Backup file and SQL databases 1C (in the cloud and with encryption)

In this article I want to share the experience of backing up file and SQL 1C databases to local, network and cloud storage (using the Google Drive example) using Effector Saver.

The software is paid: 2500 rubles.
The transition to the new version (from 3 to 4) is also paid: 1250₽.

I wrote instructions for a friend, but I think it will come in handy for one of you.

And as always, in the comments, you will teach me something new =)

At the end of the instruction is an example of a log that shows the speed of the task.

Automatic creation of encrypted backups on a schedule with an error report to the mail.

Logic backups:

A little explanation

1. Installation and setup
Install, run.
- Tools> Options

2. Preparation
- Tools> Storage Management> Create

3. Creating backup tasks

3.1. Tasks> Add Task> Backing Up Files and Databases (SQL)

3.2. Tasks> Add task> Backing up files and databases (file)

We set up the main tasks of daily backup, move on to additional

4. Tasks> Add task> Additional copying

By analogy, we create the Additional copy task for the annual plan , for speed, copy the last monthly task and change the name, storage and schedule in it

Configure additional backup tasks, proceed to the report generation by e-mail

5. Tasks> Add task> Sending reports

It remains to run all the tasks in turn and check for errors.

Example of a backup log of MS SQL database weighing 52GB (mdf):
: Base1
: 4.5 / 2
: ,
: 11.11.2019 4:01:08
: 11.11.2019 5:13:57
11.11.2019 4:01:08 - MSSQL "Base1" ...
11.11.2019 4:01:08 - SQL Server version 11
11.11.2019 4:22:15 -
11.11.2019 4:22:15 - ...
11.11.2019 4:22:15 - 7z, , c
11.11.2019 4:26:50 - 1 , 0
11.11.2019 4:26:50 -
11.11.2019 4:26:52 - 5,41 GB "EveryDay (Google )" ...
11.11.2019 4:26:54 - "Base1_2019.11.11_04.26.52.7z" 5,41 GB (1 1)
11.11.2019 5:13:57 -
11.11.2019 4:26:52 - 5,41 GB "\\NAS\Backup\EveryDay" ...
11.11.2019 4:26:52 - "Base1_2019.11.11_04.26.52.7z" 5,41 GB (1 1)
11.11.2019 4:28:13 -

It can be seen from the log that the download to the storage and the cloud began simultaneously.
The backup to the vault was completed after 27 minutes. And it was uploaded to the cloud after 1 hour 12 minutes from the start of the task.
Provided that at the same time at the same time 4 more backup tasks of the databases were performed, the sizes of which are 38GB, 28GB, 6GB and 5GB (mdf).
All tasks were simultaneously started at 4:00 and successfully completed before 5:15:00.


There are of course minor flaws, except for those that have already been described in the article:

But on the whole, I was very pleased with the result. I find the program very useful.

Write about your backup algorithms that may have greatly helped you and may be useful to others.
UPD1: Added information on the cost of software, thanks Filex


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