Our won: TopCoder Open 2019


The final of the TopCoder Open 2019 championship was held in Houston on November 13-16, and Gena Korotkevich (Belarus) took first place in two competitive tracks at once: Algorithm and Marathon. Nobody has managed to do this before in one year! An excellent end to the 2019 season, in which Gene had already won the finals of two other major competitions: Google Code Jam and Facebook Hacker Cup.

Topcoder Open is an annual individual professional programming tournament hosted by Topcoder Inc. It has been carried out according to the Topcoder system since 2001. There are six types of competitions in Topcoder: Algorithm, Development, First2Finish, UI Design, UI Prototype and Marathon.

Marathon Match (MM) is an optimization task that even the organizers do not know the right answer to. The programmer must offer the most effective solution in a short time.

Algorithm (SRM) is a classic sports programming. In an hour and a half, you need to solve problems in Java, C #, C ++ or Python.

EDISON Software - web-development
This article was prepared with the support of EDISON Software, which develops an electronic medical examination system and also supports software .


Finalists 2019


Gennady Korotkevich was born in 1994 in Belarus. In 2012, he entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) at the Faculty of Information Technology and Programming. In 2018, he decided to continue his studies at the ITMO graduate school.

Interview with Gennady

Past Algorithm (SRM) Winners

Previous Years Marathon Match (MM) Winners

Past Winners in First to Finish (F2F)

Competitors are provided with a set of small programming tasks (for example, fixing bugs / improvements in the existing code base), and they receive estimates based on who will solve each problem in advance.

Past Winners in Software Development

Participants, in accordance with customer requirements for a software component / product, must implement the component / product in the best way in 4 hours.

UI Design Nominees Winners

Participants are invited to create the best (visual) user interface design for a software product / web portal, etc. according to customer requirements

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/476270/

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