Meet Big Data Tools: Spark and Zeppelin Notebook Support in IntelliJ IDEA

We have great news. We are pleased to announce the release of Big Data Tools , the new IntelliJ IDEA plug-in that integrates with Spark and supports editing and launching Zeppelin laptops. Now you can create, edit and run Zeppelin notebooks directly from the IDE. The plugin provides smart navigation, auto-completion, inspections and quick fixes, as well as code refactoring inside laptops.

What is already supported

So far, help with writing code only works for Scala. Other languages ​​will be supported later. In addition, we are not going to limit ourselves to Zeppelin support and plan to add more features that will be useful for those who work with big data.

If you can't wait to see Big Data Tools in action, check out this short video:

Better try the plugin yourself! How to do this, read on.

How to use the plugin

What's next?

First of all, we are not going to limit ourselves to integration with Zeppelin and Spark, which we, of course, will improve. We plan to support more tools for working with big data: add integration with distributed file systems such as HDFS and S3, implement the integrated Parquet file viewer and improve SQL support.

Here is an example plan for our work in the foreseeable future:

This is an inconclusive plan. We will adjust it based on your feedback to make sure that we are focused on the right things. Please tell us about errors and share your opinion about what features are missing and how, in your opinion, this or that function should work.

What else is important to know about the new plugin

The Big Data Tools plugin is only compatible with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and is not available in Community Edition. We do not yet know if he will be in Community Edition. At the moment, we do not have such plans.
The same goes for other development environments. We do not yet know whether the plugin will be compatible with other IDEs. At the moment, we only have a preliminary plan to add compatibility with PyCharm Professional Edition, as soon as Python support is added to the plugin. As the plug-in develops, we will be able to better understand where we should move in the context of its support in other IDEs.

I do not have a license for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. How can I try the plugin?

How to leave a review

We are really looking forward to your feedback on the plugin. You can ask any questions in the comments to this post. Leave comments and suggestions in our tracker .
You can also share your impressions about the plugin by going through a short survey . It only takes a minute.

Constructive criticism will help us make your work with Spark, Zeppelin and Big Data as convenient and efficient as possible. Therefore, do not hesitate to share your feedback and suggestions - this is important to us.

PS It is especially nice that the plug-in coincidence coincided with our participation in Spark AI Summit. So if you suddenly find yourself at this conference, be sure to come to our booth: you can look at the plugin in action and share your impressions.


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