Install and configure Nexus Sonatype using the infrastructure as code approach

Sonatype Nexus is an integrated platform with which developers can proxy, store and manage Java (Maven) dependencies, Docker, Python, Ruby, NPM, Bower images, RPM packages, gitlfs, Apt, Go, Nuget, and also distribute their software security.

Why do I need a Sonatype Nexus?

Artifacts supported in the Sonatype Nexus base package:

Community Supported Artifacts:

Install Sonatype Nexus using


An ansible-playbook example for installing nexus without LDAP with the repositories Maven (java), Docker, Python, Ruby, NPM, Bower, RPM, and gitlfs.

 --- - name: Nexus hosts: nexus become: yes vars: nexus_timezone: 'Asia/Omsk' nexus_admin_password: "admin123" nexus_public_hostname: 'apatsev-nexus-playbook' httpd_setup_enable: false nexus_privileges: - name: all-repos-read description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos' repository: '*' actions: - read - browse - name: company-project-deploy description: 'Deployments to company-project' repository: company-project actions: - add - edit nexus_roles: - id: Developpers # maps to the LDAP group name: developers description: All developers privileges: - nx-search-read - all-repos-read - company-project-deploy roles: [] nexus_local_users: - username: jenkins # used as key to update first_name: Jenkins last_name: CI email: password: "s3cr3t" roles: - Developpers # role ID here nexus_blobstores: - name: company-artifacts path: /var/nexus/blobs/company-artifacts nexus_scheduled_tasks: - name: compact-blobstore cron: '0 0 22 * * ?' typeId: blobstore.compact taskProperties: blobstoreName: 'company-artifacts' nexus_repos_maven_proxy: - name: central remote_url: '' layout_policy: permissive - name: jboss remote_url: '' - name: vaadin-addons remote_url: '' - name: jaspersoft remote_url: '' version_policy: mixed nexus_repos_maven_hosted: - name: company-project version_policy: mixed write_policy: allow blob_store: company-artifacts nexus_repos_maven_group: - name: public member_repos: - central - jboss - vaadin-addons - jaspersoft # Yum. Change nexus_config_yum to true for create yum repository nexus_config_yum: true nexus_repos_yum_hosted: - name: private_yum_centos_7 repodata_depth: 1 nexus_repos_yum_proxy: - name: epel_centos_7_x86_64 remote_url: maximum_component_age: -1 maximum_metadata_age: -1 negative_cache_ttl: 60 - name: centos-7-os-x86_64 remote_url: maximum_component_age: -1 maximum_metadata_age: -1 negative_cache_ttl: 60 nexus_repos_yum_group: - name: yum_all member_repos: - private_yum_centos_7 - epel_centos_7_x86_64 # NPM. Change nexus_config_npm to true for create npm repository nexus_config_npm: true nexus_repos_npm_hosted: [] nexus_repos_npm_group: - name: npm-public member_repos: - npm-registry nexus_repos_npm_proxy: - name: npm-registry remote_url: negative_cache_enabled: false # Docker. Change nexus_config_docker to true for create docker repository nexus_config_docker: true nexus_repos_docker_hosted: - name: docker-hosted http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_hosted_port }}" v1_enabled: True nexus_repos_docker_proxy: - name: docker-proxy http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_proxy_port }}" v1_enabled: True index_type: "HUB" remote_url: "" use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false maximum_component_age: 1440 maximum_metadata_age: 1440 negative_cache_enabled: true negative_cache_ttl: 1440 nexus_repos_docker_group: - name: docker-group http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_group_port }}" v1_enabled: True member_repos: - docker-hosted - docker-proxy # Bower. Change nexus_config_bower to true for create bower repository nexus_config_bower: true nexus_repos_bower_hosted: - name: bower-hosted nexus_repos_bower_proxy: - name: bower-proxy index_type: "proxy" remote_url: "" use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false maximum_component_age: 1440 maximum_metadata_age: 1440 negative_cache_enabled: true negative_cache_ttl: 1440 nexus_repos_bower_group: - name: bower-group member_repos: - bower-hosted - bower-proxy # Pypi. Change nexus_config_pypi to true for create pypi repository nexus_config_pypi: true nexus_repos_pypi_hosted: - name: pypi-hosted nexus_repos_pypi_proxy: - name: pypi-proxy index_type: "proxy" remote_url: "" use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false maximum_component_age: 1440 maximum_metadata_age: 1440 negative_cache_enabled: true negative_cache_ttl: 1440 nexus_repos_pypi_group: - name: pypi-group member_repos: - pypi-hosted - pypi-proxy # rubygems. Change nexus_config_rubygems to true for create rubygems repository nexus_config_rubygems: true nexus_repos_rubygems_hosted: - name: rubygems-hosted nexus_repos_rubygems_proxy: - name: rubygems-proxy index_type: "proxy" remote_url: "" use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false maximum_component_age: 1440 maximum_metadata_age: 1440 negative_cache_enabled: true negative_cache_ttl: 1440 nexus_repos_rubygems_group: - name: rubygems-group member_repos: - rubygems-hosted - rubygems-proxy # gitlfs. Change nexus_config_gitlfs to true for create gitlfs repository nexus_config_gitlfs: true nexus_repos_gitlfs_hosted: - name: gitlfs-hosted roles: - { role: } # Debian/Ubuntu only # - { role: geerlingguy.apache, apache_create_vhosts: no, apache_mods_enabled: ["proxy_http.load", "headers.load"], apache_remove_default_vhost: true, tags: ["geerlingguy.apache"] } # RedHat/CentOS only - { role: geerlingguy.apache, apache_create_vhosts: no, apache_remove_default_vhost: true, tags: ["geerlingguy.apache"] } - { role: ansible-thoteam.nexus3-oss, tags: ['ansible-thoteam.nexus3-oss'] } 


