10 little-known features of the Chrome Developer Tools

The author of the post we are translating uses the Chrome developer tools almost every day. Here he wants to talk about the little-known features of these tools. He says that if he knew about them before, they would definitely be useful to him.

1. A simple way to get a link to any element under study

Chrome developer tools allow you to get a link to any element under investigation in the console. To do this, working in the Elements panel, right-click on an element and select Store as global variable from the drop-down menu.

A simple way to get a link to any element under investigation

2. Creating interactive expressions attached to the console

In the developer’s tools, you can create interactive expressions attached to the top of the console, the values ​​of which are constantly kept up to date. The procedure for creating such expressions is shown in the following figure. If you know that certain elements on the page should be updated, this feature can be very useful for observing them.

Interactive Expressions in Chrome

3. Simulate slow internet connections

The Network tab of the Chrome Developer Tools allows you to simulate a browser connection to various networks. This feature can be extremely useful in order to evaluate the behavior of a page in a situation where it takes several seconds to load.

Exploring a page simulating various ways to connect to the Internet

4. Disabling the cache, saving logs when switching between pages

I had to face many problems that, as it turned out, were not mistakes. Their cause was incorrect loading of cached code. In order to get rid of such troubles, you can completely disable caching using the capabilities of the Network tab. This is a Disable cache checkbox. Please note that the cache does not work only when the developer toolbar is open.

Saving logs is another useful feature due to which the console is not cleared when the page under investigation is reloaded. Enables this feature by checking the Preserve log checkbox on the Network tab.

Disabling the cache and saving logs

5. Making screenshots

Chrome Developer Tools includes a built-in screenshot tool. In order to use it, you need, with the tool window open, apply the key combination Ctrl+Shift+P , and then enter the keyword screenshot in the field that appears and select the desired method of creating a screenshot.

Creating a screenshot from the developer toolbar

6. The console.log () command is far from the only way to log something to the console

Everyone uses the console.log() command to log debugging data. However, this command does not exhaust logging capabilities. In particular, the console.warn() and console.error() commands are at the disposal of the developer.

These commands display messages of different levels of logging to the console - these are, respectively, warnings and error messages. They are highlighted in different colors and icons. Messages displayed in the console by different commands can be filtered.

Console.warn () and console.error ()

You can use the console.table() command to display some structured data conveniently formatted in a table format.

Command console.table ()

The possibilities for working with the console are not limited to these commands. For example, there are such commands as console.assert() and console.group() . Here you can find a detailed story about such teams.

7. The $ _ construct returns the most recent computed expression

The $_ construct can be used to return the value of a previous operation performed in the console.

Using the $ _ construct

8. The $ () command is a shorthand for document.querySelector ()

You can use the $() command in the console to quickly select an item. The features of jQuery here, by the way, are not applied, although at first glance it might seem that this is not so.

Similarly, the $$() command is a shorthand for document.querySelectorAll() .

Using $ ()

9. Enabling element states, such as hover or focus, in the Styles panel

If during the study of an element it is necessary to study its behavior in the hover state, this can be a daunting task, since in order to translate an element into this state, it would be necessary to have a mouse pointer over it. The solution to this problem can be facilitated by using the capabilities of the Styles panel. Here you can force elements to be transferred to states such as hover or focus .

Force item to state

10. The combination of pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the mouse helps to find the definition of the CSS rule

Have you ever needed to know where a CSS rule is described? This task is very easy to solve by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking on the rule of interest to you. MacOS uses Cmd instead of Ctrl .

Ctrl + click - search for CSS rule definition location

Dear readers! What would you add to the list of little-known features of the Chrome developer tools here?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/470411/

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