..., Locator , LocatorAutoCreate -> True}
—— {{x, ...}, ..., type}
- Manipulate options
—— ContinuousAction
—— LocalizeVariables
—— Initialization
—— SaveDefinitions
—— SynchronousInitialization
—— SynchronousUpdating
—— TrackedSymbols
- Constructor of manipulators
- Create a linked manipulator and snap locators to a curve using the TrackingFunction option

2.5 | Import, export, processing of data, files, images, sound, web pages. Working with the web resources API using the VK API API as an example, as well as working with built-in methods for working with the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other APIs

Lesson content
Work with files and their names
- File search and related tasks
—— $ InstallationDirectory , $ BaseDirectory
—— NotebookDirectory
—— FileExistsQ
—— FileNames
- Create file names
—— DirectoryName
—— FileNameJoin
—— FileNameSplit
—— FileNameTake
—— FileBaseName
—— FileExtension
Import and Export Functions
- Import and export formats
- Import
—— Examples
- Export
—— Examples
Data processing
- Import and data processing from TXT
- Import and data processing from MS Excel
Work with images
- What can I do?
- Image collection processing
Work with sound
- Example
Import and process data from web pages
- Import of information from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
-- Decision
—— Generalization
- Import information from the Yandex.Dictionaries website
Work with API
-- First steps
—— AccessToken
—— An example of working with the VK API
- Built-in API Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

2.6 | Work with Wolfram embedded curated databases, integration with Wolfram | Alpha

Lesson content
System-wide unit support
- First use
- Example of use in calculations
—— Solution of systems of equations with quantities having dimensions:
—— Dimension analysis ( Pi- theorem):
on the example of the problem of gravitational instability of the medium
——— Helper code
--- Decision
--- Findings
Embedded Databases
- All functions for working with curated databases Wolfram Research
- Examples
—— Creating a world map colored according to the level of GDP
—— The periodic system of chemical elements to them. D. I. Mendeleev
- How to save Wolfram Research curated databases for instant access?
—— Leonid Shifrin’s decision ...
--- The code
——— An example of work
Entity Language
- (Ctrl + =) - receiving a module for local conversion of a request in free form to Wolfram Language format
- Entity
- EntityValue
- EntityClass
- EntityProperties , EntityPropertyty
- Differentiation Entity in appearance
- List of interpretation types
- Interpreter function
- SemanticInterpretation Function
- SemanticImport Function
Integration with Wolfram | Alpha
- Free input form (= at the beginning of the Input cell)
—— Examples
- Local input in free form (Ctrl + = anywhere in the Input cell
—— Example
- The full result of the Wolfram | Alpha query (== at the beginning of the Input cell)
—— Some examples of using Wolfram | Alpha
--- Maths
——— Physics
——— Chemistry
——— Probability theory, statistics, and data analysis
——— Weather and related matters
——— Internet and computer systems
——— Music
——— Food, nutrition, health
- WolframAlpha function
—— Example 1: Euler-Venn diagrams and logic circuits for functions of Boolean algebra in three variables.
—— Example 2: Finding the closest named colors to a given

3 | Working with Wolfram Cloud: creating a direct API, input forms, CloudCDF, etc.

Lesson content
What is Wolfram Cloud?
- What does the Wolfram Cloud consist of?
- What can I do with the Wolfram Cloud?
Wolfram programming cloud
- Wolfram Programming Cloud account typesWolfram Programming Cloud account types
- Cloud loans
Cloud Functions in Mathematica and Wolfram Desktop
- Functions for working directly with the cloud, as well as those that are able to work with cloud objects.
- Cloud Information Features
—— CloudAccountData - information about your account in the Cloud
—— CloudConnect , CloudDisconnect — Connect to or disconnect from the Cloud
—— CloudObjects — Your Cloud Objects
—— $ CloudCreditsAvailable - the number of cloud loans available
Cloud Interface First Steps
- Main window
- Information window about your account
- A window with information about the use of your Cloud objects and Cloud loans
- New document window
- Purpose and syntax
- The simplest example
- CloudDeploy
- Types of variables
- Work with variables
—— “Interpreter” parameter
—— “Default” parameter
—— “Input” parameter
—— “Label” parameter
—— Help parameter
—— “Hint” parameter
- Customize the appearance of the form
—— AppearenceRules
—— FormTheme
- Possible result formats
- Insert Russian text
—— Example
- Examples
—— Creating an application to solve the equation
—— Creating an image processing application
—— Creating a geographic application with smart fields
- Examples
—— Creating an application to solve the equation
—— Creating a geographic application with smart fields

4 | CDF technology - instant integration of interactive objects created in Mathematica into web pages, subtleties. Using ready-made interactive objects from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project website in your projects and changing them. Real-world examples and business applications

Lesson content
CDF - Computable Document Format - Computed Document Format
- CDF technology
- Brief comparison with other formats
- Stages of creating a CDF
—— Illustrated steps
- Real examples
- Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Create Manipulate-Based CDFs
- Step 1. Creating the application
- Step 2. Saving it in CDF format
- Step 3. Insert into a web page
Create CDF based on DynamicModule
- Step 1. Creating the application
- Step 2. Save it to CDF
- Step 3. Insert into a web page
- Another example of a complex CDF
Create prebuilt CDF-based web pages
- Example
- Differences between CDF and EnterpriseCDF
- Basic comparison of CDF and EnterpriseCDF
- Detailed comparison of CDF, EnterpriseCDF, Wolfram Player Pro and Mathematica
- What is CloudCDF?
- Example of creating CloudCDF
—— Example 1
—— Example 2

5 | Work with Wolfram Language and Mathematica, preinstalled and free on Raspberry Pi (with Raspbian operating system)

Lesson content
Raspberry Pi, the first acquaintance
- What it is?
- Where can I buy?
- Where and how to install the OS, supporting Wolfram Language
Raspberry Pi and Wolfram Language
- Project page
- Documentation page
- What does the Raspberry Pi look like after installation
- The idea of ​​programming in Wolfram Language on Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Performance
- Calculation of some code
- Wolfram Standard Embedded Performance Test
- Comparison with Python performance on Raspberry Pi
An example of a mail robot that runs on a Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Examples
- Create a GPS tracker
—— You will need
—— View after assembly
—— Program for Mathematica on the Raspberry Pi
- Take a photo
—— You will need
—— View after assembly
—— Program for Mathematica on the Raspberry Pi
- Using GPIO
—— You will need
—— View after assembly
—— Program for Mathematica on the Raspberry Pi
- Other examples
Where can I find more information on integrating Wolfram Language and Raspberry Pi?

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