About secure noVNC consoles, autoscaling in Kubernetes, Haproxy in Ostrovka and the work of admins with programmers

We upload video reports of reports with Selectel MeetUp: system administration.

A little background

Selectel MeetUp is a meeting with short presentations and live chat. The idea of ​​the event is simple: listen to classroom speakers, chat with colleagues, exchange experiences, talk about your problems and hear how others solved them. In general, everything that is called networking in the IT community.

We warmed up on small rallies about DevOps and high availability in information systems. At the last speakers were only from Selectel, but from the experience of DevOps we realized that we needed to invite interesting guys from other companies. And to make the names clearer than just the serial number of the mitap. So, this year we restarted the event.

September 12 was the first meeting in a new format. Together with the speakers from VKontakte, UseDesk, Studyworld, they discussed the status and prospects of customer service in Russian IT. We decided not to stop here.

October 3 at Selectel was a meeting for system administrators. This time, speakers from Cogia.de, Ostrovok, and Digital Vision Labs were invited. We talked about Kubernetes, legacy code in modern systems and the work of administrators with other departments. Imagine - Peter, evening, rain, and we have a full conference room for system administrators. Well, how not to be inspired here? Vadim Isakanov came to Chelyabinsk for his speech.

While we are thinking about the topic of the next mitap, under the cut we publish recordings of reports.

Experience in infrastructure solutions in 4 reports

noVNC-console for dedicated servers, Alexander Nikiforov, Selectel

Our task was to provide customers with remote access to server management. This access is based on the BMC module included on the motherboard. But direct access to it through a public IP address is fraught with serious security risks, and isolation attempts complicate the work of the client. About the way to solve this problem in Selectel, where we started a couple of years ago and what happens under the hood during the launch of the KVM console from our control panel, said Alexander Nikiforov.

Autoscaling at Kubernetes, Vadim Isakanov, Cogia.de

One of the key features of Kubernetes is to use only the necessary resources when clusters and applications scale themselves. Kubernetes autoscaling tools are free out of the box. Vadim Isakanov from Cogia.de spoke about the arsenal of these tools and his way of working with Kubernetes.

“Raise your hand, who works with Kubernetes. Now raise your hand who knows Kubernetes well. ”

By the way, Vadim wrote about mitap on his Facebook page. There is a report, slides from his report and various insights. Vadim, thanks!

Haproxy documentation wandering story, Denis Bozhok, Islet

Ostrovok.ru team serves about 130 microservices. When someone searches for a hotel in St. Petersburg, the request goes to the results aggregation service, and then to Supplierd’s own microservice, which scatters requests to external hotel suppliers. This is about 450 thousand compounds at one time. To work with external suppliers, the company first used Nginx, and now they use Haproxy. About the nuances that arise during such work, said Denis Bozhok.

“After school, I studied as a cook, then I took the wrong recipes, in short everything was as in a fog, and now I am responsible for the infrastructure at Ostrovok.”

How to make friends of different teams in 6 weeks, Dmitry Popov, Digital Vision Labs

At some point, the Digital Vision Labs team faced a growth problem: the business was ready to take part in new projects, but the IT infrastructure did not keep pace with it. The system administration department was constantly in a rush mode, tasks that did not have time to be accumulated accumulated. Efficiency has fallen. About non-obvious reasons for the situation and how they managed to establish project management, said Dmitry Popov.

“At the time when we realized that we needed to change something, about 70% of requests from project managers were not completed on time. Another 25% of applications were lost in the system. And 100% of applications came without TK. To date, 27% of applications have not been completed on time (we still have room to grow), 0% of applications are lost in the system and 9% of applications come without TK. ”

The choice of the next topic is yours.

As they say, if you started building an IT community, it’s already impossible to stop. The first season of mitaps is test, we will do different topics and approaches. Until the topic of the next mitap has been decided, it will be great if you suggest topics for meetings in the comments and write who you want to see as a speaker. And we will organize the next mitap, given the feedback.

Of the upcoming events on October 24, we will host the annual Selectel Networking Academy conference. Representatives of Extreme Networks, Juniper, Huawei, Arista Networks and Selectel will give presentations on networking products and their case studies.

Here are 3 reasons why you might be interested in a conference:

  • speakers will talk about measures to ensure stable operation of the company's infrastructure, discuss cases of technology application;
  • You will share experience with colleagues, learn first-hand about trends in the development of network technologies;
  • ask professionals anything about network architecture.

Even at the conference it will be possible to talk with Kirill Malevanov, our technical director. Kirill writes articles about network technologies, attends international conferences and has vast experience in the field. If you haven’t read it yet, here is one of his latest articles on Habré about the integration of projects in different data centers .

As usual, registration and the program of the event are here: slc.tl/TaxIp

We publish relevant information and announcements of events on the pages of Selectel in social networks:

And you can also subscribe to the e-mail newsletter .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/470600/

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