40 of the best Laravel tools and resources

Hello, Habr! I present to you the selection, which is a translation of my original article .

If you have any ideas what to add to the collection, I will be glad to talk in the comments. Enjoy it!

Resources for Learning Laravel

What I personally consider cool in Laravel is that you can easily learn how to work in it. The Laravel ecosystem is not just development tools. This framework has an excellent database of platforms and courses that help to learn the basic subtleties of work. Here are some of them:


Laracasts is a learning resource for web developers. The resource contains excellent screencasts about Laravel, Vue, general concepts of PHP, databases and much more. You could say it's like Netflix for your future career. You can start training with Laravel from scratch and always stay up to date with What's new in Laravel .

Test driven laravel

If we are talking about development techniques, then I prefer to use development through testing (TDD). With Laravel, this technique is very easy to use. You can learn this with the Test Driven Laravel course. Take a video course and you can build a more reliable application.

Confident laravel

Everyone knows that you need to cover your code with tests, but only some applications contain tests. The Confident Laravel video course helps you remove barriers to writing tests. Every experienced and ambitious developer writes tests. And, of course, everyone wants this process to take less time. Confident Laravel will teach you how to write tests for your Laravel application and be completely confident in them.

Laracon online

Laracon Online is an annual online conference. This is the most convenient and affordable way for each developer to feel like a participant in the Laracon conference.

Effective PHP

I highly recommend watching the Nuno Maduro Writing Effective PHP video course. This will be a significant contribution to the education of every PHP developer. This course teaches you how to write code briefly and clearly, and also explains the basic principles for avoiding bugs and much more.

Laravel core adventures

Laravel Core Adventures is an excellent video course on the basic concepts of Laravel, which will help not only to gain knowledge, but also to have a good time.

Build a Chatbot Course

The Build a chatbot course will teach you how to develop, extend and test chat bots and voice bots using PHP.

Laravel certification

And of course, if you have already received all the necessary knowledge and skills in development with Laravel, you can confirm them using the Laravel Certification certification program.

Laravel Community

Laravel itself is already a great framework. But his constant development is very closely connected with his community. Developers constantly share their experiences and best practices, give tips and advice, and also note those things that need improvement. I would like to point out some of the resources that are required for any Laravel developer.

Laracasts forum

Laracasts Forum is a platform where developers share their experiences and tutorials. Here you can always ask for advice and discuss emerging issues.


LaravelIO is a great resource that also discusses development issues. There you can find answers to various questions and share your experience.

Slack channel Larachat

Larachat Slack Workspace is a Slack space with various channels dedicated to a variety of topics.

Laravel news

Laravel News is the official Laravel news resource, as well as a weekly newsletter about the latest trends in the Laravel community.

Laravel podcast

Laravel Podcast is a great place to discuss key trends in the Laravel community.


LaraJobs is a resource for job search and posting vacancies for positions related to Laravel, PHP development and other technical specialties.

Laravel blog

Laravel Blog is the official Laravel blog where you can find all the latest Laravel releases and various events, as well as see the podcasts of Taylor Otvel (creator of Laravel).

Laravel ecosystem

The Laravel ecosystem definitely has something to offer developers. I usually try not to praise anything I use, but tend to criticize more. However, when it comes to the Laravel ecosystem, I just can't help it. Here I would like to mention a few original and very useful tools that can come in handy in the development of your projects.

Development Environment

Laravel valet

Laravel Valet easily installs a minimalistic development environment for your Laravel application. Truly a great tool for MacOS users.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Valet is open source software. All documentation for it can be found on the official Laravel website .

Laravel homestead

Laravel Homestead is a pre-built Vagrant build that provides a great development environment. You do not need to install PHP, a web server or any other server software on a local computer.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Homestead is also open source software. All documentation for installing it can be found on the official Laravel website .

Laravel Extensions and Packages

Laravel passport

Laravel Passport is the easiest authentication API tool. It provides a complete OAuth2 server implementation for your application.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Passport is in the public domain. You can find all the necessary documentation for the installation here .

Laravel scout

Add full-text search to your Eloquent models with Laravel Scout. This is a convenient software for synchronizing search indexes with your Eloquent records.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Scout is open source software. On the official website you can learn more about him.

Laravel spark

Laravel Spark is a convenient tool to accelerate the development of SaaS applications.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Spark is a paid package that you can buy at a price of $ 99 per site or $ 299 without a limit on the number of sites. More information can be found on the official website .

Laravel nova

Laravel Nova is an admin panel for Laravel with a great UI and UX design that speeds up the development process.

Main characteristics:

Laravel dusk

If you want to test your application and see it through the eyes of the user, try Laravel Dusk. This tool allows you to automatically test the application from a browser using a developer-friendly API. Laravel Dusk comes with Chromedriver by default.

Main characteristics:

The tool is in the public domain. More detailed information about Laravel Dusk can be found on the official website .

Laravel socialite

Laravel Socialite is a package that provides a flexible interface for authentication with OAuth providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub and many others.

Main characteristics:

All the necessary information regarding Laravel Socialite can be found here .