Role variables

Role variables

Variables with default values ​​(see default/main.yml ):

General variables

  nexus_version: '' nexus_timezone: 'UTC' 

By default, the role will install the latest available version of Nexus. You can fix the version by changing the nexus_version variable. See the available versions at .

If you change the version to a newer one, the role will try to update your installed Nexus.

If you are using an older version of Nexus than the latest, you should make sure that you are not using features that are not available in the installed release (for example, hosting yum repositories is available for nexus more than 3.8.0, git lfs repo for nexus more than 3.3.0 etc.)

nexus timezone is a Java nexus timezone name that can be useful in combination with the cron expressions below for nexus_scheduled tasks.

Nexus Port and Context Path

  nexus_default_port: 8081 nexus_default_context_path: '/' 

Port and context path of the Java connection process. nexus_default_context_path should contain a slash when it is set, e.g. .: nexus_default_context_path: '/nexus/' .

Nexus user and group

  nexus_os_group: 'nexus' nexus_os_user: 'nexus' 

The user and group used to own the Nexus files and start the service will be created by the role if it is missing.

  nexus_os_user_home_dir: '/home/nexus' 

Allow changing default home directory for nexus user

Nexus Instance Directories

  nexus_installation_dir: '/opt' nexus_data_dir: '/var/nexus' nexus_tmp_dir: "{{ (ansible_os_family == 'RedHat') | ternary('/var/nexus-tmp', '/tmp/nexus') }}" 

Nexus catalogs.

Configure Nexus JVM memory usage

  nexus_min_heap_size: "1200M" nexus_max_heap_size: "{{ nexus_min_heap_size }}" nexus_max_direct_memory: "2G" 

These are the default settings for Nexus. Please do not change these values if you have not read the memory section of the nexus system requirements and do not understand what they are doing.

As a second warning, here is an excerpt from the above document:

It is not recommended to increase the JVM heap memory beyond the recommended values ​​in an attempt to improve performance. This can actually have the opposite effect, leading to unnecessary operation of the operating system.

Admin password

  nexus_admin_password: 'changeme' 

The password for the “admin” account is to configure. This only works on the first default installation . Please see [Change admin password after first installation] (# change-admin-password-after-first-install) if you want to change it later using the role.

It is strongly discouraged to store your password in clear text in the playbook, but use [ansible-vault encryption] ( ) (either embedded or in a separate file, loaded e.g. with include_vars)

Default Anonymous Access

  nexus_anonymous_access: false 

Anonymous access is turned off by default. Read more about anonymous access .

Public hostname

  nexus_public_hostname: 'nexus.vm' nexus_public_scheme: https 

The fully qualified domain name and scheme (https or http) by which the Nexus instance will be available to its clients.

