Want some first-hand DBMS? An open meeting in Nizhny Novgorod - to be

There are digest announcements on HabrĂ© for Moscow and St. Petersburg, but for some reason there isn’t any for Nizhny Novgorod, although there are a lot of IT companies (very many!), And there are enough events for all the formats and for any Habr readers go. I'm too busy for digests, but some events surprise me with their steepness and modesty of coverage. For example, a meeting with Peter Zaitsev dedicated to the DBMS. Well, we will be corrected.

By the way, the next HighLoad ++ will just rattle off, so you can ask Peter for a few insights on the topic

What to do on Saturday night, and even November 9? You can make yourself a little smart and quick to drive to Verkhnyaya Pechery to meet at 18:00 with Peter Zaitsev, CEO of Percona and just a legend of the Russian IT market.

I will make a reservation right away - the event is 100% free, but with registration (otherwise they will not let you in at the bank entrance).

Link to the event for those who are too lazy to read more

So what will be

On November 9, an open meeting will be held at Rosbank’s office with Peter Zaitsev, general director of Percona (USA). During the event, Peter will deliver two reports - “What the developer needs to know about databases” and “Optimization and debugging of open DBMSs using Percona Monitoring and Management 2.0”.

The reports will be in Russian

Where will?

The city of Nizhny Novgorod, Rodionova, 192 Building 2 (Rosbank) - this is opposite the Fantasy, it is more convenient to get to the stop on the street. Business (in both directions), and leave the car in the Fantastic parking lot

What time - November 9, collection at 17:30, beginning at 18:00

Registration is required due to security reasons (grab your passport or rights!)

Peter Zaitsev - the way of the IT Jedi

Peter Zaitsev (Peter Zaitsev) graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, and even in his student years, was the technical director of the SpyLOG project, a statistics service for websites that was widely used in Runet before Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrics. In the early 2000s, Peter became an employee of MySQL AB and led the High Performance Group within the company. In 2006, Pyotr Zaitsev abroad founded his own company, Percona, specializing in MySQLⓇ, and later on providing technical support services for MySQLⓇ, MongoDBⓇ and PostgreSQL databases. Peter is also a co-author of O'Reilly's High Performance MySQL, one of the most popular books on the subject. As the general director of Perkona, Peter combines the experience of managing the company with the acquisition and practical testing of new technical knowledge. Peter is one of the authors of the Percona Database Performance Blog (formerly the MySQL Performance Blog) and often makes presentations at technology and business conferences.

Peter constantly monitors the trends in the open database market, keeps his finger on the pulse. Still interested in technical things, not just company management. It throws new ideas to employees, and from different areas (this can be the improvement of processes in support, testing, and marketing). He acts as an evangelist, often with a crazy schedule like “1 day = 1 city”.

Good blitz with Peter was on Habré

Peter's talk about MySQL 8:

A couple of general performance reports (tools, algorithms). Speaker - a storehouse of information

There may be surprises and answers to the most difficult questions :-)

Meeting partners:

Nizhny Novgorod IT cluster iCluster . The iCluster group is playing a cool book for this mitap - check back if you sign up for a meeting

Rosbank's open school of Java developers - yes, completely free, if you didn’t know, look, a good career step

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/474280/

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