Laravel echo

Laravel Echo is a JavaScript library that allows you to subscribe to feeds and listen to broadcast events through WebSockets.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Echo can be installed for free. All the necessary documentation is on the official website .

Laravel medialibrary

The Laravel Medialibrary package associates all file types with Eloquent models. This package makes working with media objects surprisingly easy.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Medialibrary opens up a huge number of possibilities. All installation documentation can be found here .

Laravel mix

Laravel Mix (formerly called Laravel Elixir) is a tool that gives you an almost completely controlled frontend build process. It provides an intuitive and convenient API for defining the basic steps for building a Webpack for your Laravel application.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Mix can be installed for free. All documentation can be seen on the official website .

Laravel cashier

Laravel Cashier is a package that greatly simplifies the billing subscription process. Although I believe that the Stripe PHP library is good in itself, it is much more difficult to use it directly. Cashier just avoids potential problems and simplifies subscription management.

Main characteristics:

The package is absolutely free. Install Laravel Cashier with all the necessary documentation .

Laravel envoy

Laravel Envoy is a very useful task launch tool with clean and minimal syntax.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Envoy is a free tool that can be accessed here .

Laravel horizon

Laravel Horizon is a package for tracking key metrics of your Redis Queue system.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Horizon is available for free. All documentation can be found on the official website .

BotMan Studio

BotMan Studio is an application built on the Laravel framework for more efficient development of your chat bots.

Main characteristics:

BotMan Studio can be installed with all the necessary documentation .

Laravel tenancy

Laravel Tenancy is a tool for developing multi-user Laravel platforms.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Tenancy is free for any type of project. All the necessary information can be found here .


If you don't need to use the full Laravel framework, then you will definitely like Lumen. This is a micro framework that minimizes boot processes.

Main characteristics:

Lumen - open source software. All the necessary information on it is here .

Laravel telescope

Laravel Telescope is the perfect debugging assistant for Laravel applications. To understand what I mean, imagine that the best debugger you've ever used has become a separate UI with the most convenient tools. Here is this Laravel Telescope.

Main characteristics:

Install Laravel Telescope for free. All documentation is available on the official website .

Laravel WebSockets Package

WebSockets for Laravel is the package developers have been waiting for. It simplifies the implementation of WebSockets server in Laravel as much as possible.

Main characteristics:

The documentation for installing Laravel WebSockets can be found here .

Other useful Laravel services

Laravel forge

Laravel Forge can simplify the process of configuring and deploying a web application. This service takes care of most of the administrative work.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Forge is a paid service. The price depends on the chosen plan and ranges from $ 12 to $ 39 per month. Each plan has a 5-day free trial. Learn more about Laravel Forge on the official website .

Laravel vapor

What about a serverless deployment platform that does all the work for you? Wrap me two, please. I'm talking about the Laravel Vapor service, which I personally find very impressive.

Main characteristics:

Laravel Vapor has a fixed price for an unlimited number of projects and deployments. A month of use will cost $ 39, annual use of $ 399 (excluding AWS cloud charges). Detailed information is available on the official Laravel Vapor website .

Chipper ci

If you were looking for a tool for continuous integration in Laravel, Chipper CI is what you need.

Main characteristics:

Well, what can I say, I take off my hat to David Hemfill and Chris Fidao, who created this great tool and made life easier for any Laravel developer. ChipperCI is a paid service that can be purchased at a price of $ 39 per month. This plan comes with a 14-day free trial period and does not limit you in the number of projects, project participants and allows 1 competitive assembly. Visit the official Chipper CI website for all the details.


Flare is the bug tracker tool that Laravel developers have been waiting for.

Main characteristics:

Flare gives you a 7-day free trial. Then you can choose a plan convenient for you. There are 3 plans with prices ranging from $ 29 to $ 279 per month and 3 plans costing from $ 319 to $ 3,069 per year. All details can be viewed here .

Laravel shift

But what if I tell you that you can update Laravel versions automatically? Well, in general, not even you, but Laravel Shift.

Main characteristics:

The Laravel Shift service offers several plans that will satisfy all your needs. Price ranges from $ 7 to $ 59 per month. Detailed information is available here .

Laravel envoyer

Laravel Envoyer is a zero-downtime deployment service for your PHP and Laravel applications.

Main characteristics:

The monthly payment of Laravel Envoyer is $ 10- $ 50. The price depends on the number of projects. The service provides a 5-day free trial. For more detailed information, you can go to the official website .

Laravel ecosystem is gaining momentum

As for me, it turned out pretty impressive selection. Please note that these are not all the existing tools and services, but only those that I myself highly value.

I see that the Laravel framework every year only gains and gains popularity. The Laravel community is growing at an irresistible speed. What does this mean for us? At a minimum, the number of new tools and services will increase significantly in 2019 and subsequent years. Their use definitely accelerates the process of project development and, of course, improve their quality.

Laravel makes the development process efficient and helps implement the craziest ideas. If you are already using this framework, I advise you to try the tools that I described here. If not, you can change your current framework at any time. It’s very easy to work with the Laravel ecosystem and, believe me, you don’t want to return to another framework.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/471190/

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