API access for this role

  nexus_api_hostname: localhost nexus_api_scheme: http nexus_api_validate_certs: "{{ nexus_api_scheme == 'https' }}" nexus_api_context_path: "{{ nexus_default_context_path }}" nexus_api_port: "{{ nexus_default_port }}" 

These variables control how the role connects to the Nexus API for provisioning.
For advanced users only. Most likely you do not want to change these default settings

Reverse proxy setup

  httpd_setup_enable: false httpd_server_name: "{{ nexus_public_hostname }}" httpd_default_admin_email: "" httpd_ssl_certificate_file: 'files/nexus.vm.crt' httpd_ssl_certificate_key_file: 'files/nexus.vm.key' # httpd_ssl_certificate_chain_file: "{{ httpd_ssl_certificate_file }}" httpd_copy_ssl_files: true 

Install SSL Reverse Proxy .
To do this, install httpd. Note: when httpd_setup_enable set to true , nexus contacts, thus not being directly accessible via HTTP port 8081 from an external IP address.

The default host name used is nexus_public_hostname . If you need different names for any reason, you can set httpd_server_name with a different value.

With httpd_copy_ssl_files: true (default), the above certificates must exist in your playbook directory and will be copied to the server and configured in apache.

If you want to use existing certificates on the server, set httpd_copy_ssl_files: false and provide the following variables:

  # These specifies to the vhost where to find on the remote server file # system the certificate files. httpd_ssl_cert_file_location: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/wildcard.vm.crt" httpd_ssl_cert_key_location: "/etc/pki/tls/private/wildcard.vm.key" # httpd_ssl_cert_chain_file_location: "{{ httpd_ssl_cert_file_location }}" 

httpd_ssl_cert_chain_file_location is optional and should be left uninstalled if you do not want to configure the chain file

  httpd_default_admin_email: "" 

Set default admin email

LDAP configuration

LDAP connections and security scope are disabled by default

  nexus_ldap_realm: false ldap_connections: [] 

LDAP connections , each item is as follows:

  nexus_ldap_realm: true ldap_connections: - ldap_name: 'My Company LDAP' # used as a key to update the ldap config ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' # ldap or ldaps ldap_hostname: '' ldap_port: 636 ldap_use_trust_store: false # Wether or not to use certs in the nexus trust store ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_auth: 'none' # or simple ldap_auth_username: 'username' # if auth = simple ldap_auth_password: 'password' # if auth = simple ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users' ldap_user_filter: '(cn=*)' # (optional) ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson' ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid' ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn' ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail' ldap_user_subtree: false ldap_map_groups_as_roles: false ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups' ldap_group_object_class: 'posixGroup' ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn' ldap_group_member_attribute: 'memberUid' ldap_group_member_format: '${username}' ldap_group_subtree: false 

An example LDAP configuration for anonymous authentication (anonymous binding), this is also the “minimum” configuration:

  nexus_ldap_realm: true ldap_connection: - ldap_name: 'Simplest LDAP config' ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' ldap_hostname: '' ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_port: 636 ldap_use_trust_store: false ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid' ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn' ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail' ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson' 

Example LDAP configuration for simple authentication (using a DSA account):

  nexus_ldap_realm: true ldap_connections: - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA' ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' ldap_hostname: '' ldap_port: 636 ldap_use_trust_store: false ldap_auth: 'simple' ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users' ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson' ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid' ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn' ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail' ldap_user_subtree: false 

Example LDAP configuration for simple authentication (using a DSA account) + groups mapped as roles:

  nexus_ldap_realm: true ldap_connections - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA' ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' ldap_hostname: '' ldap_port: 636 ldap_use_trust_store: false ldap_auth: 'simple' ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users' ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson' ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid' ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn' ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail' ldap_map_groups_as_roles: true ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups' ldap_group_object_class: 'groupOfNames' ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn' ldap_group_member_attribute: 'member' ldap_group_member_format: 'uid=${username},ou=users,dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_group_subtree: false 

Example LDAP configuration for simple authentication (using a DSA account) + groups dynamically mapped as roles:

  nexus_ldap_realm: true ldap_connections: - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA' ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' ldap_hostname: '' ldap_port: 636 ldap_use_trust_store: false ldap_auth: 'simple' ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net' ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users' ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson' ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid' ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn' ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail' ldap_map_groups_as_roles: true ldap_map_groups_as_roles_type: 'dynamic' ldap_user_memberof_attribute: 'memberOf' 


  nexus_privileges: - name: all-repos-read # used as key to update a privilege # type: <one of application, repository-admin, repository-content-selector, repository-view, script or wildcard> description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos' repository: '*' actions: # can be add, browse, create, delete, edit, read or * (all) - read - browse # pattern: pattern # domain: domain # script_name: name 

List of privileges to configure. Check the documentation and GUI to see which variables should be set depending on the type of privilege.

