Many women are interested in what should be the period after cauterization of erosion. Any pathological process in the female genital organs requires a certain treatment. Cervical erosion can occur regardless of the patient's age and physiological characteristics. With an unfavorable course, the probability of transformation into an oncological pathology of this ailment is very high. In this case, experts recommend treating the disease operatively. In modern times, this method practically does not cause serious problems; therapy passes easily and smoothly.
After some time, a woman may begin to be disturbed by changing menstruation after cauterization of erosion. You need to know in which case the menstruation process is proceeding normally, and when it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.
What is erosion?
Cervical erosion is a frequently diagnosed gynecological pathology in women. Due to the limited amount of information, many women perceive this diagnosis as a sentence, equating it, if not a cancerous tumor, then at least a harbinger of such a malignant process. At the same time, experts do not attribute many varieties of erosion to diseases, excluding them from international reference books on medicine.
It is important to understand that after cauterization of erosion, menstruation goes differently for everyone.
Cervical erosion is any violation of the normal physiological state of its mucous membranes. Such violations include mechanical and chemical damage, abnormal development of the epithelium. By the nature and causes of erosion, they are divided into two main types:
- true erosion;
- pseudo-erosion or ectopia.
In addition, in the classification of erosion, their features can be specified:
- ectropion - the displacement of the internal cervical tissue forward and outward due to strong mechanical pressure, which occurs, as a rule, in the process of complex childbirth or abortion performed in the later stages;
- endometriosis - vertical displacement and the imposition of various types of tissues of the mucous membrane of the cervix;
- leukoplakia - hardening and ossification of the multilayer epithelium in any part of the mucosa.
Cervical polyps and viral warts are considered a separate category of erosion.
What should be the normal period after cauterization of erosion?
How does the menstrual cycle after cauterization
The reason for the formation of cervical erosion is considered to be a certain degeneration and damage to squamous cells in this area. In place of healthy tissues, cylindrical cells form. In modern gynecological practice, several methods are used to eliminate this pathological process:
- traditional, that is, with the help of medications for local use (ointments, suppositories and vaginal tablets);
- chemical - through the use of Solkovagin;
- exposure to liquid nitrogen;
- radio wave therapy;
- electric shock treatment;
- laser surgery.
Menstruation after cauterization of cervical erosion should normally begin on time or with minor deviations from the timing. The menstrual cycle may be violated for reasons that are not related to the treatment of this pathology.
If menstruation began much earlier or later, became more plentiful or, conversely, scarce, one can suspect the occurrence of hormonal malfunction, and the development of other pathologies of the reproductive system.
Menstruation delay
Delayed menstruation after cauterization of erosion is not a complication and can occur for three main reasons:
- exposure to temperature caused damage to the uterine receptors;
- gynecological manipulations led to trauma to the mucous membrane;
- psychological factor - during procedures and treatment, a woman could experience stress, as a result of which there was a delay in menstruation.
Despite the safety of this type of therapeutic procedure, a woman experiences excessive anxiety from the need for surgical intervention, and stress can cause cycle disruptions. A frequent question of women at the gynecologist - can menstruation after cauterization of erosion not come on time? Delay is often accompanied by the occurrence of pulling pains. A similar condition can be noted for several days. If menstruation does not occur for more than 10 days, you need to visit a gynecologist to exclude the condition of pregnancy or use special tests.
Another factor that can provoke a prolonged absence of critical days is stenosis of the cervix. A similar complication occurs, as a rule, due to a prolonged temperature effect on individual parts of the organ. Narrowing of the cervical lumen can lead to the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity with the subsequent inflammatory process in it. Surgical techniques are used to eliminate this pathological process.
And if after cauterization of erosion, menstruation began earlier?
Early onset of menstruation
Cauterization of erosion does not affect the time of onset of menstruation. As a rule, the first menstruation after treatment should begin in about 3-4 weeks, depending on the natural duration of the period. Within a week, bloody streaks can be observed in the composition of the vaginal discharge, which should not be confused with menstruation.
With erosions of large sizes, pinkish discharge can also be observed. Around the tenth day after the procedure, the postoperative scab should leave, which is accompanied by the occurrence of secretion, which can be confused with the premature onset of menstruation. At the same time, women think that menstruation began a little earlier, and if the process of scab discharge and neck healing is impaired, it can cause heavy bleeding. In cases of significant deviations from the normal cycle, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.
Second periods may also go after cauterization of erosion.
Lean or heavy discharge
The change in the nature of the discharge may be due to the fact that before the treatment of cervical erosion, menstruation could take place with some violations. The restoration of mucosal tissue leads to the normalization of the menstrual cycle. If, after treatment, the patient observes abundant watery periods with the presence of individual blood clots, this may indicate a protracted process of stabilizing the state of the genital organs. Excessive discharge may occur in the first two to three cycles. If after this time the type of menstrual flow does not change, a diagnostic examination is necessary.
The onset of scanty and spotting secretions may be associated with a hormonal imbalance. If scanty menstruation is combined with pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, this may indicate the occurrence of spastic phenomena.
Possible complications
The percentage of complications is relatively low. Menstruation after cauterization of erosion is an indirect indicator of the normal process of tissue recovery of the cervix. If menstruation is accompanied by severe pain or a specific secretion, it is worth consulting a doctor. In some cases, the following pathological conditions may occur:
- Cervical stenosis. An insignificant degree of such a narrowing does not affect the quality of life of patients who are not planning a pregnancy. For nulliparous women, this can cause infertility.
- The penetration of endometrial cells into the surface of the wound, which leads to the development of such a pathology as endometriosis. The initial symptoms of this may be heavy bleeding, painful periods.
- Scab infection that occurs due to violations of the rules of treatment or hygiene during the recovery period. This condition manifests itself with painful and thick discharge of blood from the genital tract.
Such complications can occur after any method of cauterizing erosion, including the most harmless - the radio wave. Untreated pathology poses an even greater danger to health than rare cases of development of problems in the postoperative period.
Now it became known why, after cauterization of erosion, menstruation begins earlier or later.
Preventative methods
To avoid menstrual irregularities after erosion therapy, it is necessary to clearly follow the doctor's recommendations in the rehabilitation process. A woman should avoid procedures that can lead to increased blood circulation in the reproductive organs. Patients are prohibited from:
- visit baths and saunas, refrain from other warming effects on the lower body;
- consume alcoholic beverages;
- play sports, lift weights, expose yourself to other types of physical activity, which can trigger the development of bleeding;
- massage on the lumbar region;
- leech treatment;
- swim in open water and visit the pool;
- to take a bath;
- undergo physiotherapy that affects the lower abdomen.
Carrying out cauterization of erosion, despite the safety of this event, remains an intervention in the body. To reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases and the inflammatory process, you need to pay special attention to hygiene, and do not use tampons during menstruation. In the first weeks after treatment, a woman is forbidden to have sex.