CSS transition of height property from 0px to auto

Hello, Habr!

I want to share another way to create a css transition of the height property from 0px to auto .

Faced this problem when developing Web components TreeView and DataGrid. In TreeView, I decided to make a smooth expansion / collapse of nodes, and in a DataGrid - rows with additional content. After reading the Internet, I found several implementation methods, the main ones through the max-height and in javascript. The javascript implementation was ruled out - there is css with support for transitions and animations. Remained max-height , especially in the examples with drop-down menus everything works.

In the TreeView, each node has unlimited nesting, so you can’t immediately determine the maximum height of its contents, and even if you set the max-height to very large, there will be problems with the transition animation. Also, if you expand the child nodes, the height of the parent will increase and may overlap max-height . Anyway, max-height not suitable. DataGrid has the same problem - there can be any additional content in a row. Need height:auto !

So, let's start the implementation of the transition according to the height property from 0px to auto . Consider a simple example.


Define a css class for the block, in which we set the trimming of the content and the transition itself:

 .block { overflow: hidden; transition: height 500ms ease; } 

We describe the onClick event onClick for elToggle :

 elToggle.addEventListener("click", () => { if (elBlock.style.height === "0px") { elBlock.style.height = `${ elBlock.scrollHeight }px` } else { elBlock.style.height = `${ elBlock.scrollHeight }px`; window.getComputedStyle(elBlock, null).getPropertyValue("height"); elBlock.style.height = "0"; } }); 

It remains to add the return height:auto after the transition:

 elBlock.addEventListener("transitionend", () => { if (elBlock.style.height !== "0px") { elBlock.style.height = "auto" } }); 

Well, that’s all, now the expansion / collapse of the block works as it should and does not depend on the size of the content.

Figure 1 - An example of expanding / collapsing nodes in a TreeView

It is worth noting the disadvantages of this approach:

Thanks for attention!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/475520/

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