These elements are combined with the following default values:

  _nexus_privilege_defaults: type: repository-view format: maven2 actions: - read 

Roles (inside Nexus is available)

  nexus_roles: - id: Developpers # can map to a LDAP group id, also used as a key to update a role name: developers description: All developers privileges: - nx-search-read - all-repos-read roles: [] # references to other role names 

A list of roles to configure.


  nexus_local_users: [] # - username: jenkins # used as key to update # state: present # default value if ommited, use 'absent' to remove user # first_name: Jenkins # last_name: CI # email: # password: "s3cr3t" # roles: # - developers # role ID 

Local (non-LDAP) users / accounts list to create in nexus.

A list of local (non-LDAP) users / accounts to create on Nexus.

  nexus_ldap_users: [] # - username: j.doe # state: present # roles: # - "nx-admin" 

Mapping Ldap users / roles. An absent state will remove roles from an existing user, if one already exists.
Ldap users are not deleted. Attempting to install a role for a nonexistent user will result in an error.

Content selectors

  nexus_content_selectors: - name: docker-login description: Selector for docker login privilege search_expression: format=="docker" and path=~"/v2/" 

For more information on the content selector, see the Documentation .

To use the content selector, add a new privilege with type: repository-content-selector and the corresponding contentSelector

 - name: docker-login-privilege type: repository-content-selector contentSelector: docker-login description: 'Login to Docker registry' repository: '*' actions: - read - browse 

Blobstores and repositories

  nexus_delete_default_repos: false 

Delete the repositories from the nexus install initial default configuration. This step is only executed on first-time install (when nexus_data_dir has been detected empty).

Remove repositories from the original default configuration for Nexus. This step is only performed during the first installation (when nexus_data_dir empty).

  nexus_delete_default_blobstore: false 

Delete the default blobstore from the nexus install initial default configuration. This can be done only if nexus_delete_default_repos: true and all configured repositories (see below) have an explicit blob_store: custom . This step is only executed on first-time install (when nexus_data_dir has been detected empty).

Removing blob storage (binary artifacts) is disabled by default from the original configuration. To delete the blob storage (binary artifacts), turn off nexus_delete_default_repos: true . This step is only performed during the first installation (when nexus_data_dir empty).

  nexus_blobstores: [] # example blobstore item : # - name: separate-storage # type: file # path: /mnt/custom/path # - name: s3-blobstore # type: S3 # config: # bucket: s3-blobstore # accessKeyId: "{{ VAULT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ID }}" # secretAccessKey: "{{ VAULT_ENCRYPTED_ACCESS_KEY }}" 

Blobstores to create. A blobstore path and a repository blobstore cannot be updated after initial creation (any update here will be ignored on re-provisionning).

Configuring blobstore on S3 is provided as a convenience and is not part of the automated tests we run on travis. Please note that storing on S3 is only recommended for instances deployed on AWS.

Creating Blobstores The storage path and storage repository cannot be updated after the initial creation (any update here will be ignored when re-installed).

Configuring blob storage on S3 is provided for convenience. Note that S3 storage is recommended only for instances deployed on AWS.

  nexus_repos_maven_proxy: - name: central remote_url: '' layout_policy: permissive # maximum_component_age: -1 # maximum_metadata_age: 1440 # negative_cache_enabled: true # negative_cache_ttl: 1440 - name: jboss remote_url: '' # maximum_component_age: -1 # maximum_metadata_age: 1440 # negative_cache_enabled: true # negative_cache_ttl: 1440 # example with a login/password : # - name: secret-remote-repo # remote_url: '' # remote_username: 'username' # remote_password: 'secret' # # maximum_component_age: -1 # # maximum_metadata_age: 1440 # # negative_cache_enabled: true # # negative_cache_ttl: 1440 

Above is a Maven proxy configuration example.

  nexus_repos_maven_hosted: - name: private-release version_policy: release write_policy: allow_once # one of "allow", "allow_once" or "deny" 

Maven hosted repositories configuration. Negative cache config is optionnal and will default to the above values ​​if omitted.

Configuration of hosted Maven repositories . A negative cache configuration (-1) is optional and will default to the above values ​​if not specified.

  nexus_repos_maven_group: - name: public member_repos: - central - jboss 

Maven group configuration.

