Tesla Navigation System and OSM 1 | Teslamotorsclub - Map data OpenStreetMap contributors
- User SelfishSeahorse suggests marking on the OSM lanes on roads that are specially reserved for pedestrians.
- StreetCred is a company founded by Randy Michem after the close of MapZen. It provides its own POIs with an MTV tile server, which can be used in iD as an additional user layer.
- Hanikatu asked how to mark complex objects that have more than one property. As an example, he gives a street lamp to which several different devices are attached at once (road sign, street mirror). The answers were different: from designating these objects by different points to using a relationship of the type
. - Amazon Logistics found that the city of Nottingham (UK) did not correctly draw the inter-city one-way highway. Interestingly, this error is 11 years old. Now the path will be much shorter.
- Opensnowmap.org now provides more comprehensive information on daily and weekly changes to ski slopes and winter sports related infrastructure at OpenStreetMap.
- Voting for the
, which proposes marking places for sunbathing (tanning), has ended. There were a total of 18 votes and 2 comments without the right to vote. “For” 13 votes were cast, which amounted to 72%, when at least 75% of the votes were needed for approval. - The vote on the choice between the two tags -
and phone=*
- the main one ended. It was proposed to abandon the use of the contact:phone=*
tag, preferring the older and more common phone=*
. For - 46 votes, against - 60. For almost 10 years this topic has not ceased. - OpenStreetMap-India on Twitter reported on the success of the OSM community in the Indian state of Kerala , which managed to convince local authorities to support their mapping initiative aimed at localizing the effects of natural disasters - Mapathon Keralam . The Hindu, India's third largest English newspaper, has published material on this topic.
- A Luzandro user, using the BEV address registry data, made a map of Austria's roads that are not marked in OSM.
- At the suggestion of Ilya Zverev, border crossings of Russia are being mapped in RU-OSM using the MapRoulette service.
- According to Tahira, the first daily climate in Heidelberg was held from October 26 to 27 at the European Molecular Biological Laboratory. Its participants worked in groups on five tasks, each of which was somehow related to solving the problem of climate change. The first place went to the BikeBuddy and Spring Up teams, which included members of the Giscience research group at the University of Heidelberg.
The BikeBuddy team was working on a task that was set by the University of Heidelber. She developed an application that would lay interesting cycling routes. It is assumed that in this way people can be encouraged to travel by bike rather than by car. The main thing the team focused on was the safety of the bicycle route (the availability of lighting, etc.). The project is based on OSM data and OpenRouteService service algorithms. . It should be noted that the event was held as part of the World Climate. - Branko Kokanovich shared his success in using open data on residential multi-apartment buildings in Serbia.
- OpenStreetMap US has prepared issue number 1 of its newsletter, which discusses the activities of OSM-US and contains news, both from the US and around the world, on the topic of OSM.
OpenStreetMap Foundation
- Dorothea Kazazy at the 13th Annual General Meeting of Members reported on the procedure and details of the upcoming election of members of the OpenStreetMap Foundation Board. Nomination of candidates will last until November 10, 2019. If you want to vote, you must become a member of the OSM Foundation by November 14, 2019. At the time of writing, eight candidates had been nominated. Places Kate Chapman, Heather Leson, Mikel Maron and Frederick Ramm are vacant. Only Mikel Maron is running again. We encourage everyone to become members of the OSM Foundation and take part in the elections. If you cannot pay a membership fee or cannot transfer funds abroad, we recommend that you become a member of the OSM Foundation Membership Exemption Program .
- Frederick Ramm told members of the OpenStreetMap Foundation that the board is proposing several changes to the charter, mainly due to the mass registration of employees of one company on the eve of last year’s council election. In addition to changing the charter, which will require a quorum of 75% of ordinary OSM fund members, it is also proposed to cancel the membership fee for those community members who have made a significant contribution to its development. The OSMF Council has provided a pdf file with details of the planned changes.
- Christoph Hormann (Imico) has prepared some tips for candidates for the OSM Foundation Board who will go through the electoral process. Basically, his wishes relate to how best to present his position and prepare answers to the general list of questions asked to candidates.
- Just Schuppe wrote about his first year as a member of the OSM Foundation Board. He shared what worries him about the OSM as a whole, how heavy the burden lies with the seven volunteers, and what procedures are missing. Quite interesting thoughts, as well as the discussion that began after this post.
Humanitarian OSM
- The Giscience research group of the University of Heidelberg published a presentation article on its blog entitled “So much data and so little time: getting the right data about the risks and consequences for forecasting” that they will make during the 7th International Platform for Dialogue on Financing for Based on forecasts in Berlin.
- The IDEAL-VGI project aims to determine how a territory is used using geographic information created by volunteers and satellite imagery. This project is a collaboration between the Giscience research group of the University of Heidelberg and the Technical University of Berlin.
- Infos-RĂ©seaux.com wrote on Twitter that in France brought more than 1 thousand power lines in OSM.
- Topi Tyukanov invited everyone to join the action he came up with: every day in November, make a new map on a given topic and publish it with the hashtag # 30daymapchallenge . Many participants use data from OSM. Sponholz created an album with the best works on imgur.
We pass to OSM
- The Strava app , which was specifically designed for runners and cyclists, uses OSM as the basis for its map. Strava recently introduced a new map visualization that highlights the details that runners and cyclists want to see the most.
- [1] The driver of Tesla Army_1 noticed that in the built-in navigation application Smart Summon, which allows Tesla to drive to the owner’s location in the parking lot on his own, he changes the route when he edits the parking area in OSM.
Open data
- Theofil Merlier from the Etalab team reported on the improvement and correction of errors in the official geolocation address database, based on three walks of several hours each, and its publication on the BAN (Base Adresse Nationale) of France.
- Dr. Adrian Mallory wrote an article calling on everyone to unite and work together so that big data becomes the strength and foundation of social benefits, rather than a source of income for super-rich, hidden forms of manipulation and reinforcement of social inequality.
- A new version of the JOSM editor has been released. Major changes: scales in TMS layers increased to 24, https is no longer supported by remote control, the ability to import data in GeoJSON format.
- Do not forget to look into the topic of the German forum " Updating OSM software " to keep abreast of new versions of various applications and software related to OSM. The Wambacher user updates this list once a week. For example, not so long ago a new version of the Windy Maps mobile application was released.
OSM in the media
- A plot was released on the TV channel TV5Monde, which tells us that a project for mapping public transport began its work in the city of Bamako (Mali). Read more about this initiative on WikiOSM. .
Other geo events
- Archie Archambo is a cartographer who believes that maps should be drawn by direct traversal and “within sight”. Archie is working on a project to create mental maps that allow you to understand the essence of a city.
- Victor shows how to download free maps to Garmin Fenix ​​or EDGE.
- Want to attend one event that takes place as part of the Wizrds Unite promotion? You have identified. The interesting thing about this news is that the library coordinates are taken from OSM.
- As part of the third Tokyo Public Transport hackathon, Akihiko Kusanagi has developed a 3D Tokyo public transport map that moves around the map in real time.
Communication of Russian OpenStreetMap participants is in the Telegram
chat room and on the
forum . There are also groups on social networks
VKontakte ,
Facebook , but they mainly publish news.
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