Part two. How to get Google review code review

Perhaps you read the first part of the article about the review code by the reviewer (by the way, we already managed to discuss it in the last issue of the Zinc Prod podcast ).

Since the article gained a lot of likes, I write the promised continuation about the code review on the other hand - from the author of the code changes

As usual, we will say MR (Merge Request) instead of CL, because few people understand the term CL.

The original instructions for the authors of MR according to Google can be found here , and I will give a brief squeeze.

So let's go

Description MR

At Google, the description of the changes is stored in the history of the version control system, and it is very likely that many people will read it in the future. Therefore, the description of MR is very important.

The first line (in the title) should contain one phrase describing what was done in MR. Moreover, according to tradition, an imperative (imperative) style is used, i.e. Delete blablabla , not Deleting blablabla

The description itself should be informative, contain a brief description of the problem being solved, links to the necessary documents (if necessary), task tracker tasks and other context. Even in the little MR something like that should be.

A description of the type "Fix bug", of course, is considered inadequate.

MR should be as small as possible

Very rarely there is a situation when it is impossible to reduce the size of the MR, breaking it into pieces. The reviewer has the right to reject MR if it is too large

Of course, there can be no hard and fast rule, which MR will be considered large, which small. Is 100 lines of code big or not? Who knows.

MR should be small but self-sufficient

Do not take to heart

Sometimes reviewers are not very polite, they can write something bad about your code. This is not very professional on their part, but often there is still a grain of truth in such comments, and this must be taken into account. Do not respond too harshly. This will only aggravate the situation.

If you don’t like the tone of the conversation in the comments, it’s better to find this person and chat with him personally, to explain what does not suit you.

If this does not help, Google advises contacting the manager.

From my experience I want to add that often a person writing an impolite comment often does not give an account that it can look somehow aggressive. The text hides half the emotions; for example, what is said in a jokingly friendly tone in text form may seem like a harsh run over. Therefore, I completely agree with Google - in case of misunderstanding, communicate only in person!

Explain the code

If you are asked to explain some point in the code, consider whether you can correct the code so that it is understandable without explanation. Because if one does not understand, then others may not understand.

Response to Reviewer Comments

Often, when the work is done and sent to the review code, it is psychologically difficult to accept the fact that something will also have to be fixed. Therefore, try not to perceive the comments of the reviewer with hostility, think, maybe he is right, and the code will become better as a result.

However, if the reviewer is still wrong, feel free to write about it, providing the answer with arguments and facts.


In general, as I understood from a Google document, the author of MR must do everything to make the task easier for the reviewer; for the reviewer to understand why the code was made, how the code was made, there must be all the context necessary for understanding, etc.

It is inevitable that disagreements will be resolved, coming to consensus in a polite professional form.

In the next issue of Zinc Selling, we will definitely discuss this article (and much more), so be sure to subscribe to our podcast , otherwise skip the fun part!


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