Goodbye HTML, Hi QML

HTML mess

How can I create a web application without using HTML? For this we need: a new browser, QML and back-end in Java.

A bit of history

HTML was created by scientists at CERN as a way to share scientific articles. Then it turned into a convenient way to post information on the network. It became clear that the functionality of hyperlinks is not enough, and then components, forms, CSS began to be added. But this was not enough, we needed dynamics, added JavaScript. But on all this, it is not very convenient to develop, so in the future js frameworks appeared. They are trying to fix the flaws of HTML. But I think it’s better to treat the disease itself than the symptoms. QML will help us with this.

Let's get down to the solution

I want to note right away that this solution is not production-ready. This is "Hello World!" An application that shows what can be achieved using these tools.


Since we don’t need HTML parsing, we’ll write our own browser in Qt5, QML and C ++. Our browser should interact with the back-end application and display information on the screen.

Browser workflow:


 ... TextInput { onAccepted: { var result = siteLoader.loadSite(addressIpt.text) if (result === LoadResultType.SUCCESS) { var props = siteLoader.loadProperties(addressIpt.text) var qmlPath = siteLoader.getMainQmlPath(addressIpt.text) pageLoader.setSource(qmlPath, props) } else { ... } } } ... Loader { id: pageLoader } 

Here siteLoader is an instance of the C ++ class that is imported into qml. It implements browser logic.

TextInput is a component of the address bar in the browser. When you press enter , the onAccepted method is onAccepted and the site loading logic is executed.

QML has the ability to display a file over the network, but I don't think this is a good way. In the future, you can screw versioning, and if the versions match do not download the file at all, but use the one that is.

That's the whole browser. Let's move on to the back-end and UI.

Back-end and UI

Back-end and UI are directly our web application. We will write the UI part in QML, and the back-end will be written in spring boot , since I am a Java programmer. The first thing we need is a qml file with a description of our interface.


 import QtQuick 2.0 Rectangle { color: "lightgray" property alias textValue: helloText.text Text { id: helloText anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter font.pointSize: 24 } } 

Everything is pretty simple here.

 property alias textValue: helloText.text 

This line is needed to pull the text property up so that you can put it in Loader .
Now add two endpoints:

 @RestController public class HelloController { @GetMapping( value = "/main.qml", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE) public byte[] mainQml() throws IOException { ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource("main.qml"); return IOUtils.toByteArray(resource.getInputStream()); } @GetMapping( value = "/getProperties", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public Object getProperties() { return "{\"textValue\": \"Hello World!\"}"; } } 

The first end-point will return a qml-file, and the second - the necessary data. Storing a file in classpath is not the best solution. Moreover, in QML applications there can be many qml and js files. But we did it for simplicity.

As a result, we get:

Hello world example

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's now look at the pros and cons of this approach



So far, there are much more minuses than pluses. Well, this is understandable, this is just a prototype, which was written in a couple of days, on my knees. But all problems are solved, at least I do not see serious blockers.

Then why this article, you ask.

I did not find anything similar on the Internet, maybe I was looking badly, and something similar already exists. Or nobody just needs it. In any case, I want to hear feedback from you, and from them to understand whether it is worth doing this business.


PS I want to note that this method is fundamentally different from QmlWeb . In QmlWeb , HTML + JS code is QmlWeb from the qml file and rendered in the browser.


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