For those who work at Houdini. About Nature of Vex and Bites of Python courses

Under the cut you will find feedback from specialists from the Houdini Team of the Krasnodar studio Plarium about the video courses Nature of Vex and Bites of Python from Mix Training dedicated to working with the Python and Vex languages ​​in the Houdini graphics program.

Also in this post, the guys share a selection of materials that will be useful to all interested.

A little introductory

The Vex language scares beginner Houdini users. Largely thanks to him, there was a stereotype that Houdini must be encoded. In fact, you can code in Houdini, and this just makes it easier and faster than many processes, rather than complicating them. For example, it helps to avoid such creepy setups:

The Vex language was created for writing shaders in the Mantra renderer (the built-in renderer of the Houdini program), but quickly went beyond its original use due to its flexibility, simplicity, and speed. The name of the language comes from the abbreviation Vector EXpressions, but with it you can manipulate completely different types of data. So, Vex is mainly used for various kinds of manipulations with geometry components (points, polygons), as well as for procedural creation of geometry.

The Vex language is rather undemanding to the syntax and formatting of the code, it has a not very high entry threshold. Often a couple or three lines are enough to achieve the desired result. Among its advantages are also multithreading and, as a result, good speed. Vex programming is needed both for solving elementary problems and for complex and complex calculations, and the language copes with all this extremely quickly. With it, you can do a lot of amazing things in procedural modeling, in animation and simulations.

Of course, we like it when someone thinks that we are all such programmers, but in fact we are used to functionality and convenience (although many, when working in Houdini for the first time, may decide that it is more convenient only to sleep on nails). If some tool did not make our life easier, we would not use it. Therefore, do not take the possibility of programming as something that prevents you from starting to learn Houdini. Vex is just another (albeit very good) tool among many others.

Python, much better known in wide circles, does not need a presentation and a detailed description. We’ll tell you why he is to us. In the context of Houdini, Python is used to control the program itself (creating nodes in a project, file operations, automating repetitive operations, playing complex combinations of actions, etc.). We also need Python programming to create beautiful interfaces in tools and write convenient commands that control assets when a button is clicked. If the button “make beautifully” existed in the Houdini asset, it would be written in Python. In addition, it is sometimes used to manipulate geometry (like the Vex language), but you need to understand that Python is less intuitive to configure for such purposes and often does it more slowly than Vex.

More about courses

Houdini's developer, Side Effects Software, releases so many updates and provides so many features for users that the official documentation and official training courses simply do not have time to be updated. Therefore, we collect information bit by bit from various sources (paid, free, official and not very) in order to fully master these flexible and powerful tools - the programming languages ​​Vex and Python (and Houdini in general). Our choice fell on courses from Mix Training, as they claimed to be a wide coverage of material about Python and Vex in Houdini.

The course author has a YouTube channel (a good resource for those who want to start learning Houdini), characterized by an informal relaxed presentation and a lot of topics, from motion design to game dev. In addition to the channel, he also has his own death-metal garage band. We decided that the author should be trusted, and acquired Nature of Vex and Bites of Python , for 8 hours each course (you can watch at a speed of 1.5).


The course has a lot of things for beginners, but this did not bother us at all. By reviewing video tutorials or re-reading articles about basic things in Houdini, you find something new and understand what you already know. In addition, in Houdini, almost everything can be done in different ways, forming over time your own unique style, therefore it is always valuable and interesting to observe the work of a wizard. Even the way the nodes are organized in a project can tell a lot about its creator.

And the cons ...

In our opinion, the pros greatly outweigh the cons. If you want to more or less systematically explore the possibilities of programming in Houdini (and Houdini itself), then you can start with these video tutorials. They will also be a good complement to other training materials and resources - like an overview of the main aspects of using Vex and Python in Houdini or a video guide where you can quickly peek at something.

Bonus: some inspiring and educational links


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