There were always a lot of people who want to lose weight, much more than those who really need it. As a rule, people formulate their task this way: “ I want to lose 10 kg,” for example, on vacation. Oddly enough, this is not easy, much more difficult than losing as many kilograms of really overweight. In order to lose weight by 5 10 kg, you need an integrated approach that combines the correction of diet, lifestyle and moderate physical activity. One diet to lose 10 kg does not help, and if it helps, then not for long.
So, deciding to lose a few unnecessary kilos, first of all, do not get hung up on the thought “I want to lose 10 kg” - this will lead to the opposite result, because it will make you constantly think about what you can’t, even if there are very few of them. You just need to take into account that in a certain amount of time we will come to the desired result - we just can’t help but make some efforts. With this attitude, it will be even easier to do.
With such a mood, we sign up for a fitness club or start independent exercises. Still, professional help is preferable: a competent instructor will select exactly the exercise program that you personally need, taking into account all the problem areas. If you force yourself to do it at all is not easy, you can increase physical activity due to walking or, for example, several stops walked on foot, an excellent option is climbing stairs: this involves very important areas, the reduction of which is usually the goal of losing weight. In general, physical activity should increase significantly, but not be excessive.
In connection with the increase in physical activity, you need to reconsider the time of eating. Before starting classes, it is necessary to take a small snack in order to have enough energy for training and the road to home. Fruits, dairy products and cereals are great here. But after the class is not worth it: at this time the body builds up muscle mass, and if you eat, it will not be due to fat, but due to food, and body weight will only increase. But you can drink as much as you like, dehydration is an unpleasant and unprofitable thing.
Naturally, if I want to lose weight by 10 kg, my diet should also undergo drastic changes. Firstly, you can’t leave the body hungry for more than four hours: in this case, it will begin to fight this regime and will save a significant part of the food in reserve. By the way, according to scientists, this is considered one of the reasons that many fail to lose weight: there is a constant struggle for nutrients with their own body. Actually, it’s especially not worth limiting oneself to food precisely for this reason: you just need to give up sweet and floury foods (except for products from wholemeal flour), and also minimize fat intake. The number of servings should be gradually reduced to 150-200 g at a time in order to get used to small amounts of food, and the products should be combined in a certain way - that is, not to consume carbohydrates with proteins or fats, which, in principle, is now no secret. That is, the ideal combination is lean meat with green vegetables, somewhere in 100 g of both.
Breakfast should be hearty, classic cereal is the best solution. The only thing - they should be without milk or butter, it is possible with fruits or berries - it is very tasty. If possible, a second breakfast is desirable, but at the workplace this is not always possible - then it is better to make an early lunch. Lunch should be limited to one dish, the first or second without a side dish, but with a salad. If it’s an early dinner, then you need an afternoon snack, in quality and quantity it is no different from a second breakfast - this is a light snack. There is a lot of controversy and opinions about the dinner: someone thinks that you need to refuse it, but this is wrong: you must eat something a couple of hours before bedtime. This will ensure a normal sleep and guarantee the body a feeling of satiety, otherwise breakfast may be among the reserves that we fight. Ideal foods for dinner are unsweetened dairy products and, oddly enough, soups, best of all vegetables.
So, the task “I want to lose weight by 10 kg, preferably quickly” has a simple solution: no self-torture, the right attitude, increased activity, a decrease in a single meal, proper nutrition and no hunger strikes - and the result is guaranteed. The only thing is, if you want to return to a normal lifestyle, which is unlikely, then you need to do it gradually: reducing the load and getting used to large portions should be extended for a couple of weeks, otherwise you can lose everything that we so stubbornly sought.