Zoia: lightweight reactive CMS for rapid website development

In this article, I would like to talk about the Zoia content management system I am developing, written in Javascript. This is my side-project, not related to the main work, which I design and develop in my free time. There is an opinion that every web developer should write his own CMS sooner or later, and someone will not even have one :-)

TL; DR: demo.zoiajs.org , admin panel (login: admin, password: password), Github , MIT license

A fait accompli: Javascript is now everywhere, it can be used not only on the client side, but also on the server side, as well as in microcontrollers, cars, smartphones - in a word, in almost any field. But the "traditional" area for JS was and remains the web, where this programming language has grown over a whole zoo of libraries, patterns, utilities, and frameworks. Understanding all this is quite difficult, and sometimes all that is required is to make a fairly simple site that can be quickly managed if necessary: ​​add and edit content, navigation menus, etc.

For such tasks, there are many CMS written in PHP (some of which I used in my work, such as GetSimple CMS ), but I have not seen a single reactive CMS written entirely in JS and using Mongo as a database (please write to comments, if there is one, but I missed it). After meeting React and Marko, I no longer want to return to the harsh world of jQuery, and so Zoia was born. By the way, this is the second version, the first worked just the old-fashioned way (now it is not supported and is not updated).

At the current stage of development, the ability to implement the following:

A bit about architecture. As I said above, the system consists of an API (it serves database queries, data processing), an admin panel (works like SPA, uses client-side routing, developed using React + Redux) and user space (isomorphic architecture, developed using Marko, rendering is done on the server side with subsequent rehydration on the client). The admin panel accesses the API directly from the client side, the user-space web server accesses the API before rendering. Authorization is done through JWT.

For convenient development of control panel modules, tools have been created that facilitate the creation of a user interface: a form builder for React with a large number of possible field options (including downloading files and images with previews), a dynamic table with the ability to sort columns and inline-editing fields.

This is what the default template looks like:

The admin panel is as follows:

The layout is adaptive, UIkit is used for user space and admin panel . This is a great CSS framework. which contains a large number of ready-to-use components, it is easy to customize and supports Webpack out of the box.

There are several areas of CMS application, but the main task (as I said above) I see is the development of a lightweight solution for creating sites of medium complexity that would use the capabilities of both modern Javascript and a large number of modern development and storage tools.

The plan for further development for the relatively near future is as follows:

The demo version with some functional restrictions is located here: demo.zoiajs.org , the admin panel is also available (login: admin, password: password). Every even hour, the database is reset to the default settings, you will need to go through authorization again.

CMS code is available on Github , so if you wish, you can join the development, report bugs, etc. I will be glad to contributors ;-)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/473706/

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