Fresh selection with links to news and materials. In the release: PHP 7.4.0 RC3, support for Composer dependencies on GitHub, updating PSR standards, RFC offers from PHP Internals and about coordinating the PHP project, a portion of useful tools, podcasts, mitaps, and much more.Enjoy reading!
class Car { public int $yearOfProduction; public string $vin; } $car = new Car { yearOfProduction = 2019, vin = "1FTFW1CVXAFD54385", }; $car = new Car { yearOfProduction = 2019, }; // throws RuntimeException: Initialization of Car class object failed due to missing required properties
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Source: articles:Digital events in Moscow from October 7 to 13News from the world of OpenStreetMap No. 479 (09/17/2019 - 09/23/2019)The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 383 (October 1 - 6, 2019)Working with USB Custom HID on AndroidFood Design Digest, September 2019When tests and autotests are needed, a look from the supersystemThe problem of the three mountains, the elusive theory of the mind and the problem of periodization of child developmentAutonomous weather station on the ATMEGA328P controller and battery powered with a wireless remote sensorThe Golden Ratio in Economics - 2Sorry macOS users, but Apple has gone too farAll Articles