How to prevent the idea from dying and gathering a team that won’t kill her

When our digital agency just opened, the question arose: how to start everything and not to screw up. We wanted to create something big. Something around which like-minded people would unite. Here we will tell you how to prevent the idea from dying and how to put together a team that won’t kill it.

At the very beginning, we determined a rule for ourselves: to do everything ourselves, find those who do better, and not tell them what to do . The rule works.

Do it yourself

As soon as a cool idea has appeared in your head, you need to realize it. From inaction, doubts arise, then denial, and then you just want to score. You need to get involved in all processes (although there is no other option at the beginning).

In the first month, the team consisted of the founder and a couple more people. They did everything themselves : they wrote the text, made up the first landing page, looked for customers, dragged the table into a small room.

Then the team gathered. But the important thing is that the founder is still involved in all processes, as well as several years ago. And here is why it needs to be done.

1. So the idea is saved

Any idea will die if you do not deal with it. At any stage, with any number of guys in the office. This can be affected by 2 reasons.

The first reason: people who implement the idea do not preserve the values ​​that were originally laid in the company. They either didn’t understand it, or you didn’t explain it well, or the guys didn’t get it. Or you just took people who don’t share it.

2. This increases the loyalty of the team

Over the past five years, salary has become a motivator that companies use to attract professionals. The race for specialists has begun, which means a good employee could easily choose another company and leave the place of work. For people to stay, they need more than material incentives .

An employee who shares the values ​​of a company that truly imbued them is less likely to leave. In our case, loyalty is increased by a simple contemplation of how the founder is on the same wavelength with everyone and does not renounce the values ​​he created.

Find the one who does better than you

Confidence in the team is the foundation on which everything rests. We take cool guys, completely trusting them and their desire to do cool things.

How to understand that he is cool

We deduced for ourselves 3 factors that we rely on when looking for a new person in the team.

Positive experience

When people are looking for other people to perform a task, in 90% of cases they do not go into Google . They remember those with whom they worked before. Even if some type of student wrote a text for landing to a friend, this friend will most likely turn to him again. Because that time was cool. That time everything worked out. So this one too.

Bring those you've worked with before. You already know the values ​​of this person, you know his attitude to work. You can already trust him.

Nonprofit projects

At interviews, everyone asks about work experience for which people received money. The goal is clear: you need to make sure that a person knows how. But our goal is different: we are looking for someone we can trust .

Ask about the work for which the person did not receive money. These could be non-profit, volunteer or even their own commercial projects. If he had a startup, ask where he started.

Having learned about projects for which a person was not paid, you will best understand his attitude to work.

Sense of beauty

This is a rather metaphorical concept and for everyone it is subjective. But if there is a sense of beauty in you, you will see it in the person whom you are interviewing.

Aesthetics is manifested not only in the professional qualities of a person. It is literally in everything: in his speech, in his hobbies, in the work with which he came, in his reasons to do this work. Ask if he considers the chosen job to be excellent, or if he considers it worth the waste of time on it.

Bring to yourself only those whose sense of beauty is at your level or higher. So you put together a team that you can and want to trust.
80% success is team recruitment. Everything else is a consequence.

How to find him

Give up HR . Hire it yourself.

You will not be able to find a cool dude on the classifieds site. Cool man is busy with cool work. He has no time to write a resume, no time to lay it out; he is not looking for work. Eychar will never find him.

What to do

Choose impulsively.

Every day, flipping through a tape, you come across cool projects. You like videos, services, products, texts. Look for their authors through social networks. Believe me, this is not difficult.

When you find, invite to chat. Have coffee, smoke a hookah, whatever. Do not say right away that you want to offer a job: just say that you like his project, that you think it is cool.

After half an hour of communication, you will understand whether this person is really as cool as his work. He will understand whether you are able to divide and increase what he aspires to.

So, simply by writing in a personal letter, you will bring to the team guys whom you would never find in the job market.

How to make cool people respond

Searching yourself is not always possible. Make it so that by going to the company’s website or seeing an advertisement, a person understands: this is the place where they will understand me, where I will do cool things and they will appreciate it.

This will have to be done if you want to find cool guys. Advertising should become viral . Even those who have no idea who you are and what you should be willing to share it. Parody, meme, just a beautiful banner - do it.

Place an ad on social networks - there they will definitely see. Promise a reward to the one who brings you the cool man. It’s simple, it’s cheaper than paying HR, it’s effective.

Don't tell him what to do

You hired a person you trust. What's next?

The fact is that cool guys can do without managers and deadlines. Really cool guys have a constant sense of balance between quality and speed. They understand what is prioritized. This understanding is deep in people and is checked during the interview.

If a person has this sense of balance, then he does not need the one who stands above him, kicks and tells him how to do his job. You already hired him. Already trusted. He is already cooler than you. Why would he say how.

So in the end

In conclusion, I would like to say something like "Listen to your heart." But no. Choose those who share the values ​​of your company. Those who understand your idea. Those who are better than you.


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