IT dictionary or What? Where? Where? Part 1

"Hi! Welcome! Thank you for accepting our offer . Let's get to know your team. They just have a daily . You came to the end of the sprint , so so far no work has been planned for you. As the stand- up ends, you can read the specs , team ociars and view the backlog for the next sprint . For all questions, contact your pio . ”
Is this some kind of nonsense or a business language? Let's try to figure it out.

IT language

Everyone who works in IT, certainly faced with professional jargon and computer slang. You can love or hate, accept or endure, but the fact remains - IT jargon exists and there’s no getting away from it.

When you come to a new company, a bunch of unfamiliar words piles on you. It seems that there are so many of them that it will take a lot of time to understand and learn all of them. You already know many words, you guess about the meaning of others, some of them are English, so it's not difficult to guess their meaning. The first reaction is rejection: “Why use English words in Russian when there are enough Russian alternatives?” Then you try to keep the language clean . As a result, you start talking just like everyone else. It's unavoidable.

Professional jargon does not exist to spoil the Russian language. It allows you to accelerate the oral communication of IT-specialists and to establish their mutual understanding. Usually words are short and succinct. Sometimes a single word contains a whole phrase. Therefore, the benefit in them, in my opinion, is.

I listened to what the developers at Wrike say and compiled a dictionary of the most common words. Words are collected by topic groups.

Scrum terminology

Scrum is a project management methodology. A set of principles, values, policies, rituals for organizing work. Scrum is full of terms, but only a part of them got into the daily routine.


From English backlog (literally - the work queue ) - the unplanned amount of work that the team needs to complete. Each task created first gets into the backlog, and then into the sprint.

As with sprints, the term is used in isolation from scrum. Often called backlog pending tasks. Which needs to be done, but not now.

Examples of use:


From English goal (literally - the goal ) - the goal of the sprint (sometimes one or more), which the team is taken to do. A goal consists of a series of tasks that must be completed in order to achieve it.

The word is used both as a noun and as an adjective. May be plural.

Examples of use:


From English daily (literally - daily ) - daily short (from 5 to 30 minutes) team meetings in order to share progress on completed tasks for the previous day and announce the work plan for the current day. Daily can also be called a standup (from daily standup ), because usually such meetings take place standing up - for greater efficiency.

Examples of use:


Verb from English commitment noun (literally - responsibility ). Committing means promising to complete a certain amount of work on time. This is not just a promise, it is a conscious commitment to yourself and the team. A person who commits is obliged to do everything possible to fulfill what he himself has promised to implement.

Examples of use:


From English sprint (literally - running a short distance ) - a given period of time for which you need to complete the planned amount of work, so that at the end of this segment there is the expected result.

The term is used not only by those who work on scrum, but also by those who simply want to organize their work and form a clear framework during which tasks must be completed.

Examples of use:

Tools for work

Technical, informational and auxiliary tools and applications for work.


From English branch (literally - branch ) - that rare case when the Russian translation of the term is in use. A branch (the term git) is a complete copy of the project under development. A lot of branches can be created in a project, which allows working simultaneously with different parts of the code. Then all branches are loaded into the master. The process of “branching” is sometimes called “ branching ”, already from branch .

Examples of use:


From English mock-up (literally - a sketch ) - a layout with a UX-design for development. Despite the fact that the word literally translates as “sketch” or “prototype”, in Wrike, ready-made, elaborate mock-ups with design are called mocks.

Examples of use:


From English production (literally - industrial environment ) - a branch with a working version of the product that users see. This is the final point where the development result gets. Sometimes also called a master.

Examples of use:


From English reference (literally - an example ) - a similar functionality or appearance that is used for a guide. It serves as a comparison.

Examples of use:


From English specification (literally - specification ) - a document with a detailed description of the requirements, conditions and technical characteristics of how the developed functionality should work.

Examples of use:


From English task (literally - a task ) - a task instituted or planned for any employee.

Examples of use:


Terms used by developers when working on tasks.


From English boost (literally - acceleration ) - the process of increasing productivity, accelerating loading.

Examples of use:


Send finished work to deploy, take steps to prepare the branch for the merge in the grocery branch.

Examples of use:


From English complete (literally - finish ) - complete the task, close the task when it is completely ready.

Examples of use:


From English consistency (literally - systematicity ) - the general uniformity in all parts of the product.

Examples of use:


From English match (literally - to match ) - the complete correspondence of something with something. The process of bringing to uniformity.

Examples of use:


A term similar to the verb “kick”, which also means “do” and “work”. The specific value is determined by the prefix. To undermine - to do a little, to finish - to finish.

Examples of use:

A pen

From English handler (literally - a handler ) - a backend term that means a response from the server in which the data arrives.

Examples of use:


From English scope (literally - volume ) - a set of features and product parts assigned to a separate team.

Examples of use:


From English feature (literally - characteristic ) - a specific part or part of a common product that is developed in isolation.

Examples of use:


From English flow (literally - flow ) - the order of actions when working on a task. For example, at first the task is taken into development, then it passes a review, then it is tested, etc.

Examples of use:


Some posts whose names have come into use in the form of abbreviations from English.


From English DevOps , short for Developer Operations (literally - integration of development and operation ) - is a specialist in the implementation of the DevOps methodology. The full title of the post is DevOps engineer, but in speech, the second part is always discarded.

Examples of use:


From English PO , short for Product Owner (literally - the owner of the product ) - the role according to scrum methodology, the person responsible for the development of the product and the distribution of backlog. He knows about the requirements of the user and the capabilities of the team.

Examples of use:


From English PM , short for Product Manager (literally - product manager ) - is the manager who is responsible for the product, its responsibilities coincide with those of the PIO, the only difference is that this is the name of the position, not the role in the scrum. Just like pio, piems can be called product .

Examples of use:


Terms related to the organization of work, as well as terms used in informal speech when discussing something.


From English day-off (literally - day off ) - just a day off.

Examples of use:


From English driver (literally - driver ) - a person who takes the initiative to manage a project / process / task. His responsibilities include monitoring and managing the process he created. It motivates other people to do work to achieve their goals.

Examples of use:


From English concern (literally - anxiety, participation ) - in English the word "consern" has many different meanings, and it is very often used in Russian speech. What kind of meaning the author puts into it is known only to himself. Sometimes it is a mixture of many meanings, such as: special interest, anxiety, purpose, alertness, fear, etc.

Examples of use:


From English OKR , short for Objectives and Key Results (literally - goals and key results ) - a system for setting and achieving goals. It is needed to synchronize the work of all participants in the company / department / team, so that everyone moves in one direction, with clear priorities and a constant rhythm. Unlike KPI, this is an ambitious goal-setting, reaching 70-80% of okiar (okrov) is an excellent result.

Examples of use:


From English offer (literally - offer ) - a job offer / invitation to work.

Examples of use:


From English point (literally - point ) - most often used in the meaning of "point of view", short for point of view . Also in the meanings: “essence”, “meaning”, “argument”.

Examples of use:

This is the first part of the IT dictionary. Soon the second one will be released. Tell me, did you know a lot of words before that, and about what terms do you hear about for the first time?


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