All three types of repository are combined with the following default values:

  _nexus_repos_maven_defaults: blob_store: default # Note : cannot be updated once the repo has been created strict_content_validation: true version_policy: release # release, snapshot or mixed layout_policy: strict # strict or permissive write_policy: allow_once # one of "allow", "allow_once" or "deny" maximum_component_age: -1 # Nexus gui default. For proxies only maximum_metadata_age: 1440 # Nexus gui default. For proxies only negative_cache_enabled: true # Nexus gui default. For proxies only negative_cache_ttl: 1440 # Nexus gui default. For proxies only 

Docker, Pypi, Raw, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS and yum repository types:
see defaults/main.yml for these options:

Docker, Pypi, Raw, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS, and yum repositories are turned off by default:
See defaults/main.yml for these options:

  nexus_config_pypi: false nexus_config_docker: false nexus_config_raw: false nexus_config_rubygems: false nexus_config_bower: false nexus_config_npm: false nexus_config_gitlfs: false nexus_config_yum: false 

Note that you may need to enable certain security areas if you want to use other types of repositories besides maven. This is false by default.

 nexus_nuget_api_key_realm: false nexus_npm_bearer_token_realm: false nexus_docker_bearer_token_realm: false # required for docker anonymous access 

Remote User Realm can also be enabled using

 nexus_rut_auth_realm: true 

and the title can be customized by defining

 nexus_rut_auth_header: "CUSTOM_HEADER" 

Scheduled Tasks

  nexus_scheduled_tasks: [] # # Example task to compact blobstore : # - name: compact-docker-blobstore # cron: '0 0 22 * * ?' # typeId: blobstore.compact # task_alert_email: # optional # taskProperties: # blobstoreName: {{ nexus_blob_names.docker.blob }} # all task attributes are stored as strings by nexus internally # # Example task to purge maven snapshots # - name: Purge-maven-snapshots # cron: '0 50 23 * * ?' # typeId: repository.maven.remove-snapshots # task_alert_email: # optional # taskProperties: # repositoryName: "*" # * for all repos. Change to a repository name if you only want a specific one # minimumRetained: "2" # snapshotRetentionDays: "2" # gracePeriodInDays: "2" # booleanTaskProperties: # removeIfReleased: true # # Example task to purge unused docker manifest and images # - name: Purge unused docker manifests and images # cron: '0 55 23 * * ?' # typeId: "repository.docker.gc" # task_alert_email: # optional # taskProperties: # repositoryName: "*" # * for all repos. Change to a repository name if you only want a specific one # # Example task to purge incomplete docker uploads # - name: Purge incomplete docker uploads # cron: '0 0 0 * * ?' # typeId: "repository.docker.upload-purge" # task_alert_email: # optional # taskProperties: # age: "24" 

Scheduled tasks to configure. typeId and task-specific taskProperties / booleanTaskProperties can be guessed either:

The properties of the task must be declared in the correct yaml block, depending on their type :


  nexus_backup_configure: false nexus_backup_cron: '0 0 21 * * ?' # See cron expressions definition in nexus create task gui nexus_backup_dir: '/var/nexus-backup' nexus_restore_log: '{{ nexus_backup_dir }}/nexus-restore.log' nexus_backup_rotate: false nexus_backup_rotate_first: false nexus_backup_keep_rotations: 4 # Keep 4 backup rotation by default (current + last 3) 

Backup will not be configured until you switch nexus_backup_configure to true .
In this case, the scheduled script task will be configured to run on Nexus
at the interval specified in nexus_backup_cron (default is 21:00 every day).
See [groovy template for this task] (templates / backup.groovy.j2) for more information.
This scheduled task is independent of the other nexus_scheduled_tasks you
announce in your playbook.

If you want to rotate / delete backups, set nexus_backup_rotate: true and configure the number of backups that you would like to save with nexus_backup_keep_rotations (default is 4).

When using rotation, if you want to save additional disk space during the backup process,
You can set nexus_backup_rotate_first: true . This will set up pre-rotation / deletion before backup. . ,
, .

playbook -e nexus_restore_point=<YYYY-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss>
(, 2017-12-17-21-00-00 17 2017 21:00


: . ,

nexus_purge , nexus .

 ansible-playbook -i your/inventory.ini your_nexus_playbook.yml -e nexus_purge=true 

  nexus_default_admin_password: 'admin123' 

This should not be changed in your playbook . This variable is populated with the standard Nexus administrator password upon first installation and ensures that we can change the administrator password to nexus_admin_password.

If you want to change the administrator password after the first installation, you can temporarily change it to the old password from the command line. After changing nexus_admin_passwordyour game book, you can run:

 ansible-playbook -i your/inventory.ini your_playbook.yml -e nexus_default_admin_password=oldPassword 

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